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Everything posted by Bernie

  1. If my memory serves me correctly, on the earlier version of the Victorian Bronze penny, the picture of a reverse F penny was added at the back page of the book. The picture of the reverse F penny was on page 14 of the second edition.
  2. Bernie

    Royal Mint 2019 coin sets

    I thought that next years coin sets were usually advertised by the Royal Mint in December. No sign of them yet. Does anyone know when they will be available please ?
  3. Bernie

    Royal Mint 2019 coin sets

    Thank you Mike !
  4. Take a look at this ! I wish I was rich ! It makes your mouth water. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rainbow-PCGS-MS-65-BU-1967-Great-Britain-1-2-Penny-Unc-Top-Grade-391/223267471542?hash=item33fbc740b6:g:ElAAAOSwEwhb7Orn
  5. You've missed out Like.....like, like ,like, like Now the most common word in the English vocabulary, far more common than "and" or "the".
  6. I strongly agree with the fact that pictures can distort the alignment of colons/lettering to teeth in borders !
  7. It is difficult or even impossible to prove whether a die pairing was intentional or not. In my opinion coins such as BB/TB, TB/BB and 1862 2 & 3+G are not truly mules as they were possibly struck deliberately. A true mule in my mind is something like the 1966 Jersey obverse with British penny reverse.
  8. Bernie

    Halfpenny ID check

    Another obverse 7 with reverse G
  9. Yes he bought a 1933 penny, specimen 7 in 1980 and sold it in ~1982
  10. If L.C.WYON is on this penny, it is far from the position of a Freeman 15. All other indicators as Freeman 16
  11. Fr24 4+F 1861E F+f OBVERSE Type 1 Three leaves in first row of laurel. Linear circle weak but continuous above legend “VICTORIA”. Type 2 Two leaves in first row of laurel, upper leaf missing or very weak. Linear circle mostly absent above legend “VICTORIA”. REVERSE Type 1 Last numeral “1” in date noticeably spaced wide from “6”, slightly low and tilting clockwise approximately 15 degree’s. Linear circle in exergue continuous. Small trace of extra tail, with tip cut off, on date numeral “6” one noted with die crack from tooth between “8” and “6” of date, running vertical towards breastplate. Type 2 Last numeral “1” in date spaced slightly wide, very low and tilting approximately 20 degree’s Clockwise, almost in contact with linear circle. Trace of extra tail to date numeral “6”
  12. Two different die pairs noted, Fr32 6+F 1861M J+f OBVERSE Type 1 Linear circle well defined and spaced close to legend “VICTORIA” Second leg of “V” in “VICTORIA” touching linear circle. Some flan examples found concave Type 2 Linear circle weak in places, legend “VICTORIA” not too close to linear circle. REVERSE Type 1 Date numerals inline, last numeral “1” very slightly wide and tilting clockwise by 5 degree’s. Linear circle below exergual line weak then missing after last date numeral. one noted with die crack on right of first "N" in "PENNY" to toothed border. Some flan examples found convex. Type 2 Last date numeral “1” spaced wide, slightly low and tilting by approximately 5 degree’s. Linear circle below exergual line mostly intact, except 3mm. Missing left of date, near exergual line.
  13. Many examples of one of the two known die pairings of F32 occur with flans that become slightly concave/convex after striking. This is probably the reason that this die design was not adopted again. This is the cause of more wear to the centre of the reverse.
  14. The weight of 21 grams would suggest that the coin pictured above is a gold coin as the 1848 silver pattern designs were approximately 11.3 grams. (many different designs, about eight)
  15. Take a look at this ! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Great-Britain-1-2-Penny-1967-coins-collectibles/292510859570?epid=102090324&hash=item441b018132:g:Y6YAAOSwr95axMzh
  16. What I am saying is that this particular coin on Ebay does match the coin die pairing that I have pictured. Obviously the die cracks may not be visible on some of the earliest striking from the same die pairs. It is lucky that the die cracks on the ebay coin do match to a degree the coin that I have pictured. The exact position of these die cracks do not appear on any other different die pairs of other varieties. The position of the date numerals also match.
  17. Not easily ! The colon dot after F D is very close to the O of HONI SO. The O of Honi so sometimes appears as an indentation. Having pictures of all known pattern penny die pairs does make identification possible unless coin is below VG.
  18. Hello David, Attached is a picture of one of the die pairs of A+b that matches the Ebay coin. Note the die crack below O of ONE. date spacing and linear circle also a match obverse and reverse. No other known die pairs of other pattern pennies match.
  19. It's definitely Gouby obverse A with Reverse B
  20. I will ask him next Thursday if he recalls the blue boxes.
  21. I was speaking with an 88 year old coin dealer earlier today and the subject of 1951 crowns was discussed. This dealer told me that he got married during the Festival of Britain celebrations in London. He explained to me the reasons for the two different colour boxes that the Crowns were issued in, Green & Magenta. The Green boxes were sold only in the Festival Hall, The Magenta boxes were sold in the Festival Pleasure Gardens on the opposite bank of the Thames.
  22. I won a 1873 coin from the USA for ~$76. It cost me an extra $15.55 shipping and a further $20.54 import charges, Totalling $112. These figures are probably given by US Ebay through their secure posting system. It is no fault of the seller, but if the import charge is wrong, I don't see what could be done about it. Perhaps this situation should be sorted out before buying coins for thousands of dollars !
  23. It's a Freeman 29, obverse 6 with reverse D Yes John, the other picture, I didn't see, appears to be a Freeman 20, obverse 2 with reverse G