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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    Spink 2012

    No. Not many of the Victoria young head maundy sets have shown any increase. Strange considering the prices they've been selling for this year.
  2. azda

    Spink 2012

    Nö change from Last year then.
  3. For the more knowledgable of us. Your opinions please. Pix left in hi res. Its not the best looking coin either
  4. azda

    Spink 2012

    What is the1886 Maundy Set in UNC now Nick?
  5. azda

    Spink 2012

    17 quid only applies to the uk
  6. azda

    Spink 2012

    It's available from today. Allegedly Well that's what the email circulated last Friday by Spink said. I fecking knew it, got this email today from Amazon Hello, We regret to inform you that your order will take longer to fulfill than originally estimated. Our supplier has notified us that there is a delay obtaining stock for the following items you ordered on December 08 2011. Philip Skingley "Coins of England and the United Kingdom: Standard Catalogue of British Coins" We are awaiting a revised estimate from our supplier, and will email you as soon as we receive this information. If you would prefer to cancel the item, please visit Your Account on the link below:
  7. azda

    Spink 2012

    I'd rather spend more Cash on a coin Steve, 2 reasons, 1 you get sweet F.A from a bank These days and 2, i know i'll get something back eventually when/if the time comes to part with it.
  8. azda

    Spink 2012

    Whats the 1975H Penny in EF Nick? 925 last year
  9. And to narrow it even further (if its pennies you are looking for) Michael Goubys book will be the one you're wanting The British Bronze Penny 1860-1901
  10. Cracking portrait, just a pity about the hole though
  11. azda

    Euro Coins

    Well whatever happens, the next few months will be very interesting for all concerned. If the UK move out of the EU how will they get on alone, will the Euro survive or will all EU partners go back to their original currency. Will Nick Clegg still have a job, will there still be a coalition after Cleggs damnation of Camerons veto
  12. azda

    Euro Coins

    As i said, let the people of the UK decide instead of the muppets who have been in power for the last 20 years or more, they're all as bad as one another, but as you can see, even opinion on here is divided, so i guess it would be a tight vote.
  13. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Some nice coins there.
  14. azda

    Euro Coins

    But that is the point, happy enough to have us involved when it suits, but when we are not wanted, we are expected to sit in the corner quietly and just nod. I do not believe that the vast majority of this country wants a say in what happens in Europe, and would quite happily distance itself if it could, and as for the consequences, well at least we would be chosing our own fate for once!! One of the reasons we can not sort the mess out that we are in is because we are tied by rules imposed from elsewhere. Rules that are created with no common aim. Just like the approach when trying to resolve the crisis they are in, it is not a case of the best solution for the crisis, but the best solution for each individual country.....and the bigger boys get the biggest say. Union....don't make me laugh.... But surely this is where Cameron fell apart, he said initially there would be a referendum on Europe, then after being elected went back on it as is normal for any Government that gets elected. It would be in the best intrests of the UK population if they were once and for all allowed to vote for or against. Now saying that, i hear now Mr Nick Clegg is extremely pissed at Cameron vetoing, a Government who is clearly is dissaray on Europe. Let the people vote and get on with it is what i say. Colin the only problem has been from Cameron, he wanted a say on what was happening on the Euro, but because the UK is not in the Euro the rest said it's basically nothing to do with you, go sit in your corner, which personally i totally agree with, thats when he took the huff.
  15. azda

    Euro Coins

    Utter crap ~ you're talking about a country that not only started the worst war in history, but also suffered extreme hyperinflation back in 1923. I wouldn't have any confidence in them to run anything which was in any way related to our national interests. I suspect that the only interests they ultimately have, are their own. Ok, i'm not going to dismiss what Germany did during the both wars, but what you seem to be forgetting, did England not try and take several lands during their history? American, India etc. It still holds the Falklands, some 10,000 miles away and went to war to keep it. The UK has not such a different history as Germany if you really think about it, they were taking and trying to take over countries by means of war throught the ages. The only difference is the atrocities that happened during the 2nd War which is why Germany will NEVER be left to forget (and so they should'nt be) but why make a different generation pay for the actions of a dictator? There's not a lot said anymore about Pol Phott, Idi Amin, Slobodan Milosovic etc (Molosovic being in Europe) yet those commited huge atrocities against ethnic minorities also. And to reply to John. I'm not more German than Scottish, but we were talking about cash at the start of the thread and then it got onto Germany dictating terms, i was merely sticking up for them in the respect that i'm dishing out huge taxes here in order that the Euro is basically saved from going tits up and defending their stance on dictating terms. Anyone who loans ANYONE cash will expect certains terms to the loan, like any bank would say to you, "ok you want a loan, here's what you WILL pay back monthly" you have no choice but to accept their terms IF you want that cash. Then i just basically laugh at the UK and Cameron when he says he wants a say on the Euro and whats happening, why? He's not wanting to join it, so why should he say anything, he wants to be important in the EU and unfortunately as i've been saying all along, the UK is not an important figure in the EU as it thinks it is.
  16. azda

    Euro Coins

    Whisky? Lol, isn't that Scottish? On a lighter note, i'm off to put my Wienachsts baum up Old Annie made us take you as pets partners & BTW you're the navy blue and white diagonal bit on the Union Jack. And your the wee red bit on the flag Peter.
  17. azda

    Euro Coins

    I think it was about the same percentage in 1939-45 as well Dave, that didn't go too well for Das Reich either! It all boils down to cultural mentality. British people always have and would like to continue to stand alone. Germany wants to be the master of Europe and France will do whatever the occupying power tells it to. Forget economics it really is that simple. Take a phone poll in the UK and I think you would find the same percentage telling Europe to go forth and multiply. My only real experience at practical level of "European co-operation" is the European Human Rights Act and that is a right Royal pain in the arse. You stay over there drinking Schnapps eating your boiled cabbage and I'll stay here drinking Malt and eating roast Beef! We've moved 66 yeears on John, i'm eating roast beef and drinking Malt if it pleases me, unfortunately i don't like Whisky old boy. You'll be mentioning the World cup next and how England won it 45 years ago
  18. azda

    Euro Coins

    Whisky? Lol, isn't that Scottish? On a lighter note, i'm off to put my Wienachsts baum up
  19. azda

    Euro Coins

    You do not need to be in the EU to trade with it. Trade takes place between two countries, one of whom has a product that can be sold in the other. As long as one has goods and the other money, everything is ok. The shit has hit the fan for the simple reason that countries are being perceived as not creditworthy having borrowed more than they can afford to pay back whilst at the same time being constrained by Eurozone rules in their abilities to adjust the economies in a manner that would allow them to trade their way out of the problem. It isn't in anyone's interest for any country to go tits up as even a small one doing so would have considerable repurcussions somewhere - remember that large volcano in the North Atlantic? The problem which still isn't being addressed is that all nations have overspent so that their citizens can have ever increasing living standards and benefits by inventing jobs that in the main are not wealth creating. Far better would be targeted industrial investment which would allow countries to set up assisted industries where required to replace imports at the expense of benefits. All nations have suffered as a result of EU dictat whereby they give state aid but only on the condition that you don't operate in a specific field. Rationising industries to the advantage of the "good" Europeans at the expense of ensuring there was no competition without significant hurdles helps the consumer not a jot. What Brussels seeks is a centrally controlled system with cosy relationships whereby competition is virtually eliminated. The UK has financial services, but little industry. Any large taxes imposed on the financial sector can not be to our benefit. Remove the UK's financial sector to Paris or Frankfurt and there will be no cake whatsoever, and the resulting windfall will tide the EU over until next month's crisis because they still refuse to recognise the structural flaws. The comment of everyone working to save the cancer at the expense of the patient is justified. I did'nt realise the UK had a finicial centre Rob judging by the state of their finances. I also don't know why everyone is slapping Germany right now, it's them that are bailing everyone out, and of course with any bailout there has to be conditions to safeguard their money, look at what the UK Government did with the banks, bailed them out and own a major stake, thus safeguarding their cash, yet when they ask the banks to help small businesses by giving them loans the banks refuse or give very little out to thise who require it.. Now as a major shareholder, should'nt the Government be slapping the banks with a major crackdown? Are they doing anything about it? Parliamnet wants to kick start the economy, yet will increase fuel duty or impose hidden taxes elswehere to get their cash. Road tax for example was for the upkeep of roads, i think i read somewhere recently that a very small percentage was actually used on the roads, where's the rest gone? National lottery tax, where's all that going? Overpaid fat MPs in London, their expenses, and of course their is Brussels, but theere are also MPs from the UK there who are also milking the large chocolate bowl. The UK as a whole is needing a major overhaul, unemployment (i'll give you an instance of how the Germans operate) In Germany if i was unemployed, i MUST apply for 8 jobs per month, i MUST keep everything i've applied for so that when i go to see them at the office i can prove i've been looking (and they will check) I MUST also every 3 months hand over my bank statements so they can check if i've had 1 euro more than the Government allowance of 75% of my last 3-5 years salaries, if i've had 1 euro more, they WILL deduct this EVERY month. Now tell me, as a junkie in the UK or an alchy or an Immigrant, you just happily go along to the dole office sign up for your beer token/daily methadone needle and walk away until next signing day, is this not flawed somehow?
  20. azda

    Euro Coins

    Can't buy a decent British car i'm afraid, ever tried a decent German one though? BMW; VW; PORSCHE; MERCEDES; AUDI, ROLLS ROYCE; MINI? Anyone?
  21. azda

    Euro Coins

    Just a short quote from Rob "The Europeans may not like it" I actually thought that the UK was in the EU, unless i've missed something the last 30 odd years?Does that mean that only mainland Europe is called the EU? Or is the UK also part of the EU when it wants to trade, but bugger helping out with the shit hits the fan? Cake and eating it springs to mind, you can't have both.
  22. azda

    Euro Coins

    Lets be honest here, the UK does'nt need the French/Germans to screw the UK economy out of money as daveg38 thinks and a few others, the British Government is doing a good enough job of doing it to the British public by themselves. Personally, if the UK does'nt want to have the euro why should they get a say on whats happening with it? Also, joining the Euro did'nt increase Greece's problems, they obviously had their problems before they joined and this is perhaps WHY they joined. Germany has the biggest economy of all EU member states, so when the German Government is bleeding me dry through taxes to prop up other nations then i'd also say why should'nt Germany tell a few others to fall in line or simply f off. And lets not forget the little dictator who runs the UK, who promised a referendum on the EU but then backed down, only to later have his arse kicked and humiliated in Parliament and lost to a landslide majority, of which was the biggest sinle loss by a Prime Minister, hmmmmm, something wrong in the UK me thinks. You can't have your cake and eat it, the UK is NOT as important as it thinks, and its GDP is almost as bad as the Greeks, so even IF you wanted in the Euro, i doubt right now that it would ever happen. Lets not forget where all this ball started rolling (in the UK) Northern Rock, not the instigator in the whole financial crisis, but when the Northern Rocks problem surfaced, in the UK, it was a house of cards. Chingford, there is a French/German coallition already with Cameron and Clegg at the wheel, both don't have an f ing clue what they are doing.Also Greece already had a referendum on the EU and the majority of the people wanted to stay in, which is unlike the UK Government who only wanted to tell their voters, nah nah nah we'll not vote, we'll tell you how it's gonna be. Dictatorship takes many forms A phone poll today states that 86% of Germans think the UK should now leave the EU. Over to you Mr Cameron My rant also over
  23. My USB stick with all my coin pix, my excel sheet with where, when and how much each coin cost me has suddenly decided it wants me to format it before i can use it again. I have tried it in the Fraus laptop and same thing, anyone know any software i can use to enable me to recover my data and pics. Very annoying
  24. azda

    How could this happen?

    That is open for debate Debbie