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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    Scale and callipers

    Reading the manual micrometers are a dark art, using them without a small stand can also bring a variable reading and I guess this is why people go for the digital. Most engineering companies I've worked with use mitutoyo
  2. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    Harz 4 is for those unemployed longer than 9 months, you should check what the UK unemployed get, it's less than Harz 4
  3. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    That can be answered in a simple way... A human being with a full time job has to be in the position to afford a worthily life. A government has the task to introduce suitable conditions. That is not the case. My government for example does force people into dishonourable working conditions instead. That has to be changed, we have to take action and elect appropiate parties. I'm nor sure i follow that last paragraph Christoph, the forcing people into dishonourable working conditions? As i have been unemployed here in Germany previously i was given 9 months to find a job and be seen to actively seek employment in the chosen field in which i work, they also paid for me to learn basic German for 6 months.
  4. azda

    Gold Coins for SALE

    Yes i thinks its possible you've just broken the rules. 1 post and its to sell something.
  5. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    The SNP wanted NO austerity cuts, our English friends were scared and will now be shafted even more. Glad I'm not living in the UK right now.
  6. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    Changes to wages and pensions has also happened in the UK Christoph, pensionable age has increased to 67, what is the age a Greek can claim rente? The attached came from the BBC news app from the Irish Finamce minister
  7. No Bernie, does'nt appear to be 8 over 6
  8. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    The other thing that actually comes out of the whole Greek situation is that it Shows that austerity does not work. I Wonder if the UK Population is watching and listening because there does'nt seem to be many voices on here slating the UK Government who Are doing exactly the Same thing to its citizens albeit voluntarily by the Government, had Brussels asked the UK to do what they Are doing now there would be the same uproar as we're getting from the Greek situation
  9. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    I was watching the Channel 4 news Last night and John Snow interviewed a German female politician in which she said that Germany may put it to a referendum also if Germany should continue giving Money to the Greék Banks, she stated that the problem was'nt with the Greék people, its the banks. As Rob points out above, if they cannot reform then why continually throw good Money after bad as this money comes in Part from EU taxpayers, i read somewhere recently of someone who had holidayed in Greece and when paying for a meal or whatever it was they were paying for the Place in question wanted cash instead of them paying by card, obviously so ist did'nt go through the Books and tax being liable, its this Part i have the Problem with and its not just Greece, the UK and some corporates are Doing the Same thing. A rerhink on having a Single currency is needed IMO. The next 48 hrs will see things a Little more clearly i Hope als this has dragged on far too long, Tsparis Talking to Putin won't help matters much either, its nor the First time in the Last few months he's Done this.
  10. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    I believe Goldman Sachs checked the books before their entry and read somewhere there was some under the table envelopes and hamdshakes
  11. Not so much pennies, maybe the odd decent silver coin.
  12. Before i got really into coin collecting i picked up (either an 1873 or 77) here in Germany for €50, it was BU and put it on eBay, it flew and sold for £350-£370 i think ist was, it was a stunner. Unfortunately no images but i did Post it somewhere on here.
  13. azda

    Mixed Bag on eBay!

    Because you're using Internet Explorer, try pasting into Firefox
  14. azda

    Rome The Great Power That She Was

    As a rule, 75% of German words that end with E are feminine, there are obviously exceptions such as Nacht and Milch which are both die Nacht, die Milch
  15. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    It will be interesting
  16. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    Being a disaster for the euro zone is what the Greeks are banking on and what they've been playing on since February. As far as I've read into this, the referendum today was basically a vote to stay in the EU or not as most of the EU finance ministers have had enough of them and are now willing to let them leave, effectively leaving them bankrupt.
  17. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    Exactly my point. But there is another scenario, have you seen what the UK government is doing to its nation and the austerity cuts, funnily enough when it's done by your own government to your own citizens it's somehow ok?
  18. azda

    Reviewing an old collection

    The 1882H Penny is nice. The 1905 halfcrown is rare but in poor state but i reckon if it was on ebay you might be looking at £100 for that, maybe more as its ebay
  19. I actually thought there was something under the B also, a better in Hand view will work that out
  20. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    I believe the Germans paid that Debt off a few years back. I assume some people still blame this generation of German children for another generations actions. We could go on and list the actions of Britain throughout the ages or even America. We don't forget what happened but to keep screwing a generation who has or had nothing to Do with 70 odd years previous is just getting absurd. Yes 60 years ago would have been 1955, so i'm assuming you meant WWII which actually started in 1939 which was 76 years ago
  21. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    Personally i think Germany has got too big for its own boots and needs to step back. Problem being it has the largest economy and is the biggest contributer to the EU. As another instance what does Romania bring to the table exactly? I've Never understood their admittance into the EU. I Do think some things Need changing in the EU als a whole, i'd like to see the individual countires go back to their own currency, i might be able to afford to buy some British coins without the exchange Rate sitting at €1.41 for a £1 having the DM again i might be able to buy better coins I totally agree with dave' Post above, he has this Spot on
  22. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    I think the Germans, like Most other nations have had enough of their playing around. The Country is bankrupt due to their Business owners hiding what they earn, its down to the Greeks to sort their own shit out, they should Never have got into the EU in the First place and there was discrepencies with their books. The UK will be next in my viel, Cameron thinks he's a big shaker and mover and wants things changed to Suit him, he already Fell at the first hurdle trying to drum up support for HIS ideas. If the UK leaves then the cost of living will jump for import/export, let him shoot himself in the foot, arrogant p***k that he is. Ok, now breath Dave
  23. azda

    ΟΧΙ? Really?

    Arrogance and trying to blackmail the EU. They think if they say NO that the EU will grovel and apologise and ask if they want a few more hundred billion. Greece thinks the EU needs them and have played poker long enough with the EU, time to say tschus
  24. How common are these, i'm out of the penny loop these days