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Everything posted by azda

  1. This has been attributed as wide date, of course its not, trying to work out the Freeman number though. F73? Gouby 1874N OBV K REV J
  2. azda

    engraved coins

    I'm sure that one sold on ebay sometime last year, or it was one very similar, the price has jumped considerably though, at least 200 quid if it's the same one
  3. Well for a quid you've come out smelling of roses. Now you just need to Tell us what you got
  4. Next stop the auction house
  5. azda

    engraved coins

    There are several different types of these Debbie. Trench art coins (from the Great war) are especially nice coins, but as you say, some are Love tokens, others are for births of children. Where to get them, well you just have to trawl eBay really, or if anyone spots 1, they might be kind enough to Tell you
  6. azda

    1826 Shilling -

    Tried to enlarge the 6
  7. azda

    Preventing Toning (especially of Silver)?

    Toning occurs naturally over a long period of time, cleaning toned coins in my opinion would only devalue it because you cannot clean every bit of the coin IE the LEGENDS, so a cleaned coin would be easier to spot. A toned coin basically states that the coin has not been cleaned, some people love toning on coins (Americans are notorious lovers of these) they even artificiallly tone them to try and increase their price so such an extent that its actually ugly. There is a huge difference between naturally toned coins and artificial toning. My opinion and advice would be to leave them to grow old gracefully.
  8. azda

    1826 Shilling -

    Not sure what you're looking at? the 2 and 6? I'd say good honest wear in the 1st picture
  9. Well it has to be toy money as it looks like St George is facing the wrong way, he should be facing right as you look at the coin, from the picture, he seems to be facing left
  10. I had a very nice one of those about 15 months ago with the overstrike quite visible on it. Fairly difficult coins to sell and dealers over here seem to think they're worth a fortune (which they are not) I don't know what you paid for it, but i hope it was'nt over 3 figures.
  11. azda

    I have a problem

    Just don't collect fake gold shiny bars mon ami
  12. Oh well, that means a lot fewer fake 1887 £2s and £5s on the market Unless they were on their way to MAKE some more? But maybe some fake Sovs, the Gold was fake http://www.bbc.co.uk...europe-16392922 Spoil the dream Azda, spoil the dream.... It may spoil the dream of some unsuspecting buyers of the Gold. It was made to look real for a reason, so assume that there might be more out there that is going to get passed off as genuine and with the demand in gold so high, who's gonna start checking, so beware.....
  13. Oh well, that means a lot fewer fake 1887 £2s and £5s on the market Unless they were on their way to MAKE some more? But maybe some fake Sovs, the Gold was fake http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16392922
  14. Like the REV a lot, nice design, better than some of the shite recently. If the seller has the pamflet from the RM, why has'nt he scanned it to show the design trial, as stated in his auction, he'll send to the winning bidder, why not show it as a little more authenticity?
  15. I'd like to offer my congratulations to John Stephenson (Argentumandcoins) and his wife on the arrival of their newborn son. Well done John, the pencil is still sharp
  16. azda


    That would let ANY Tom, Dick and Harry use it without permission. Its ok a forum member asking and sending privately, but you could have a problem with unscruplious ebay sellers picking up rare coin pictures and using them to sell something the don't own, so personally i don't think thats such a good idea.
  17. The Elephant & Castle coins were minted under Charles II (1660-1685) James II (1685-1688) James being the 5 Guinea, William & Mary (1688-1694) William III (1694-1702) Charles were in Gold 2 Guineas and 1 Guinea, Halfcrowns. VF+ examples (Spinks suggested price guide) would start at 4 figures. I personally don't know of any for sale.
  18. azda


    Why Not ask forum members 1st David, you might get what you require from here.
  19. azda


    Peck, when you were a lad the Wheel was just invented 2 weeks previously
  20. Space will never be a problem Boomstick, its having the cash at the right time etc. My goal this year is to try and get 1 or 2 rare coins to add to my small megre collection
  21. azda

    spill the beans

    I just received 66 today, so i really can't put a number on it, perhaps 100 maybe more, but your idea of buying less for more Debbie is definately the way.
  22. Mine is exactly the Same aa that and got it last Year from Aldi for €30
  23. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It actually says £23 for 16 coins
  24. azda

    The new UK gold kilo coin

    The Gold one looks crap, not even a proof with 2012 mintage, it actually looks very rough