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Everything posted by azda

  1. I think that auction prices are a part of their pricing, BUT the prices would come from the year before because i think Spink need a good 6 months to prepare the book for release.....This is of course my assumption, perhaps someone with more in the know knowledge of how they prepare the book for release can add further, @Chris Perkins can maybe add how he comes to his prices in the CCGB book
  2. I bought a new 55" curve screen last year and I find myself barely watching TV these days, it's an ornament The craving for reality TV is bordering on the ridiculous and then the non entities thinking they are superstars after a few hours of being on TV is just crass, for example, The only way is Essex, then the spin offs of this shite such as wots her name' baby diaries........ Can't believe people pay for this drivel
  3. Restoration prices from the PCGS website Pricing & Policies Modern Service (1965 to Date, Maximum value $1,000 per coin): $22 per coin Restoration and Grading fee. General Submissions: Restoration and Grading Fee is 2% of the value of the coin in its final grade (min. of $30). PCGS will determine all fees once the order is finalized. $10 Evaluation Fee – If PCGS determines the coin(s) will not benefit from restoration, nor should be restored, the coin(s) can still be submitted for grading. Coins that are not graded will be charged a fee of $10 per coin. For coins that complete the grading process, standard grading fees apply plus the evaluation fee (see submission form cover sheet for grading fee structure). Guarantee Premium Fee – All non-restorable coins submitted for grading, valued above $100,000 per coin, will be charged a 1% Guarantee Premium Fee. The 1% fee is based upon the value of the coin in its final grade. PCGS reserves the right to make the final determination of the coin’s value. Final cost of the submission cannot be determined until coins have completed the restoration and grading process; consequently, the submission form costs will be estimated using the declared value for each coin. Only credit cards or established lines of credit will be acceptable forms of payment. Shipping Fees are based upon the number of coins and the declared value. See reverse of submission form for shipping rates.
  4. Hi Jack, just curious about what appears to be a nick in the REV field between the 2 Ns in PENNY, it seems to be on the Spink picture but not on the PCGS one. I think PCGS allow the owner of the coin to use their pictures or link them on your website as it gives instructions on their site on how to do so.....
  5. I wonder with the level of the £ right now if we see some higher than normal increases in Spink this year. In all probability they may have missed the cut off date for publication though, will be interesting to have a look through. @Chris Perkins what about CCGB, have you taken the level of the £ into account or are the prices much the same in your 2017 book, and when is this due out?
  6. To be fair (at this point) I have also bought coins from Spink that were much better in hand than their pictures looked....
  7. Hopefully Catherine can show us what she got when it arrives
  8. This is the PCGS price in one that sold in MS65 last year on ebay. I'd say he's a good £1700 out of range and definately wayyyyy out of the ballpark
  9. He also has a W&M 1689 half crown graded at XF45 and wanting £995. About £865 to expensive, i just wonder how he has so much feedback with such expensive coins
  10. So where's the nick in the field?
  11. I don't think that's the same one. If you look at the REV there seems to be a nick in the field between the 2 Ns in Britannia just to the left but not on Catherine's. Also what appears to be some lines on the Spink coin on the neck, however I do concede that some spotting looks familiar on both. Conserved perhaps?
  12. Here's one I'm sure you penny boys will be flocking to buy. This guy has a few others a quite some amazing prices
  13. I think vickysilver mentioned that Atlas bought quite a few from a Spink America sale about 18-24 months ago, try that sale
  14. Not sure you need to pass exams to make money Pete
  15. Its a BoE issue Pete, these were emergency issues due to the lack of silver at the time and was counter stamped on Spanish 8 and 4 reales, the counter stamp was to denote that it was issued from the Bank of England
  16. azda

    Trump v Clinton

    So Tuesday is D-Day, i'm going to stick my neck out and say Trump will win, i think it will be close but i can see this as another Brexit vote where some voters are pissed off at certain aspects of living the dream in America. The other point is that Hilary has far to much crap surrounding her at the moment, this will be IMO her last chance to become President but if Trump wins will he stick to his promise of investigating her? It will be interesting
  17. azda

    Trump v Clinton

    I couldn't agree more, a very large rock and hard place right now.......
  18. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I'm sure someone from here won this once only for the seller to back out and give his excuses, basically the price was too low for him, around the £900 mark if i remember correctly, it is a no H though
  19. azda

    Coin News - Not for sale FOC.

    A highly recommended publication for coinies. The boss buys me a subscription as a Xmas present every year
  20. azda

    Helping hand

    You bad bad admins...... @Rob you have a home email from me
  21. azda

    Trump v Clinton

    To be honest, The whole Clinton family should be thoroughly investigated, the position of power seems to hold these investigations back and then get swept under the carpet. I hear they have dipped their fingers into the Haitian fund which is run by one of their family members (brother perhaps?) There was a huge demonstration against them in New York i think it was not so long ago about them taking money from this fund.... Apparently though the FBI made a mistake in saying they are investigating Hilary during the run up to an election, it's against their rules, but you try investigating a President and make something stick
  22. azda

    Supposed Roman-British Coin

    I think this is what i'm seeing http://www.ebay.com/itm/R-LITHUANIA-POLAND-LOT-SCHILLING-SOLIDUS-1660s-JOHANN-CASIMIR-FINE-DETAILS-/282231807075?hash=item41b6539c63