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Everything posted by azda

  1. Its no more than a GVF, AU should never be mentioned with this coin, i may have to locate some silver to sell you
  2. £1k plus juice in Fine or a NEF @ £1450 plus juice according to Damian' first DNW link, i know which i would go for, for a few extra £s
  3. Ok my Personal take on it would be YIKES. It's one of these coins that i could'nt live with for too Long. The digs and the cleaning would make me walk past it no matter if it was a glaring hole in my collection. For me its no more than a £1000 coin, save your money because you'll want an upgrade sooner rather than later. The resale value on ebay (which is where you sell many cast offs) would be in my opinion less than you Are about too pay. Save your money a Little longer, it will make more economic sense. Sorry to be so brutal, but it would'nt be for me. I'm beginning to sound like Rob No more than GVF for me but i'd Love to go lower due to all its Problems
  4. You may have come to the wrong forum to sell that
  5. It was bought maybe 3 years ago during my penny phsae, since sold it i think lol, price, i think around the £60 mark
  6. Lol, errr no Prax, just log onto their website and subscribe. Also UNC is UNC in English by English auction houses, graders and dealers www.tokenpublishing.com
  7. Not sure where their figures are from but i've artached part of the digital copy for you too see
  8. The latestcoi news digital arrived in my inbox today andthis month they have given pennyprixes, a different denomination each month, the 1904 in UNC was rated at £185
  9. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Lives in Germany but does'nt post to Germany.
  10. azda

    1861 over lower 1 variety

    It won't run into hundreds of Pounds, so excitment should be contained. Just because it's not listed does'nt mean it's not been noted previously, the date itself is fairly common, but i would'nt place a mortgage on a minor overstrike.................... Good spot though
  11. azda

    Slaney 2

    You can of course log into both the saleroomand spink live should any problems arise with spink live
  12. azda

    Slaney 2

    Me either, i'd rather bid on the day, but barring a lottery win, i'll be a spectator only
  13. azda

    Slaney 2

    Nope....I'm working on the basis that I wont get more than one or two at those very low estimates...if I get more than two then I'm screwed ! I'd Hate to think what would happen if you got the 12 of them then lol
  14. Recut numerals are quite common on the Vicky copper penny series
  15. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It might be more to do with who actually owns said coin if it gets graded or not.
  16. azda

    Slaney 2

    A dozen or so? You win the lottery Colin? Lol
  17. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Might make an offer http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151657024128?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D151657024128%26_rdc%3D1
  18. azda

    CGS £13.75 for coins under £200?

    Totally agree, she has the manner of a pitbull, totally disinterested. She needs to find a job she'd be happy in, but i have here in Munich an NGC office which i'm still mulling over
  19. azda

    CGS £13.75 for coins under £200?

    When i tried to join CGS feom Munich it seemed impossible, a bit like tgey did'nt want foreign addresses, it may have changed
  20. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I have my doubts about this one als well 171755715267 the leaf under the 1 in date is broken
  21. azda

    Slaney 2

    That is of course assuming the dealer can sell it at that price, why pay that if you can get it cheaper at auction?Because thats how Dealers make Money Paul, plus if you don't Do your homework you're gonna get burntThe coin in question http://www.simonwilliscoins.com/products/coin-details.aspx?id=S2592 And the spink coin http://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/spink/catalogue-id-srspi10039/lot-3f4d5584-2e53-41d0-bea6-a453010567e2 I wonder if he asked spink to use the pictures? A curious one though, does the buyer of the coin then become the owner of the pictures or Do those still belong to the auction house?
  22. azda

    Slaney 2

    Yes, it was the Liz I milled shilling from the last Spink auction, hammered at 3k so £3600 with commission roughly and now sitting on a dealers site at £5800. So the obvious fact is, buy it yourself in auction and save 2 grand, as long as its not for flipping it should eventually give a return. I assume the £2200 the dealer has slapped on it will break down as 2k profit and £200 haggle margin