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Bernie last won the day on February 10

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  1. Bernie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    How about one penny ????????????
  2. Bernie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You're priceless Richard! 😃
  3. Bernie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Are you calling ME a moron Richard! LOL 😂🤣 PS. Thought to be the only existing example.
  4. Bernie

    1954 penny

    I believe that the different weight coins were produced to test the dies on different width flans. Paul Holland has investigated this , Apparently the weight of the individual new flans was to equate to how many coins could be struck to the weight of one pound. If my memory serves me correct, one particular weight of flans worked out to 30 coins per pound.
  5. Auction details of collection, starting at page 11, lot 186 online. Sovereign Rarities
  6. It would be more frustrating if a die 7 turned up!!🤣
  7. I agree, but my own patience to have a collection is short! can't wait forever.
  8. Problem is, those "occasions" can be very rare.
  9. The Freeman 32 was unsold in the Sovereign Rarities Auction. There is a member of this forum who has a coin that I would like. I believe that he will be definitely aware of which coin this is. would you consider an exchange for my Fr32 penny? Contact me please by forum messaging if you are interested. I will hold the penny for a week for you to consider this offer.
  10. I agree Richard. Hopefully the five pennies that you mention go to penny collectors on this forum! Overall I am very pleased with the total. Shame the 1954 didn't sell like Del Boys Watch!
  11. It's either an A/A or R/R, two different die pairs. This appears to be R/R
  12. Yes, and also Lot 210, not Freeman 38 but should read Fr39A
  13. I have downloaded the program but can't work out how to get picture size to 499Kb. Please guide step by step procedure. I tried setting resize to 0.499Mb but picture reduces to 57Kb.