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Everything posted by azda

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290838094116;jsessionid=39D46C69053D7D17CEDE3DB2E1BA311C?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D290838094116%26_rdc%3D1
  2. A 1902 currency crown for over 3k? Madness in a slab? What grade?
  3. What did the 60/59 penny go for?
  4. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Which still leaves us wondering who'll pay £32 for a Churchill Crown? And where can I find these people? Billpuguk and it was actually £33.02
  5. Thats kind of what i thought and to which the original seller of this coin confirms. He sold it to this seller as VF, now a new grade appears. Old seller sold it for £1500 and new seller adds a grade and £1000.
  6. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It's a CGS slab, and the seller's name contains 'lockett'. Far be it from me to start a conspiracy theory, but ... Sellers address is Longfield Kent. Gill Lockett. Does Stink a little though
  7. azda

    Victoria 1869 penny.

    More than one I think. Well the one i highlighted is starting high, yours is a quid, so you'll get more bites
  8. azda

    Victoria 1869 penny.

    There's actually another 1869 on eBay 121044529915
  9. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    1818/9 apparently. I'd like to know how he's come to that conclusion considering you can't see the last digit 251208547371
  10. I've come to the conclusion that Paulus must be the most unluckiest collector i've known
  11. azda

    1983 2p NEW PENCE! value?

    It would'nt be in my collection Peter
  12. azda

    1983 2p NEW PENCE! value?

    750 quid in Spink 2013................Number 4236A
  13. Do you have any other photos of this coin? It may just be the angle of the light that makes it look lightly polished. Lightly polished Nick? Mirror springs to mind lol
  14. azda

    SCBC 2013

    That makes a certain amount of sense, especially if their research shows that buyers of gold are a much smaller market. Splits up the issues for most reigns though, which is a pity. I'd buy into a "Standard Catalogue Part I Roman to 1662" then "Part II 1663-1967". Those who collect hammered AND milled would buy both (as at present) but others could just buy the half they were interested in. There is a precedent of sorts - in 1968 Seaby published a catalogue of coins from 1816 onwards - unlike the main catalogue up until then, it carried values for every date, not just every type. Don't think this is quite right - what was promised in the foreword was a NEW book for gold, containing details of varieties, like ESC is for silver. They will split the standard catalogue into 2 books, predecimal and decimal. You will get less varieties in these books going forward as these will be listed in the updated ESC ( and the new "EGC"). Think this is major good news, as ESC is so out of date, and an "EGC" has been needed for years. Philip What was promised was promised last year for this year which was to seperate the decimal into a seperate issue, but will apparently happen next year like it did'nt this year. Not sure how popular that would actually be, but an edition every 5 years would probably suffice. What would be great is an updated ESC which is in the pipeline and also an Updated "Coins of SCotland, Ireland and the Islands as The last was now 10 years ago
  15. azda


    ahh to be 17 again... If only can add 10 years onto that figure on Monday And another 10 come May
  16. Hmmm OBV and REV don't quite match. REV bright and shiny, OBV dull, strang. Nice REV though Unless its My aye phone of course When are you going to parade the 1903?
  17. Ouch! And a nasty shock when they came to move it on. Do we think the other one (no sig) is just a standard 6+G F.39 too, then? Aye, i'm fairly sure both are normal and not varities. Certainly the 1862 they are saying had 1/2d numerals is a bog Standard 1862. well done stacks and their cataloguer who should be shot at dawn for thise 2 errors. God knows how he came to the conclusions he did
  18. azda

    French Coins

    All 3 in VF grade, first NVF from the picture other 2 VF from what i can see, but no OBVs?
  19. I made a date typo; it should be January 11th. The link, https://ssl.bowersandmerena.com/auctions/AuctionLots.aspx?AuctionID=179&SessionID=330, should take you there. Thanks Declan. No problem, Cathrine. No, that's a bog standard 1862 and it's got four little chunks out of the edge... It certainly is a bog standard 1862, plus verdigris. Who on earth would bid $900 without doing "due diligence"? An American with Deep pockets and trusting the auctioneer
  20. The 1862 with halfpenny numerals looks like regulär penny numerals to me
  21. azda


    Happy New year all
  22. azda

    Anne guinea

    And now compare
  23. You wouldn't be allowed that luxury in the Bonny Land! I've just been talking with my old Dundonian friend on the phone, and he's just been kidnapped by his two brothers! It's no wonder you moved to Deutschland! Happy New Year, Dave! New year in Dundee as a legal aged drinker was excellent. We used to go to the City Square where about 5000 people gathered waiting for the bells, then grab the first Woman avaliable and smooch. 1 year it was a female Police woman, i asked first incase she arrested me lol. Now i hear they closed City Square off to Cut back the policing costs. Its now just another day for me here in Munich, does'nt excite me the way it used to in the teens and 20s. I've become a boring fart
  24. azda

    Anne guinea

    Dupliate post
  25. azda

    Anne guinea

    I can still see a faint Spot, but i suppose people see what they want to see