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Everything posted by azda

  1. Thanks 400, i've actually seen quite a few in hi grades, including an 1878M in Good EF (George & Dragon Rev) and an 1871 Sydney Shield back in AUNC. I assume the prices you've quoted there are from the 2002 McDonald book you're talking about. Is that just for Aussie coins? I've no idea what grade the Sov i bought is yet, the picture wasn't that great and i'm still waiting on it in hand, but here's the 1871 Sydney Shield back
  2. I'm still waiting to see why the Sov itself has tripled in Value since last year, not entirely with the theory of the gold prices because that would mean ALL Sovs would have risen in such degree, but they have'nt all tripled in value, so still awaiting a relatively good answer about this one.
  3. Quite agree. Ever since the introduction of credit cards in the 1970s, people have been deferring payment as there is no requirement to pay up front for the luxuries you covet but are unwilling to work or wait for. It's no coincidence that Germany doesn't have a credit problem and the populace are reluctant to embrace credit cards. As you say, if you can't pay cash, don't buy it - and they don't. As a rule they don't fritter away their hard earned savings on depreciating liabilities like the latest fashionable item that has to be bought because it is available, yet discarded tomorrow because it's old hat. They tend to buy quality and insist on it lasting for years or even decades. I'm glad my wife is German - or maybe I was born in the wrong country. Just to add to Robs Germany and Credit Card reply. Here in Munich at least, hardly any stores take CCs, even the big electrical stores etc don't, it has to be an EC card or nothing.
  4. Decimal currency does nothing for me what so ever, hence the fact most of us tend to collect OLD coins lol. Does anyone here actually collect decimal? Apart from the 2 pound boys
  5. 400 pounds was spinks 2009 book price vicky in ef, 2010 for the same is 1100. I think in Europe u can buh a certain amount of Gold tax free
  6. Hmmm not sure about that Bob, the gold hikes came this year, the Spink book was printed in 2009 for the 2010 edition, plus it weighs at around 7.9ish gram, so wouldn't merit near triple value from 2009 book, is it long or short tail? Gold prices jumped 100% from 2006 to 2008 ($450 to $900), and went up another 50% from 2008 to 2010 ($900 to $1350). That price rise wasn't all that was responsible, but it was a big part! See attached chart. Wouldn't that then make other Sovs and halfs sovs rise then also Bob, there would be huge increases in other sovs if this were the case. It will be interesting to see what the Spink 2011 gold sections are like this time around
  7. Hmmm not sure about that Bob, the gold hikes came this year, the Spink book was printed in 2009 for the 2010 edition, plus it weighs at around 7.9ish gram, so wouldn't merit near triple value from 2009 book, is it long or short tail?
  8. azda

    Gap Filler

    My fake doesn't have it either. Here's my 1903 along side may fake 1905. Not a good picture of the 1905, it's not shiny in the hand. Ahh the broken R In George Although, the R in REX on the 1905 looks a lot more curved at the bottom than the 1903 does, dunno if this is a pointer towards a fake or not?
  9. azda

    Isn't that just sods law

  10. azda

    Gap Filler

    Gary, i started a thread in free for all called USEFUL LINKS. The 1st site i uploaded is about fakes, i don't know if its the one you are reffering to, but take a look.
  11. Just trying to work the Freeman number out. I'm at 5+D F16, am i right, hope so, took me 30 mins I've enlarged it a little to look over, nice grade to, EF+ or better?
  12. Ah yes, the differences are now quite noticable Bernie lol. Nice 2mm tho
  13. Another REV, this time 1897. Using the Gouby book i have OBV V and REV W. P of PENNY points to tooth Freeman 145
  14. azda

    1823 Halfcrown

    Judging from the picture there looks to be 2 dots, although 1 seems misplaced, the top one seems further to the right than the one at the bottom
  15. Is this REV A or B the differences are so small
  16. azda

    1823 Halfcrown

    Hello Bob, your coin might have some wear where the other colon might be, something you might not be able to see due to wear. If you have a picture it generally helps others to evaluate your coin and question better
  17. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330480192824&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp4712.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D330480192824%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1 And another from the same seller http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330480198501&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp4712.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D330480198501%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1
  18. If i were you and you put it on Ebay, describe it as a brockage, because thats exactly what it is. Try and get some really good close up pix of the errors, but don't start it a 1k as no one will go for such a late date at that price. You will be better to start at 99p and see where it goes, these things will find their value. I'd be interested in seeing how it goes, so post us a link here for the ebay article if you decide to put it on ebay.
  19. azda

    Gap Filler

    I know I keep banging on about it but it's also got the broken R in George. This is Edward lol Luckily there is an R in Edward as well What an entertaining gap filler... It is actually quite attractive in hand esp the reverse and is very similar in color to one of my 1906's although Eddy looks a little haggard on the gap filler. Coincraft notes that these pieces often look ghostly or concave esp obverse and I think there is some reference in there about being made in Lebanon in the 60's. It weighs 14.1 gram. Going back to the 06, the rim is about 2mm wider on the currency issue. It doesn't ring true when gently dropped and I think there is a seam just inside the collar. I've had it 10 years and it still fascinates me. How do these people get their hands on dies? I think they make them from a genuine coin.
  20. Personally i think it might do well right now, a lot of people are going silly over rarities
  21. azda

    Gap Filler

    I know I keep banging on about it but it's also got the broken R in George. This is Edward lol
  22. Interesting this came in a big box of coins I bought (mostly foreign) I do notice that there is a slight dip where the VI is on OBV and the I appears like a number 1 at top but I think that is probably as it is flattened and the top of serif may be stretched out. I dont know if a 1 could have been used intead of an I ? Here's a pic So what makes you think there are more??? Have these manufacturing flaws been recorded on the 1944 before? I was thinking of contacting Spink or would they just laugh in my face?? Regards Russ777 Well if its a brockage, another coin would have had to hit it, meaning there would be possibly another out there
  23. Georgies ear looks kinda strange and flat to, am thinking a mistrike or something of that nature, can you get clioser pic and is there anything on the OBV such as REV lettering when mistruck
  24. Am thinking something has moved during striking or that, IE brockage. As for resale value, i've really no idea, maybe an extra tenner on book price, maybe more, Varieties are quite popular right now, but i'll keep my eye out for the other as there has to be at least 2 of these if another has been struck over this one
  25. Hi Russ, it could well be a brockage of some sorts, can definately see the Y underneath the last N in Penny. An interesting one and probably something that variety collectors might/would collect. Anything on the OBV?