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Everything posted by azda

  1. I love this tune, @PWA 1967 you remember this? when i listen i hope i have no Chinese fakes 😁
  2. azda

    Books Section

    Sanity prevails lol, "waves back"
  3. azda

    The Yeti - does it exist?

    Ermmmm that would make you more Mancunian as its produced by Heineken at the royal brewery in Manchester lol , Fosters is a brand, not an Aussie beer
  4. azda

    Books Section

    https://www.ebookshop.coin-currency.com/us/Gold-Coins-of-the-World-9th-edition/p/78899 Interesting that you can rent this book or buy in e-book form, you can also buy the paperback for $90 which is what i personally prefer, does anyone else prefer e-book to paper/hardback due to reduced price and saving a forest?
  5. azda

    The Yeti - does it exist?

    You're more American than you think with all those nationalities in you, hopefully you don't think you're related to Robert the Bruce or William Wallace
  6. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Geezus the slabbing alone costs more, €24 for modern €35 for vintage
  7. Going to see them in May next year, but by far and away the Rolling Stones have been the best i've seen so far, Eagles next and then Pink in June
  8. Check out anytime you like but you just can't kill the beast, how i think it went
  9. One i picked up this week from NGC
  10. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-46294000
  11. And another Ancient ring found by TV-inspired metal detector http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-46573324
  12. Nice, and a happy birthday old bean..........
  13. Thought i'd add this to one i already have
  14. azda

    Books Section

    🤣 Nice......
  15. azda

    Books Section

    Errrrr this is a section about books, how the hell did it land into a Brexit debate? Hijack another thread or create your own........
  16. azda

    Books Section

    The older generation do 😂 In order to pin a new thread someone from the hub of the forum needs to add it, surprised a book section isn't within the forum yet.
  17. Well that was just a wow on the William and Mary (1688-1694), Crown, 1692/2 inverted, edge qvinto (ESC 824 [85]; S 3433). Extremely fine and toned £1,500-£2,000 Sold for £10k 😱
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-46186430
  19. It seems everything has been well thought out then, pretty much the norm for British politics
  20. azda

    1710 M France Louis XIV Ecu Coin

    @davidrj is your man for the Frenchies, not sure last time he was around though
  21. Day 2.........Not as successful as day 1 it would seem, a lot being passed on
  22. As i've been out for a while i'm just a watcher to get the feel of prices for now, although there is one that i have an eye on, but will probably sit back until next year and keep saving money till then