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Everything posted by azda

  1. Unfortunately there's no drool icon here
  2. colons point to tooth in border, yet more dots
  3. Oh yes, we're definately dotty this week
  4. Your son must have a good job Bernie for you to be supplying him with a coin or 2 of these statures monthly, poor lad must have been going to work with holes in his shoes Some really nice coins in there, pity i can't afford the more rarer ones unfortunately, but lets hope he gets a good deposit from the collection for his house.
  5. Although looking back,it does say bidding starts on the 15th September, so i assume that our bids are of no use? Ah, didn't notice that. So presumably we must re-bid on or after 15 September one would assume. Got an email from Neil saying he'll submit my bid when the time comes, so i assume you got the same 1949, so fingers crossed now. Anyone else submitted bids prematurely?
  6. Can you post a picture of the whole coin both sides so we can see it in all it's glory.
  7. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    He's had 12 offers. I might make him an offer of £20 see what he says.
  8. Sorry about the small photos I had to keep reducing them as the uploader wouldnt accept them
  9. Your pictures are far to small to see anything on them
  10. Is this for real or is he yanking our chain? I think we all know the seller by now, hence why i'm asking http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1933-GEORGE-V-PENNY-IMPRESSION-REAL-COIN-/330459911521?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL
  11. azda

    1875 penny F80

    David, can you tell me how you stitch the pictures together?
  12. Well we're ok there then, the 2 i'm looking at occur much later, so 1 down :-)
  13. azda

    Ethelred penny

    Obviously the site has been busted again
  14. Really, i wish Chris would moderate the site a little better. I know he has other things to do, but if he has little time for the site i wish he'd let someone moderate it better
  15. Yup double ditto, perhaps its been busted again, although i can see other images
  16. Although looking back,it does say bidding starts on the 15th September, so i assume that our bids are of no use?
  17. Some excellent coins in there. Wish my father did the same for me way back then, my son will hopefully appreciate the ones i buy for him 1 day. Never see any like that on ebay, he does say his father bought from there also.
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/sheffield/hi/people_and_places/history/newsid_8931000/8931437.stm Is'nt it just sods law, someone with no interest in coins find a stash. I have no interest in gold, will i find a huge mine, noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  19. Personally i would'nt go by Spink for Gold, you can track daily Gold prices. There is also another problem, that not all Sovs are the same, you have your rarities and you have your common ones, so it would depend on what exactly you were looking at. If you look at some William IIII Sovs, they command some hefty prices, yet has the same weight as a Viccie Sov
  20. If anyone is interested there's an 1861 8 0ver 6 Penny on Ebay Freemans R18 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150483054959&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp4712.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D150483054959%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1
  21. Any recomendations? Also where i might purchase online?
  22. azda

    Useful links (members posts)

    Here's one that 400 posted, a site for detector finds, if that's your interest, or perhaps you found something. http://www.ukdfd.co.uk/ukdfddata/index.php?cat=1
  23. To be honest its been a dream of mine to find a huge chest stuffed full of coins, we can all dream i suppose. I have thought about detecting here, going out at 2am as i don't want to get busted by the Stasi, i still might do it because as i said, there's a lot of farmland around me, but with my luck i will dig up a UXB, but you never know whats around here. I have no experience with detectors, i know there's several types, so whats a good one for ploughed fields etc?