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Everything posted by azda

  1. Sorry Derek, Peck Said Britain makes the best cars, my statement was intended as to which British cars? Not foreign owned companies who apply the Technology and Hand it to the UK to produce. I also meant cars that are affordable to Joe public and not the millionaire types
  2. A clogged die, no biggie, happens often
  3. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    But that would mean no coins for you Scott
  4. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Lmfao, theiy state they've been selling since 1997 and their scrolling bar states they've been selling for 12 years, what happened to the other 3 years?
  5. Britain makes the best cars? Really? Which ones. Porsche, Rolls Royce, BMW, Audi or VW? I'm at a loss as to which you're reffering to Peck, can't be the Bugatti veryon either because that's also German. Give me a clue me old bean. Bugger i forgot Mercedes to, surely that F1 team can't be based in the UK, nor Ferrari. Don't even want to start on the modern day coinage, its dire
  6. If we could make coins and cars as good as the Chinese and Germans we'd be laughing
  7. Another here 251109961475 scary eh
  8. Unfortunately not all coins that people collect come with logbooks Stuart, so as is always said, know you area of collecting extremely well
  9. azda

    Recent aquisitions

    The little guys South African Penny arrived Liking the REV design to
  10. Is there one publication that gives the average weights of earlier coins? Something i've been looking for to Derek. Now that this thread has made a kind of conclusion, is it possible to open a new thread called Fakes and post it in there and sticky pin it for future refrences?
  11. Ok, so basically from what i'm seeing from Palves' coin picture, to Robs and then to mine is that the base of the 9 on Palves' picture is thicker than mine and Robs 9 in the pictures.The slope of the 9 gets thinner as it curves round at the bottom, but Palves' picture, the slope of the 9 stays fat at the bottom and there is no bubble like serif at the end of the 9 in Palves' picture, whereas there is in mine and Robs. Just observations, and theory Palves, is it possible to get a better picture of the 9 in the date?
  12. what's the weight of your's Dave? I'll get back to you with the weight.
  13. And mine for another comparison. Buying from China is never a good idea
  14. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This part of the listing made me laugh Please note that we will send this coin out to the successful bidder by way of insured delivery given the obvious value and novelty of this product. NOVELTY a fake coin on eBay is never a novelty
  15. azda

    On the subject of forgeries...

    Last time I looked Scotland were in the UK. I know the Scots would rather it were different, but there you are. Yes scotland is actually in the UK and when i lived in England and went back with scottish notes they refused them which i find is akin to racism. Our notes are legal tender in the UK. There's places in London that accept €s yet not their own currency, its discrimination pure and simple. English pound coins are faked to death yet they'll still accept them, so why not scottish notes.????
  16. Seuk, just register another eBay name, simples.......
  17. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And here's a Sovereign with a 2 Pound bust, must be rare!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320945692459?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D320945692459%26_rdc%3D1
  18. azda

    engraved coins

    Another for Debbie perhaps? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/c3-1700s-Silver-Coin-Hand-Engraved-LOVE-TOKEN-Cason-Family-1746-/350579281385?_trksid=p4340.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D555001%26algo%3DPW.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D29%26meid%3D529860475934386421%26pid%3D100009%26prg%3D1021%26rk%3D2%26
  19. Was that a positive feedback then? Yup
  20. Continental coin with a 165 FB score was the buyers name
  21. I fear twud be lost on him Stuart and hopefully he is either back on his meds or back on his ward Or both
  22. I great looking coin how do you id it as a fake from the pics i don't pies, but 2 clues of origin are the sellers name plus his 1 feedback name. Also the description. Lost in translation comes to mind.