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Everything posted by azda

  1. Am still hurting at selling that damn coin
  2. Peckris, i tend to agree with you about the staged moon landing etc, but what's intriguing is that date of 1933 AGAIN!!!! and Nessie plus the 1933 Penny. I think we have just begun our own X-Files for the date 1933. Just as a side note, i think RED is about to blow. Tin hats gents
  3. The O in Victoria seems to have been repunched also
  4. Here's another picture with the "A"s side by side
  5. Both ²A²s looked the same way, i'll see if i can upload that.
  6. azda

    Useful links (members posts)

    A link to Hussulos new price guide http://www.coinsgb.com/Price_Guide/Price_Guide.html
  7. I took the picture through a lupe, so if anyone has any tips on how to photograph an extreme closeup i'd be happy to listen.
  8. If you create a myth it's always going to be intriging. Take the loch ness monster for instannce, a myth some say, genuine others say. There will always be hunters for Nessie, and there will always be buyers for rarities.
  9. Just out of curiosity, what do you think of this, and whats the crap on the bottom of the REV?
  10. Thanks 400, but next time i doubt i'll be selling one in that condition. I just hope i can pick up another/others in that state. Just as a side note, it went up 185 quid on the last minute
  11. I did'nt actually, i thought the look of it would sell it, but i did'nt imagine to that extent, i thought maybe 100 pounds, so i was happy enough with the outcome back then, but in hindsight
  12. It was my coin a little time back when i was'nt into Pennies or copper at all, i dare'nt tell you what i paid for it, i think the guy must have had a rush of blood to the head, it was only 2 figures and less than €60, i nearly ripped his arm off for it. I 'm now kicking myself for letting it go, it was a real beauty. I had it on Ebay and i think i had around 60 watchers at the time.
  13. What do you all think of this one? recently sold
  14. And which of those did you buy Mat?
  15. 400s gasket might be about to blow, maybe Red can help with that to
  16. 400 i love your dry wit, i actually understood what you meant. I have very sarcastic humour, we must meet and you buy me a beer that you promised.
  17. Would have been a pain in the neck if he popped his cloggs inbetween those dates
  18. If someone could point out the midified efigy of a 1926 penny and tell me what i'm looking for, and also how can a 1922 Penny be stamped on the back of a 1927, its 5 years in the future, is someone yanking my chain here?
  19. You mean Victor? 1949
  20. Peckris, you're in danger of being renamed Victor Meldrew
  21. How about you uploading some of those Penny pictures 400. Would love to see a few of them.