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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    Storing silver coins

    The 1997 Proof Britannia is definately one of My favourite designs. I'd also go along with the wreath crowns theory. Only a few to collect but 1934 will be a bitch. Also beware of the fakes
  2. azda

    Storing silver coins

    Hello Jay and welcome to the forum. To address your security issue firstly, My simple answer would be firstly not to tell anyone that you collect coins, word of mouth spreads and could eventually be overheard by the wrong person. Take good pictures of each coin in your collection and get seperate insurance for your coins, i'd also suggest a small house safe which can be bought in argos relatively cheap. As you seem to live near water the silca gel packs are a good choice when storing, but various people have different methods. I use coin capsules with the foam rings for instance, others use caninets, unfortunately you can't put a cabinet in a safe, so it might depend on what your Security might eventually be.
  3. The rare proof is Matte, so yours is most likely the regular one. CCGB 2 years ago was a bit conservative on the non-proof, £60 BU compared to £40 for proof. Yet Spink way back in 2005 had the proof at £40 also, but even back then, the non-proof was £75. Now it would be at least £100 I'm thinking. Spink 2013 has the proof at £50 and currency at £150
  4. Not if you watched the Xmas Day Dr Who! Stay warm and safe Bob! David Really really silly story. But it doesn't seem to matter that much as Dr Who is character-driven these days, and his latest companion is OMG drop-dead gorgeous. You need to stay off those little blue meds Peck, you're mixing them up with the angina tablets
  5. azda

    1861 Halfpennies

    Now there's a few hours of your life you'll never get back
  6. Surprisingly it was 60 Fahrenheit here in Munich Christmas eve and Christmas day. Apparently the hottest on Record for those 2 days, shorts and tshirt weather and not a Christmas Jumper in sight
  7. The Pearce kind of provenance? No, the Colin cooke kind i can hear your teeth grinding Stuart
  8. Hence the reason i don't purchase Willy nilly These days Stuart. Did i mention i found 2 farthings with provenance
  9. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It does actually look a little Better than LCs grading but all that cracking over the flan would put me off it straight away
  10. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not so much a laugh as an extra grade from a prominent seller http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/COMMONWEALTH-HAMMERED-SILVER-CROWN-1653-S3214-/280961736824?pt=UK_Coins_BritishHammered_RL&hash=item416a9fe078 The second in the list look familiar? From AF to now GF http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?searchterm=1653+commonwealth+crown&searchtype=1&page=Pastresults
  11. Lol, lets not get me started on PCGS and American TPGs grading
  12. Nice looking coin Mike. What is the CGS grade? Wonder what CGS would grade this one at http://www.sixbid.com/browse.html?auction=604&category=13644&lot=614355
  13. Hope the wife knowa how to male a nut roast Rob lol
  14. I've already seen 2 or 3 Stuart, a tad expensive but with great pedigree, so we'll see if they are still avaliable after the festivities. happy xmas
  15. azda

    Useful links (members posts)

    Stuart Royal Farthing tokens identification website http://www.stuartroyalfarthingtokens.com/rft-identification-and-grading-guide/
  16. Might be useful for those without Tim Eversons book. I'll also add this to the "useful links" thread so it can be easily found in the future http://www.stuartroyalfarthingtokens.com/rft-identification-and-grading-guide/
  17. http://offer.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&_trksid=p2047675.l2565&rt=nc&item=370696830493
  18. Frohe weinachten......and a happy Crimble fae me tae
  19. azda

    Victoria 1869 penny.

    I sold one to Taiwan, a very nice Chas II crown. Its Hit and miss but lets not forget, people look through .com and has a bigger audience than the UK site plus its not just americans that use .com, so for Coins with larger prices i generally use com, simply because they have more cash
  20. azda

    Victoria 1869 penny.

    I use Airsure wich Tracks to the door worldwide and insured costing £10
  21. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    His reply to My question HI VERY SORRY FOR BIG MISTAKE ,THIS COIN IS FORGERY He does'nt sound English eithet, plus he's obviously trying to pull a fast one by conviently forgetting to add that its a fake. One to watch me thinks
  22. azda

    Victoria 1869 penny.

    I always post worlwide, bigger audience. Don't forget to tick the ebay.com visibility
  23. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Must be unique http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HALF-CROWN-1673-N-RARE-/380534359653?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item58999d8665