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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    Reviewing an old collection

    Why? That's what we are here for. Exactly. All the posts about pensions and the state of cider are just to kill time until someone puts up some more photos of coins for us to look at! ... though that might just be me... . We could become alcoholics with the wait, Stewie has already started going down that road
  2. azda

    Happy birthday, Geordie!

    Happy Birthday auld yin
  3. One for the Penny Boys. A clear I over I in BRITT
  4. azda

    Viking/Anglo-Saxon coin attribution

    It should be round
  5. azda

    IPhone music

    When it starts tasting like ginger Peter
  6. azda

    IPhone music

    Must be the ginger
  7. azda

    IPhone music

    Lol, I noticed a few of your posts last night and thought you were on the devils juice Stewie. During the Course of reading this one I half expected you to be crying at the end of it lol. Oh boy, wait till you waken up and the mist clears from the thudding head
  8. azda


  9. azda

    Where on Earth do I start?

    Hello Ballf and welcome. Sounds like you have some work to do, my suggestion would be first of all to sort out the dates in order and denomination. Depending how they were stored could give a clue to grades, for imstance if they were all thrown in a jar they could be low grade and bullion value only. Up to 1920 Silver coins were made from .925 silver, and from then on up to 1947 ist was .500 silver. Just be careful how you handle and store them for now until you soft through them, there Are rare dates of both shillings and florins, 1850, 54 and 1905 Shillings Are the stand out ones and 1854, 63 and 1905 again for the florins. Most of all, have fun checking, you never know what you might find, grade of the coins are VERY important, mishandling can devalue a coin, so be careful
  10. Might have a look over the weekend at it.
  11. Is There a cost? And yes i took a peek yesterday
  12. I shall retract Nordle. Do your pictures upload at the same resolution on your Site?
  13. Yes i would agree there, considering i use the highest macro settings the pictures are relatively small and don't show the coins in their warts an all glory.
  14. Uploading a picture and adding the basic details of Said picture is the Same detail as omnicoin. I'm not seeing much difference in basic layouts apart from a specic web address
  15. Omnicoin does exactly the Same thing
  16. I'll keep an eye out Vicky throughout my internet travels
  17. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I did already Richard, he said I could retone it with cigarette ash lol
  18. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I would have had a Stab at this 221810880973 had he nor killed it in picture 3 with a freaking Paraffin wipe, completely killed the coin now
  19. The book does'nt stretch that far geordie
  20. I was thinking the same about the 1898 crown regarding artist drawing it, very nice. Not a huge fan of the halfcrowns though (personal preference) although there seems to be a large knock at 7pm on the REV. They look like CGS pictured coins or from Londoncoins
  21. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I would rather keep my 50p