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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    1911 Pennies

    I have 2 1911s, can't find the other picture though, so i'm gonna forward the one i have for now and send the other later tomorrow or Saturday morning.
  2. azda

    unc tokens x207

    I'm also interested in tokens of Scottish origin, so if there's anything in there then lets have a looksy
  3. Hopefully this might help you out Rob with identification, unfortunately the OBV was to bright, but see what you can pick out of the 2 pics i cropped and enlarged somewhat
  4. So i emailed the seller to ask how many berries were in the wreath, to which He replied 4. Anyone out there that can help a Little?
  5. Worked Fine for me to, just tried it again to make sure and No problemos with the initial Link at all Your link doesn't work. However http://www.readingcoinclub.co.uk/index.php should work fine.
  6. I sent a picture off to Michael Gouby yesterday regarding the 1874H i purchased last week, here's his reply. That would make it Freemans 69 dies 6+I Hi David, Thank you for your email. I have looked at you pictures and it does appear to be BP 1874 J (J + h). In my book I list that I know of 9 plus examples. Yours would probably make that 10 or 11 plus examples known. From your pictures it looks like the coin has been chemically cleaned (it has that fake lustre- a pinky, yellow look) is that the colour because of the way the picture was taken or is the coin really that colour ? All the best Michael
  7. Just wondering if this is OBV 6 REV I?
  8. I'm sorry Dave I'm just too keen to agree with everybody at the moment. Perhaps it's due to my approaching deification. Lol, no problem Derek. Michael sent me his apologies and said it was due to the fact he had so many emails and was basically rushed off his feet that he just had a quick look and gave his assesment, it wasn't until he looked again later last night that he corrected his mistake. Oh well, we can't win them all. Based on what he thought (the chemically enhanced part) i've decided to throw it up on ebay today and let others decide.
  9. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You can still pay by cheque, but that's up to the buyer. Personaly I always favour PayPal as I can use my credit card. As a very occassional seller I find ebay not the place to sell varieties as the average ebay buyer is not that suffisticated, auctions are a better venue for that type of coins Gary Although, rare coin types have sold on ebay, the LCW under foot Penny late last year, sold for near 1000GBP also an 1849 Penny, 1250 quid, so there are intelligent ebayers out there, perhaps just very choosy
  10. Lol, look again Derek, my above post, he has since corrected his mistake Don't go thinking you can wriggle out of the beers so easily.... Lol, i believe its you who owes me a beer 400
  11. Fork handles, nah nah nah, i Said Four candles, lol Ronnie Barker, an absolute Comic God
  12. Lol, look again Derek, my above post, he has since corrected his mistake
  13. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    DaveG My starting price was 1 pound, 36 pound on a 360 sale is 10% then 14 pound on the PP fee so all in all about 14%. but what i resent is that they Force PP in people
  14. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Somebody should come up with a UK auction site just for coins and Charge a Flat fee of say between 3 and 5% of the Final selig Value. Its clear to me that eBay Must make an absolute fortune just from coins alone. There is so many good knowledgable People ob this Forum with many various contacts that surely a coin auction only website is sure to Be a winner, Why let eBay screw every last Penny of profit from what Little there already is in a coin. A Flat fee Sounds Way better than all the hissen BS that ebays puts out
  15. Well it seems in Michaels rush that he did get the REV wrong he thought this was a Wide date 1874H and Since sent me an Email apologising and corrected his mistake, it is in fact F68 6+H
  16. To Be honest Huss i thought the OBV looked a bit suspect but its a decent grade. I think i uploaded a picture last Week in coin Aquisition of the week.
  17. azda

    1874 Halfpenny 10+J

    Just 1 quick question on the REV of the 1st picture. Why is the rim silver, has it been filed? The 2nd picture REV also looks the same but the 3rd has the copper look on the rim. Is it the scan or does it look like that?
  18. azda

    1874 Halfpenny 10+J

    The 1st compared to the 3rd is completely different, lighthouse, date width and shield, the tridet on the 1st is also much closer to the rim than it is in the 3rd
  19. azda

    Gold British coins.

    Russia is 3rd world, draconian corrupt cold full of mafia, but have good Vodka.........da. Oh and no need to call me God, Zeus is fine
  20. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Bought for a few dollars in the USA sold for 360GBP so a few schekles profit, but hell ebay don't half take their cut, 36 quid in all for sellers fees ebay seem to be wringing every last ounce of fun and penny out of the whole thing these days. P.s, it was a dealer who bought it Pss, i actually bought it in EF+ grade, but after seeing it didn't think so, hence i dropped the grade Forgot to add, paypal took 14 quid to, so thats 50 quid all in all, freaking joke
  21. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Bought for a few dollars in the USA sold for 360GBP so a few schekles profit, but hell ebay don't half take their cut, 36 quid in all for sellers fees ebay seem to be wringing every last ounce of fun and penny out of the whole thing these days. P.s, it was a dealer who bought it Pss, i actually bought it in EF+ grade, but after seeing it didn't think so, hence i dropped the grade
  22. azda

    Microsoft Office Access 2003

    ColinG is the man for Access, he actually created an excellent database for his collection and sent me a blank to play with, unfortunately my knowledge of Access is zero and struggled trying to work with it. Colin uploaded a screenshot of his database in coin aquisition of the week a few months back, so take a scroll through some of the pages and see if you can find it, it look really good but it lost me unfortunately