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Everything posted by azda

  1. When you knowingly know the facts and say the exact opposite then it's a lie, also you are correct, the Government at the time was in for remaining, so why would they also argue to leave at the same time, that's just nonsense, and another fact is/was, that part of the Tory Government were Brexiteers, Ian Duncan Smith, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, etc etc etc
  2. I don't think it is the case that the public didn't understand or consider the arguments, i think it's a clear case that the public were blatantly lied to in order to encourage the out vote. As soon as it was declared, Farage tells the public that he lied about the money that gets transferred to Brussels would be spent on the NHS. People voted on this type of lie and as i've said before, if these MPs lie in order to win an arguement or a seat or whatever, then it should be (not just Brexit) re-run with the full facts disclosed.
  3. azda

    Is It fake?

    I have paint to go and watch dry other than trawl ebay looking for a fake to report, if someone points something out then i'll do my bit for queen and country
  4. Because people want something now that isn't apparently available to them right at that point in time, so when they get one they can brag to their mates etc etc etc
  5. Was it a Trial coin or the new issue because the new issue coin is out now in various BU packs from the Mint
  6. azda


    Maybe it's the fear that buyers want as much discount as they can haggle that makes them coy about speaking out, saying "i'm just browsing" is as you say Rob just coded speech, of course a majority have a list and they are all looking for coins on that list at the best price possible, hence they'll trawl around for hours looking. For a dealer, it's trying to work out how to best engage these people to try and make a sale. The Munich fair is on the beginning of March and i'm going to look at this and see how they do things over here because i've also said "just browsing" I wonder if @NRP is going to be with the Baldwins table at the Munich fair this year, Baldwins are generally there......
  7. But that's exactly how they do come by them, from various vending machines and slot machines, they then take them outside and perhaps drop them, then people like yourself pick them up
  8. azda

    Useful links (members posts)

    If you are overcharged for import fees (20% instead of 5% for coins) you should fill the form linked with any supporting documentation for a refund of the overcharge https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/581510/bor286.pdf
  9. Not sure why there's a lot of disbelief, these coins have s=to be sent out to many businesses so they can modify ANY machine that takes £1 coins in preparation of the changeover in the coming year. Who's are the disbelievers that you mention?
  10. A very nice coin indeed and i'd be inclined to also say Matt proof, but i really dislike how he's handled it, now all his oily fingerprints will be on there
  11. Makes you wonder how he got so much feedback with so many crazy prices. He has been mentioned on here before for his over inflated pricing structure and i also messaged him over ebay about a 1689 halfcrown in a PCGS slab graded as XF which is British VF and he insisted that it was a British EF selling it for £1k, true value, about £130
  12. I would agree, as the hammer price of a coin in auction isn't actually the true price you've paid, the true price is when you get the invoice, that's just my opinion, but if you buy a coin at say £500 hammer and the auction has a 20% commission rate than there's still another £100 plus postage to go on top
  13. In that case you should maybe take an average of Spink, CCGB (Collectors Coins Great Britain) which the owner of this site writes and publishes and also the website of Tony Clayton http://www.coins-of-the-uk.co.uk/values/penny.html#QVb
  14. Also check through http://www.coinarchives.com
  15. azda

    Half Sovereign

    Plus it makes them look a plonker Rodney ?
  16. azda

    Half Sovereign

    You should also ignore prices from this seller, he's worse than dick turpin
  17. I had to get a tissue due to the excitement
  18. I find the Anne coinage quite boring, and obviously with you obtaining 2 3rd heads at relatively cheap prices and low grades means that collectors are wanting better regardless of rarity. You may one day control the market with these coins, but will collectors want them is the question, grades are more fashionable than rarity right now in my opinion
  19. So, i don't get it, if one party was seriously bitten by the other then why try again? Doesn't make any sense right now, i wonder if they are seeing some form of challenges by other companies such as sovereign rarities where a few old Baldwins staff have ended up at
  20. Unless it can fit into this section which is €20. The secure service is just a high resolution picture Modern (1949 to date)Add 5 € per coin for Secure Service.*
  21. 2014 was a rare year for Britannias, even so, i wouldn't be paying that sort of money regardless
  22. That is more than likely the vendor adding huge premiums to a slabbed coin thinking that the British public really are into those. I spoke to Rob the other day about a Ryal that was sold as part of the Lord Stewartby collection through Spink, it sold for £6200 hammer and is now on the CNG site for $15,000, no reason given why it's price doubled in the 2 months since it sold other than a wrong spink number, 1 digit out. Sellers are just chancing their lot that buyers at this price level are hopefully idiots who don't pay attention. The St James offerings have been better than Baldwins IMO
  23. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/kew-gardens-50p-coin-chinese-/142239549363?hash=item211e2347b3:g:JgEAAOSwA3dYaAEi