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Everything posted by azda

  1. So if the dies and the coins were destroyed why is there still one around, which in turn would beg the questions, was it stolen from the mint, if so, by whom and if it was, wouldn't it be the property of the RM. Can you post a picture of the picture you have SS
  2. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Mine is on the van for delivery
  3. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    I think Heritage work somewhat in partnership with NGC as their auctions seem filled with NGC slabs rather than a mix of the big 2
  4. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Mine is at Oakland CA now at 05:58am
  5. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Just checked mine and it's in Memphis TN
  6. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Service with a smile.......but something else i found out today is that even fedex won't insure a coin over 500 euros.
  7. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    806796901500, keep an eye on it lol
  8. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Yes you're right Matt, they do like their slabs, maybe the number on it was the reason Well, it's at the airport now, i'm tracking it on the fedex site, my jaw dropped when he said 24hrs, it was no 10 euros postage though
  9. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    To be honest i'm finding it easier selling a coin that's slabbed than unslabbed, especially higher end coins. I had one on the bay for a month unslabbed, had it back a week slabbed and it's gone to California, the postage was a bit ouchy though, although they said from Munich to California, 24hrs
  10. Geeeeeezus $11,000 for a months supply is obscene, medical companies that care, yes sure, about profits. I remember the guy last year who bought the rights to some aids drug which was selling at $1 a pill, then proceeded to increase it to $750 a pill if i remember correctly, he was one smarmy bar steward, his attitude when being questioned at some congressional inquiry into his price hike was 'he couldn't give a damn" We don't pay for the oil bOB, it's under prescription and is free to us, it's the health insurance who has to foot the bill. I think the drug companies just bleed people dry, cannabis grows out in the wilds and is a herbal medication, or obviously can be taken for other uses, it's not like it's crack cocaine or crystal meth. Governments needs to get a grip and see its benefits for certain health problems. I hope your wife isn't in any pain Bob......Best wishes
  11. My son has just been prescribed cannabis oil, 400 euros a pop
  12. azda

    Adjustment lines or not?

    Adjustment lines, who would take the time to scratch straight lines into his face if it was to deface it, they are far too straight to be anything else
  13. azda

    Helping hand

    Thankfully it wasn't henryroolz
  14. azda

    Helping hand

    I bet Henry wished he hadn't have bothered starting a thread here ?
  15. It actually looks like a 9 under there, but why a 9 i ask myself
  16. DNW are quite quick with postage. All my wins come now via FedEx due to the previous courier stealing one of my packets late last year, normally takes only 3 days
  17. Got to be honest, but i think he passed his sell by date 2 years ago. He should have went to China when Sven made an enquiry about him last year
  18. azda

    problem posting

    Links seem to be fine on your website for me from the ipad plus no ads their now either
  19. azda

    problem posting

    No ads on the forum but i can see the ads on your website Chris
  20. azda

    My Latest Acquisition

    I use my ipad for photographing coin sets or slabs, works for me
  21. That's a nice one Jaggy, these are scarce in these grades and have seen EFs selling at £1100 or there abouts, how much was this one?
  22. azda

    problem posting

    They've disappeared for me thank god, it was such a pain in the rear end, but I seem to be ad free