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Everything posted by HistoryTreasures

  1. HistoryTreasures

    Coin Auctions

    Yes, I agree. I think the reason for it is simply due to the auction calendar being a bit quiet at the moment and hence there is a spate of material being offered. People have got to have their coins, and so the result is predictable...
  2. HistoryTreasures

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    ROFL! I'm struggling to see what's means to be so interesting about such a coin as that!
  3. HistoryTreasures

    Copies of coins

    I don't know, they might fool me! Such nice copies
  4. HistoryTreasures

    2 Shillings 1901

    I've neevr heard of the expression "To have a crush on Victorian coins" before, how quaint!!
  5. HistoryTreasures

    Irish token on ebay

    Hey Chris - there are some right *&*s on the bay, I know!..
  6. Is that perhaps because we don't all know that much about these rareties? How much of the share would you be willing to impart with someone anyway?
  7. Wondering how hard it is to distinguish the Edward I,II Pennies...

  8. HistoryTreasures

    hammered coin id please

    The first coin seems to be Spink 1348A or Class 4a for the Pennies of Richard I. Obverse description: Chin + side whiskers made up of beads/pellets; hair is made of up of two or more non-parallel crescents left and right. Crown usually has seven pearls. There is a not as good example halfway down the page of this link http://www.hallshammeredcoins.com/?page=coins&offset=0&type=2
  9. HistoryTreasures

    Which is the better coin?

    Well I just can't make head nor tails of it personally. I think I'd prefer his but I'm basing it entirely on tone as per the picture.
  10. HistoryTreasures

    hammered coin

    Hey financial value isn't everything!!
  11. HistoryTreasures

    2011 50p coins

    Looks more like a Fosbury flop to me? Cool designs too!
  12. You've already put these in another thread Az, or am I suffering déjà vu? Or maybe it's Dave ja Vu
  13. HistoryTreasures

    1882 Penny On Ebay

    I would assume that the 'H' is there or was once there and demand better photos! Krause gives $75.00 for one of these in Fine. A nice rarity! If you can find it..But can something be said for the art of filing down letters on coins?
  14. HistoryTreasures

    Byzantine Follis, hard to pinpoint..

    Can anyone point me in the right direction here - we have a Byzantine 40 Nummus (M) with what appears to be a standing figure and kneeling? figure on the reverse. Not many other details are clear, but this seems to be an issue of the earlier Byz. Empire.
  15. HistoryTreasures

    Byzantine Follis, hard to pinpoint..

    I think she is holding a baby...? And who's cat is that anyway? Duh what does the 'M' stand for? Is it Mad???
  16. HistoryTreasures

    seen on ebay

    Actually guys, this is a bit retarded because there are so many instances of this on eBay and you guys should find something better to do with your xmas time! Like stuff the turkey or wife or something...
  17. HistoryTreasures

    Ebay is down.....

    I just got in. 22:18 And the end of the world is nigh!
  18. HistoryTreasures

    Coin Storage

    Aye, doesn't react with the coin as do the plastic slips which leech oils slowly...
  19. HistoryTreasures

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    WOT? WOT kind of English is that? By 'eck we have fun on this forum!
  20. HistoryTreasures

    Byzantine Follis, hard to pinpoint..

    Oh dear...still no hints on this? I am lost??
  21. HistoryTreasures

    hammered coin

    It is fake but I think it was meant to be a Penny of James I but don't have my Spink on me...
  22. HistoryTreasures

    unknown coin

    They were known as "easterlings", from which is derived the word "sterling" which is another term for our silver.
  23. HistoryTreasures

    new to the forum

    Welcome to the Forum Cartwheel - please share with us all about your gems!
  24. Without seeing any pictures then its impossible to tell No. Go away or post photos! haha..
  25. HistoryTreasures

    seen on ebay

    They are always described as 50 pence coins!.. The seller clearly thinks you can apply modern values to the old coins - so anyone with a hoard of Cuni Crowns must have suddenly become extremely rich some time in the 90's when they changed the Crown's face-value from 25 pence to a fiver!