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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    I hate xmas

    Lol, i like to make sure nobody misses it
  2. Its always a learning curve Debbie. Dealers are never off the internet looking for deals or checking auctions etc etc etc, that's how they learn and thats how we learn. I tend to spend a lot of free time looking around the net for a bargain or 3, and i stop by here daily to see if i've missed any gossip or a nice coin someone has purchased. Its not a distraction, its an addiction, i wonder if the DHSS would give us help if we ever become unemployed to conquer our addiction like they do with junkies and Alcholics Instead of the AA meetings, we could go to the CA meetings (Coins Anonymous)
  3. azda

    I hate xmas

    Only 363 days till Christmas, that means, only 362 shopping days left
  4. What, you mean that was a straight statement? Not used to that round here. Ok, now prove it. Picture please. And if possible, the thrupenny bit pictures
  5. Better to ask i think. I'd say GF, but opinions can vary.
  6. Yes - I have a 1929 shilling like this. Once I'd learned it was acid, I can now recognise them almost instantly. I thought acid erodes and not stretch metal?
  7. I did'nt get any for xmas, but have been negotiating with a very nice man who seems to be father xmas. I'm being elusive right now but more will be explained later
  8. The elongated teeth on the OBV (which are going into the legend also) would suggest that the flan was'nt quite big enough when being minted and spread the teeth outwards.
  9. Gonna dip My toe in and say GEF some wear to the 3 lions and harp area, nice coin though
  10. Take it Out of the paper wallet its in. Always use Natural daylight, i personally use macro setting in highest res possible and i have a black foam background which i also use. I don't have a tripod, just a steady hand. I then use a photo editing suite (nothing complicated) to crop the crap from around the object (coin) but don't crop Off any of the coin, just as near to the rim as possible. I then reduce the contrast and ligjten a smidge and you can Even capture the toning on a difficult coin. Good luck and post 1 or 2 results when you're done.
  11. I Take it you have a James II shiilling in AVF for sale then lol
  12. azda

    I hate xmas

    Well last Year my son was admitted to hospital with heunomia, had 12 different drips and was there over xmas and New year, we ate Hospital food xmas day. When we eventually got him out of hospital he had a huge wound on his head that no one could explain, his hair has still Not grown back there almost a Year later, he was only 2 years Old then and already suffers from epilepsy and cerebal palsy. Bastards.......
  13. azda

    Trusted local Sellers

    No coin club in Munich i'm afraid, the forum is my coin club
  14. azda

    Trusted local Sellers

    I gave you a small list of their sites, and as Rob says, some don't use ebay, but trust who you will, i've gave you my insight, the rest is up to you.
  15. azda

    Trusted local Sellers

    Why would you need ebay IDs when they have their own websites?
  16. azda

    Trusted local Sellers

    Gollam you need look no further than some of our members here who are dealers. I've personally bought from all of the forum Dealers here and have no complaints what so ever, and if you ask nicely you can get discount to. Starting with our Forum leader (predeciaml.com) Rpcoins (rob pearce) Argentumandcoins ((John stephenson) Pennycrowncoin (red riley) Declanmacgee who mainly trades on ebay Have i missed anyone?
  17. I suppose some people have to live with coins like this due to its rarity in higher grades VF and above.
  18. And as the topic states, what grade would you say this one was? GF?
  19. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ok, i'm including Declan here. http://www.ebay.co.u...045000359454273 Only because i love what he says about the coin aUNC Of course, most coinies would call this BU, but we're tougher than most that's why you like us :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Go Declan
  20. azda


    Alternitavely move to Germany/Munich where crime is very low, cannot remember when the last time i heard of a break in here, in fact, i've never heard or read of anyone breaking into a house here. My bank charges me €25 a year for a safe, i can come and go as i please, daily if i wanted to without charging anything else. If anyone wants anything hoarding feel free to inquire, i don't charge much I'm not Dick Turpin/aka UK bank
  21. azda

    Useful links (members posts)

    Good looking website on the soho mint http://www.sohomint.info/
  22. Gary Speed commited suicide............Geezus, that was a shocker.....
  23. azda

    Spink 2012

    Yö Dävë - yöü ä fän öf Mötörhëäd, then? No Peck, i have a German keyboard while residing in Deutschland, it uses the umlauts, when it pleases that is