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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    CGS (Coin Grading Service)

    Working fine in that marvelous Scittish invention, the aye phone
  2. That was 6am this morning Jerry I have a weeks holiday in September and Neuschwanstein is definitely on the cards plus the possibility of Berchtesgaden (Hitlers lair) that's 180km away
  3. azda

    1845 Crown (Problem Coin)

    A GVF sold for £240 at Londoncoins this year, but the holes are going to really drag it down, I'd say between £75-£100 ballpark, as its eBay it could Be more or less depending who's bidding
  4. azda

    1845 Crown (Problem Coin)

    Holes are obviously for a swivel mount. This will detract from price. It's a pity, looks like a decent coin otherwise, although your fingerprints won't help it now either
  5. So, another small outing, this time to Scloss (Castle) Nymphenburg, it's more a Palace than Scloss. This ins about 3km from where i live. Neuschwanstein is next in the list
  6. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Says it all about ebay
  7. You should try living in Germany Colin, they enforce everything
  8. Bullion value and looks as though he's taken to cleaning it, it looks polished from the OBV picture.
  9. Also a small piece of advice, take spink prices with a pinch of salt.
  10. azda

    Alexander Penny

    Well i thought £100 was about right, As i mentioned above, they Are a popular coin in decent grades.
  11. azda

    Alexander Penny

    £133.99, i was'nt far out with my £100 estimate
  12. So, pretty much doubled your money. Can't be bad, although I guess it's price today would be even higher than £2k. More than likely. It was another bought at the time of being unemployed, i knew it was rare and the Price was good and there was still Money in it so the Credit Card took a beating that day
  13. I paid 1300 euros for it and got £2k
  14. Agree completely with your Post Dave, of course not everything is obtainable in EF for a decent price, i should have said the more common coins. If you continue down that route the 1905 silver will be a Little sore on the Pocket in EF As will 1850 and 54 shillings etc
  15. My advice would be to buy minimum EF grade (if its affordable to you) lower grade coins will sit and sit and eventually As you've said in your Post (Start upgrading) which is a Little false economy because you're effectively paying twice for the similar coin but just in a better grade. Its better to have 10 coins in high/top grade than 100 coins in low grade, it will mean a smaller collection but worth more. Just my opinion, each collector is different in their approach to collecting
  16. azda

    Advice on photographing coins

    And my recent change over to a white background
  17. azda

    Advice on photographing coins

    Dark background
  18. azda

    CGS submission form query

    Yes, it came back CGS82 finest known graded thus far
  19. Trying to calm the man down and his reaction to something VS said which did'nt merit the route PWA took in his post, unfortunately he did'nt want to see sense or re-read what VS wrote. My apologies to the forum members, trying to be the peacemaker does'nt get you anywhere either.
  20. Lmfao, i own the Forum? I take my pill and swallow it when i'm wrong, i can hold my Hand up or i can defend what i'm saying. This forum will never be a ghost Town when i or you or anyone Else leave, i was merely asking you to calm down, i assume it was too radikal for you to hear from me? So, because a member or 2 has a problem with what i say everyone now has a Problem? Have you tanken a concencus of opinion or has this just come from you? If it's a concencus can I see the poll ?
  21. Blumen, right now you've going through a different generation, keep up the attitude and the knowledgable here won't want too speak or respond to you, so chill the flow out
  22. Pete, apparently i have a finest known 1860 halfpenny, i got a dude Last week Tell me "if CGS saw his they'd be blown alway" (apparently). CGS Are harsh graders, so to have a finest known in their Books is a feather, but bear in mind there is other coins out there and like a boxing champ everyone wil try and come at you, whT you need to keep in mind is that PCGS and NGC have lower standards