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Uncle Phil

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Everything posted by Uncle Phil

  1. I've been on the lookout for threepence coins, and have come across several sellers who say the coin is "Unique", then go on to say it's a "Proof modern pattern". I do acknowledge that these coins are no longer actual currency, but surely flogging fakes is a bit ropey?
  2. I spose it would seem a bit daft to you seasoned veterans , but I have got a couple of really good 3d pieces, and when I saw the ads on FleaBay for "1945 Silver Threepence" I had a bit of a fluffy moment Seems a bit silly really. Only people who know that 1945 is a "good" date to look out for would take any notice, and I can't really see those same people buying a fake for fifteen quid.
  3. Uncle Phil

    Poor Condition of Many Modern Decimal Coins

    I've received 3 in my change, so I wish only 25,000 had been minted !!! Actually the true figure is 3,903,000 ~ see Royal Mint mintage figures here I'm obviously looking at the wrong websites
  4. Uncle Phil

    Poor Condition of Many Modern Decimal Coins

    I very rarely have any money with me at all. I use my debit card for just about everything. About the only exception is car parking, so now and again, I chuck a few £1 coins in the car ashtray for that. Funny that this should come up again actually. My Mrs just gave me a 2009 Darwin £2 coin which I had never seen before - but I wouldn't cos I don't use coins Only 25,000 minted and already on Ebay for a tidy sum for BU examples. I haven't bothered playing with modern coins in the hope that "they might be worth something one day" but this looks vaguely promising.
  5. Uncle Phil

    Royal Mail

    I haven't had any real grief with RM - at least not enough to complain about. Up until yesterday morning that is. My Mrs had a birthday card delivered. It was in tatters. the envelope was ripped open, and the card itself had been "handled" if you see what I mean. There is no way that the postie could not have noticed its condition as he put it through the door, so no guesses who my No 1 suspect is. Thankfully it didn't have any inserts but cards to our address very often have a tenner in them from the outlaws. There would have been serious ructions if that had been the case with this one. Mind you, the ructions are going to be quite spectacular as it is, so watch the sky over Reading
  6. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Hi, I have not been an "official" coin collector, but have just decided to become one I have a few interesting coins, but I want to start off a "proper" collection with all the coins that have been around during my lifetime. Starting from the farthing (yep, I'm an old fart ), hapeny, penny, silver 3d piece, 12 sided thrupny bit, tanner, bob bit etc. And also to make a decent little cabinet to show them off, as I'm quite handy in that way. Probably really boring to you experts , but an interesting place for me to start, and maybe even a bit of a legacy for my kids (who are nearly due for their own bus passes!). Anyway, I hope to be along this way rather often in the future, so I look forward to your company.
  7. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Many thanks for all this. Am trying desperately to put all the various notes in some kind of order so I can find them easily when something comes up. Will definitely be collecting threepenny pieces, particularly the brass jobbies as I just love those, but go back as far as I can. It can sit alongside the new burgeoning farthing collection
  8. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Have been doing as you advise and looking out for threepenny pieces, and saw this on fleabay. He's offering dates from 1952 - 1971. Were any produced in 1971 just a few months before they ceased to be legal tender? If so, that's a tad short sighted I would have thought.
  9. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Colin, Many thanks - I received the coin sheets today. They certainly do the job, although just one will hold my entire collection at the mo I'll put an order in for the albums, and start looking like a real pro
  10. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Perhaps I should just get an old kilt and line it with that
  11. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Got my first batch of things, but not in line with the original idea of just coins that were around during my lifetime. I got a batch of farthings - 14 in all - and a few other odds N sods from Colin and I'm glad I did. To hold those coins that are so familiar and so ingrained in my childhood is almost emotional. They still give me the sense of worth and value that they had in those days. With regard to the cabinet, many thanks Hussulo, those pre-made ones are seriously nice, but way above my station at the mo, so maybe I'll put one on my wish list. I have in mind a simple tray with square divisions lined in green fluffy stuff, and a perspex hinged lid. I knocked something similar up for my girls when they were small for their collections of fossils so I'll do one of those again. And as for my sig - I haven't yet but I do really want one
  12. Uncle Phil

    Nother newbie- but oldie :)

    Thanks a million for the replies, and the advice - it's very much appreciated. Must admit, I'm really intrigued by the threepenny bits, and will certainly be on the lookout. Thanks for the book suggestions as well. I was rather reluctant to just go out and buy books without proper advice,and now I have it. Many thanks guys.