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Everything posted by azda

  1. Maybe look around first and see what floats your boat. It may be bright and shiny silver, it might be copper, or a design or Monarch that you might like. Only you can decide, but take your time.
  2. It would depend on how much you have to spend on the hobby weekly/monthly
  3. azda

    Anne guinea

    If you read the reply from peckris there is a faint hint of the stop, which i can now also see, so more than likely a clogged die than a variety
  4. Murdoch III, lot 529 partt(2) £7/17/6d Bt Evan Roberts Plymouth Auction Rooms 18/4/2008 lot 35 sold for £16500 St.James's 15, 30/9/2010 lot 554 sold for £114000. All prices are hammer. Hope this helps. 97,500 GBP profit in 2 years is'nt bad work
  5. azda

    Anne guinea

    1713 in spink 2013 EF is £3750
  6. azda

    Anne guinea

    Nice coin with a hint of wear to the shoulder, I bet you're pleased with that.
  7. £114000 equates to $184000 without Commission
  8. Ooooooh, slabbing..................
  9. azda

    Anne guinea

    Use photobucket then paste the code into your reply, you don't need to reduce the size of your picrures then
  10. Glad you got rhat off your chest Vicky
  11. Yes i know Peck, i was making My own statement.
  12. This was attributed as London mint, but i think it's Aberystwyth?
  13. Saying all that, i actually did'nt pay very much for it, and i bought it with the intention of selling it on the bay, but as i've kept looking at the images yesterday i made the decision to keep it. Finding a few more in similar grade would be great and have a Benchmark now. Geez another side collection, just what i need
  14. azda

    engraved coins

    Ooh! Good luck if you go for it! There are some very nice pieces there to my eyes. The 1723 shilling is a stunner ... good thing I only collect Charles I! Its sitting at $900 just now, so probably beyond me now,
  15. This one gives me goosebumps everytime i hear it. It has to be one of the best intros to a song EVER!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLKiMbC6s2k
  16. Ok, it seems Spink are getting confusing for the Chas I MMs. I'm looking in 2013 guide on page 272 and no wonder it gets confusing. On this page they have a list of MMs one of those being the crown MM 70 they have it listed on this page as 75 with date period 1635-6 and then on page 273 they have a slightly different varient of the crown MM and again its 75 but with a different date period of 1648-9 with Aberystwyth furnace, so 13 years in between both periods, no wonder it gets confusing with Spink..............2012 Spink also uses the same as above The Brooker book does'nt list the Shilling in there for the Furnace mint at all, only Halfcrowns, sixpence, groat, threepence and halfgroats are listed, it does however list the Aberystwyth mint itself, so i'm assuming these are different again because Aberystwyth mint has plumes on the OBV, or have i missed something? North is only slightly more clearer, with just a subtle difference between both crowns, where the middle (ornament?) of the London mint crown is more in the middle, whereas the Aberystwyth is near the bottom of the Crown I bet the civil war was started because of these bloody MMs
  17. Heritage prices are really so far out of context, 1911 Half Sov proof, starting price $875 which is basically Spink 2013 book price for this coin, its estimate is $1750, so double Spinks guide. This is one of the reasons i never bid at Heritage, definately an overpriced auction house.
  18. azda

    engraved coins

    I can't see anything that suggests the coin isn't genuine. As for the engraving, that too looks contemporary. I suspect after the restoration of the monarchy there was little appetite for such pieces until perhaps the Victorian era, so the liklihood of it being done very much after the death of Charles I seems low to me. Of course, I'm not an expert on such thingss. Though if I had the funds I'd love to collect a few curiosities such as this! I had my eyes on this one
  19. You've got a copy of the Sharp article in your BNJ downloads! I found it an easy read, and very logically laid out! It's not massive either, so an hour well spent, darling! Biatch
  20. It was a bugger Richard, i only noticed the 1 styled crown and thats where the confusion arose. Saying that, where i bought it from had the date of 1648-49 London mint which is why i thought it was mis-attributed because 1648-9 is Aberystwyth furnace but that crown MM crown (75) is wider than crown MM (70). But still, a pleasing coin, looking a little bright unless thats the scan. These Charles I Coins still give me a headache.
  21. The mint mark on this coin is crown over bell on both the obverse and reverse marks, but really does not make it any rarer than say a standard crown on it's own. But even so a scarce coin and quite a nice VF even with the corrosion. Did'nt notice it was crown over bell, now i do since you pointed it out there. Thanks again
  22. Thanks for that coin watch, the confusion lay because i only noticed the 1 crown MM in Spink, there is obviously 2 crowns, slightly differing in shape.