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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    Highest Rated CGS Coin

    Do we care? CGS is no more, so their league table is obsolete along with their company
  2. azda

    1920 Florin wanted.

    What is a perfect set of Florins?
  3. azda

    CGS "membership" Fee

    You have more chance meeting the Pope than getting anything from these lot these days. If you are a member of the Illuminati you might get through (Eventually)
  4. azda

    Huge list of CGS coins for trade/sale

    I wonder if they're reading the forum and spotted this thread?
  5. azda

    First batch of coins back from NGC

    Perhaps now that CGS has nothing to grade, the descriptions in their auctions might get better as they'll have more time on their hands....... Still won't bid with them UNLESS it's something i really want, they need to move into the 21st centuary
  6. azda

    First batch of coins back from NGC

    PCGS have the better advantage being in Europe, I was quoted a 6 week turnaround for NGC because they send to America for grading. I sent 2 on Tuesday into Paris, they have registered them in the website already, so will see how long they take....
  7. azda

    First batch of coins back from NGC

    Will await your thoughts on PCGS. But interesting regarding the auction houses. I only bought once from LC basically because they don't live bid and I like to judge if I want to go any higher or not when I'm put on the spot. Good post for those who might be tempted into buying and slabbing elsewhere other than LC and LCGS
  8. azda

    Huge list of CGS coins for trade/sale

    Spares? what is his better 1905 like then
  9. azda

    Huge list of CGS coins for trade/sale

    Thats a hell of a grade and price for the 1905 half crown, is he getting rid of them all?
  10. azda

    Guess the grade

    Adding the whole slab would have made it far to easy but a good guess Alan
  11. azda

    Guess the grade

    And one from me that i just had the grade back for yesterday
  12. azda

    Guess the grade

    And another from VS, bit of an error this one
  13. Posting this one on behalf of vickysilver, he's asking if you can guess the grade (without looking it up)
  14. I'd also leave it alone, sometimes coins are the way they are because of honest wear/usage, it's part of their history and charm, what you do to it cannot be undone and may then lose it's appeal to you and to anyone else (if you ever want to sell it)
  15. No price stated but it Must outstrip The recent Edward VIII Sovereign if thats The case https://www.ngccoin.com/news/article/5394/1344-Edward-III-Double-Leopard/?utm_source=Marketo&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=NGC%20eNews%20July%202016&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmpjd09HWTVNV1JqTmpZdyIsInQiOiIxampkWjhDNUlxeXVwTGhXZ251eCtod2RZTHJ2aTREMU5qTEU2VThXSzNhTk9BVVgzZ0pZZmZqWXM1ZVB1R2IzRFwvUHUzSXA0akdiRmdWazh6WDBUcmdrRHE3UGpJWTZhSWtZZ1NKaTV3RTQ9In0%3D
  16. Dipping silver you are in essence trying to remove tarnish, i posted a before and after just recently of a Geo V half crown that was tarnished, now if it was toned, then i'd have left it alone. Geo V 1911 proof sets are a good example of toning, generally 95% of those silver sets come with a heavy blueish toning which i think most of us believe is due to the velvet the coins sit in, in the box.... I don't believe that coins of 100 years or more are blast white because they stayed like that, IMO they've had a helping hand sometime or other.... Check this thread for my before and after coin
  17. Would like to check this place out before summer ends https://www.area47.at/en-slide-park
  18. There was a storm brewing, a few lightning bolts behind the clouds. I'll see if i have a bit of footage on the sd card and try and play around with it as i've not used it myself yet, so will see what i come up with, might be over the weekend now though as i'm back at work as of today, 2 weeks of holiday have come to a shuddering end
  19. I've not use the editing side of it yet, i have a notebook with cyberlink power director on it, but the notebook is slowing down due to Microsoft installing their new windows 10 on it without me asking for it, i wanted to do a whole lot more the the video i took at Neuschwanstein but the notebook was labouring through it all and i gave up the ghost eventually feeling frustrated. i also have a macbook but the best available software for that costs 300 euros which i might treat myself to for Christmas. Here's a small time-lapse i took a month or 2 back, 1 min of video takes 1 hour by which time the battery is almost done, at the time i'd only just bought the Osmo and had only 1 battery, i've bought another 2 batteries since
  20. Would sound correct considering it's George V............Pity they couldn't mint the coinage as good as the medals
  21. Yup that's a phone holder, everything goes through an app, although it can be controlled by hand or by the app. Pro and cons, go pro for me at least is very poor sound quality, no video display as far as i know, but is obviously lighter/smaller than the Osmo, not sure of the Go pro video capabilities, is it 4k? Osmo has quite a lot of features such as 180 and 360 degree picture, slo motion video capture along with time lapse, can be used in 4k video format or you can reduce it to 1080, video can be edited within the app and also has inbuilt wifi
  22. The next event for the tourists will of course be the Oktoberfest starting on the 17th September, it's really funny seeing Chinese and Japanese wearing Lederhosen and wasted out of their minds, taking the DJI Osmo with me, its a handheld camera with gimbal, and shoots in 4k (slo mo, time lapse or video) a few from work have a table reserved for the 2nd day so hopefully will get some good video and pictures of inside the tent with much rowdiness, i'll post back here You can check out the osmo here http://www.dji.com/products/osmo
  23. Defiantly some fantastic views up there, there's also a bridge that runs across a ravine, it was like a trampoline and so many people standing on it. Wanted to use the drone but it's not allowed as it's on The borders with a nature reserve, yet i've Seen quite a Lot of youtube footage around The Castle, obviously people not observing The regulations which then gives hobbyists a Bad name, but it was a good day out......
  24. I took myself over to Fussen to visit Neuschwanstein, walked up the small mountain, it's a hell of a view, so many Chinese there it was unreal
  25. azda


    You don't need to add your personal email address on an open forum, there is a PM facility where you can private message details with stuntman if you wish