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Everything posted by azda

  1. And this has been dipped to long 120985595521 someone insert url please Here: http://www.ebay.co.u...5521%26_rdc%3D1 Horrid. Hard to see that toning back, ever. Which basically comes back to ski' question and whether/or rather he had/has a suspision that 1 or 2 of his coins had been dipped. You now have 2 references Ski. PS.........The coin in question from the url is from a Mr Platt, notorious for overgrading and dipping, that's his wifes ebay name
  2. And this has been dipped to long 120985595521 someone insert url please
  3. azda

    starting with food...

    journalism Correct.... now its ASBOs Junkies and teenage pregnancies
  4. azda

    starting with food...

    There are no crocodiles in Dundee because the jam and jute industries are repellent to them. You forgot one of the 3 Js that Dundee was once famous for
  5. That was a 10 second dip Peter and then run under the tap a while
  6. azda

    starting with food...

    I think the X FACTOR are the childrens choice of the week, i'm sure in my memory that my brother and i (please note Peckris) were allowed some sort of TV privilages back in the day, which may have included such shows as Starsky & Hutch, Dukes of Hazzard, generation game sesame street and rainbow lol
  7. im glad peckris isnt here tonight............we would both be in for a ticking off............ coming back to the coin shown at the start of the thread........dipping may improve the coin, or not dependant on your view, as you say it may make it blotchy.....i think that was the term used.......looking out for a more pleasing example may be the better option rather than trying to make the coin something it isnt and maybe reducing its value along the way. tarnishing/toning...........i can see what your saying, maybe the difference is as you say, tarnish is the build up of grime...........im still not sure if i personally like coins dipped or cleaned, maybe for me the crud is good. I totally agree. I don't think that the topic starter coin could be dipped and come out smelling of roses. Its far to ingrained in my opinion and may leave tell tale stains that it's been dipped. Most notably these appear around the legends and deeper parts of the coin.My next question would be though, would you have known i'd dipped the Halfcrown?Did'nt realise, but my coin is 100 years old next year So that does beg a question, when do you/anyone regard a coin as being old........A 100 year old coin in human terms is old, but in the coin collecting world, when do we regard a coin as actually being an old coin?
  8. The coin was lightly tarnished. I personally like toning on a coin, which as you say adds character to the coin. This coin was more tarnish than tone. You can't eradicate years of tone, but you can tarnish. As to the differences, i can't really say to be honest, perhaps this is more on top of the coin, while the topic starter is more ingrained into the coin. Maybe someone else can explain those differences. May i just add that i've also highlighted your spelling mistake of their and what should have been they're, welcome to my hell P.s. Tarnish could be more like dirt/grime etc,The original picture looked grubby compared to the result, i don't think you can completely get rid of toning, nice toning adds to a coins appeal, the tarnish on this did'nt
  9. azda

    starting with food...

    for shit.......did i pass? I spelt it the Japenese way, without the A I have a Japanese friend called Taka sooki (Lets see how your Jockinese is)
  10. azda

    starting with food...

    sooo many questions...... 1/........did they throw the pike back? 2/........if so, how many people did it take to throw back the 55lb pike? 3/........if not, is the lake now over-run with trout? 4/........why were you sworn to secrecy?......was it during the war? 5/........how did they get all the trout to exactly 1lb? 6/........what car transported the fishing tackle to the lake? They used a Japenese Whaling vessel that was in the area
  11. It would only be recorded if found during writing the Book. Rayner gives die numbers but states they could be higher.
  12. I'll Show you my 1913 HC result when i get home Peter, turned out really good, the tarnish was'nt heavy on it. I'll drop the before and after picture in here
  13. azda

    starting with food...

    Yes, Adolf......You would'nt associate Bermuda with an onion though, maybe France, strange one that. I Wonder if Holland would do a commemorative one with a Cannabis plant REV and the UK with an ASBO REV lol
  14. azda

    starting with food...

    I see Debbie has some taste then Peter, Dream on Leek boy lol
  15. azda

    starting with food...

    This may well end up with Mickey Rourke (aka Peter) and Kim Basinger (aka Mrs Peters) in 9 and a half Leeks
  16. I think there might be to much tarnish on that Florin to dip it, it may come out patchy.
  17. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    God knows, i just hit enter for the lucky dip
  18. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And of course its a private listing, so you (well, us mere mortals) can't message the buyers... Azda - over to you son! I deapiar at what some of these people are looking at when checking the poctures
  19. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    r***e 245 FB
  20. Regarding the freemail situation. I'm guessing this is all to do with spambots that come from most freemail addresses. I've encountered this once before with my German web.de address. There are 2 versions of this though, the free one and a paying one. I use the paying one because i'm Scottish and tight as a ducks arse, dunno why it would happen to an Englishman though
  21. Oh dear that's another addiction started Errrr yes quite possibly. The frau will not be best pleased
  22. Depends how much you want to spend. Better are available and should be found in a reasonable timeframe. They are nowhere near as rare as the halfcrown or shilling in high grade, but are still scarce. Aim to pay 2-3 times that for a 1903 or 4 in similar grade. Thanks as ever Rob, priceless advice ... but why are 1905 florins priced at 3-4 times 1903 and 1904 (just going by latest Tony Clayton prices)? Is this an example where price guides are massively wrong? This is what his website says you might expect to pay a dealer for Eddie 7 florins, is this way out Rob? ok, it wont let me post another image at the moment, in summary: 1903 VF 35 EF 120 1904 VF 40 EF 150 1905 VF 160 EF 600 If so, I am using the wrong information to guide me! You seem to readily rely on Tony Claytons website for prices Paul. Go through some auction houses realised prices and check those, those will be more up to date for this year. A little homework goes a long way Thanks Dave and noted, it is true that I use Spink and Clayton et al as a guide, realising that I might be able to obtain the coins in those grades at auctions etc at half the dealers'/listed prices if I do my homework ... but I was trusting them as relative price guides, i.e. 1905 florins realising 3-4 times more than 1903 and 1904, perhaps I shouldn't! Always learning! Bear in mind that the price you see is not including commission, so you'd have to add about 20% roughly
  23. Depends how much you want to spend. Better are available and should be found in a reasonable timeframe. They are nowhere near as rare as the halfcrown or shilling in high grade, but are still scarce. Aim to pay 2-3 times that for a 1903 or 4 in similar grade. Thanks as ever Rob, priceless advice ... but why are 1905 florins priced at 3-4 times 1903 and 1904 (just going by latest Tony Clayton prices)? Is this an example where price guides are massively wrong? This is what his website says you might expect to pay a dealer for Eddie 7 florins, is this way out Rob? ok, it wont let me post another image at the moment, in summary: 1903 VF 35 EF 120 1904 VF 40 EF 150 1905 VF 160 EF 600 If so, I am using the wrong information to guide me! You seem to readily rely on Tony Claytons website for prices Paul. Go through some auction houses realised prices and check those, those will be more up to date for this year. A little homework goes a long way