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Everything posted by just.me

  1. yep, me too. Currency from 1797 onwards including the "Hypervarietals narrow date cr--. ''
  2. just.me

    Recent aquisitions

    The 2,4 and 8 Reales also has a 1740/30 overdate. No overdate found on the 1 Real
  3. just.me

    Recent aquisitions

    Is this a Mexican 1/2 Real? Standard Catalogue of World coins lists a 1740/30 KM65 obverse having the MF mintmark.
  4. just.me

    Two Old Coins (Possibly Fakes?))

    the link was for the op to help explain why everyone was saying they were fake.
  5. just.me

    Two Old Coins (Possibly Fakes?))

    You can still buy them for a few £ for the pair, http://www.by-the-sword.com/p-2776-english-civil-war-replica-coin-set-cw1cp.aspx
  6. just.me

    1983 2 Pence Mule

    Maybe it is right enough, he has actually stated that someone pinched his photos and that he had a non paying bidder and has re-listed. The toning of the just the Twopence seems strange to me and why it would have been removed and replaced back into the set. There also seems to be a flaw on the reverse rim above the E in pencE. I like the idea of milling a standard 1983 out and dropping in an older reverse. I have a few Victorian and Edward Pennies that have been milled out, but nothing been put in. I've also seen a large 10pence double tailed that was done this way, easily spotted under a loupe but very difficult to spot with the naked eye.
  7. just.me

    1983 2 Pence Mule

    Seems a bit suspect, this set was also 'sold' back in February and last week and is now on again? The original sale stated that the coin had been taken out and put back in. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ultra-Rare-1983-2p-New-Pence-Royal-Mint-Mule-Error-No-Rush-For-Payment-/151219637478?pt=UK_Coins_OtherBritish_RL&hash=item2335648ce6&nma=true&si=WYI%252BBnYHSeo7A2fyYwvGtmtJlwo%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1983-2p-New-Pence-Royal-Mint-Mule-Error-EXTREMELY-RARE-/161236773046?pt=UK_Coins_BritishDecimal_RL&hash=item258a75e8b6&nma=true&si=WYI%252BBnYHSeo7A2fyYwvGtmtJlwo%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  8. I remember the hype with the 2008 mule 20 pences, they were about £30-£40 for a good while and they shot up to £200-£400 after the press published the article and the BBC mentioned it. This prices lasted for a short time and steadily they found their way back to the £40ish mark. Whether the Kew Gardens 50p will follow suit and return to normal prices, I guess time will tell. The 1992/1993 dated Single Market 50pence only had a mintage of 109k, which is about 1/2 of the Kew Gardens 210k mintage, I don't recall any hype about this coin? I found 4 Kew gardens 50pences in circulation, but I never found a 1992/3 EU 50 pence. I don't think the Royal mint release the figures until after they release the coins,( they only have upto 2012 listed) unless it is a 'limited edition' http://www.royalmint.com/discover/uk-coins/circulation-coin-mintage-figures/two-pounds-to-20p-issued
  9. just.me

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    Did any of you spot the 1860 TB/BB mule that was listed on eBay for a few days, it went upto £350 odd and the seller ended the auction early. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Victorian-1860-penny-/151219580550?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=WYI%252BBnYHSeo7A2fyYwvGtmtJlwo%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  10. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    speechless about this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/THE-ROYAL-CROWN-COLLECTION-GOLD-PLATED-AND-IN-COLOUR-1981-/380826561639?pt=UK_Coins_Medals_RL&hash=item58ab082c67 even the certificate is for a different coin
  11. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    He must be on crack cocaine if he thinks he's sold 105 of those at that price....... NUMPTY. How does he fiddle the stats to say this many have been sold at that price? There's no fiddling of stats, if you click the 105 sold http://offer.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&_trksid=p2047675.l2564&rt=nc&item=270908645225 it shows you who bought them and they bought them at £17.99. Like HC said above, he just changed his price either to save fees or to hold the listing until he stocks up etc, so there are still 105 sold, but all at £17.99 and £16.99, and 0 sold at the new price of £1799.00
  12. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It's not a flaw. I've just spoken to some techies at eBay and they say that this is the seller's chosen price. They've even tried to revise the listings with their admin account and the exorbitant price has been set by the seller, presumably they've run out of stock but didn't want to end the listing and then pay fees to relist again later, or some other reason. Wow, thats a good few people with the same thinking. It seems a bit of a hassle to go and change prices etc., rather than just hit relist when they have stocked up. I suppose every 40p for a BIN fee counts, also it would keep no. of items sold higher which would look better on the listing I guess.
  13. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Here is another example http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Moshi-Monsters-Fun-Park-Activity-Puzzle-100-Pieces-/130843223323?pt=UK_Toys_Jigsaws_RL&hash=item1e76dd251b
  14. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I have noticed this flaw with eBay BIN prices several times, if you click on the 105 sold, you will see that they are actually £17.99. This has been happening for a good few months now, I have looked up completed items on a whole lot of various things and there are a lot of this mistakes. I don't know if you Bought it Now, if it would charge the £1799 or £17.99, I haven't the bottle (or the spare cash) to try lol.
  15. just.me


    Would anyone have or know of an 1837 Threehalfpence for sale?
  16. I like the way Gouby arranged his book, having the currency pieces and publicly available proofs in one section and all the rare proofs, patterns, off metal strikes, trials, anomalies etc in a separate section. I've been on your site a few times and have never thought 'I would have this here and that there', your current layout works for me.
  17. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    small and large date comparison (sorry about quality, iPhone camera and also large date is in a flip.)
  18. just.me

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I thought it looked like a standard small date, the numbers aren't close enough to the border for it to be a large date? Large date Farthing
  19. just.me


    When you go into an area, say 'members only', on the page to the right of the advertisement banner, there is a 'follow this topic and receive notifications' possibly you clicked that? You also get it on the topic pages in the same place.
  20. just.me

    Merry Christmas

    The Royal Mint website has some interesting pages showing what they issued, from base metals to gold and platinum proofs, singles to collections for each year 2003 to 2008. It gives limits of each issue and the number that were actually ordered. Very few of these actually sold out and some orders compared to issue limits were staggeringly low, but they seemed to just repeat the limits year after year even with the dropping orders? One interesting piece I noticed was that the 2004 50p, £1 and £2 sales were very low for the base metal, silver and in the gold, they have a note next to each one saying, to be offered in 2007 as a 4 coin set. http://www.royalmint.com/discover/uk-coins/circulation-coin-mintage-figures/2003-dated-uk-collector-coin-sales
  21. I've been collecting 50p & £2 from change too (can't be bothered with the rest), but quite a few gaps - what value bags do the banks issue these in? 50p - £10 bags or £250 bag with 25 small bags £2 - £20 bags or £500 bag with 25 small bags £1 are the same as £2 I exchanged notes for the big bags of 50p's when the 29 olympics were released, it took about 10 bags to get them all. My daughter enjoyed sorting through them as she had got a folder to put them in from the mint. I see the mint have now released folders for collecting the different designs on 50p's, £1 and £2 coins. Coin hunt folder or something along that lines they're called.
  22. I agree its been manufactured, the offstruck obverse is the wrong way round. The reverse has been flattened due to the heavy strike it would require to imprint a coin onto another.
  23. just.me

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    Was it the one from Croatia by any chance?
  24. I was swaying between 2 and 3. The rose looks complete as in obverse 3, but it didn't look low enough. There was an obverse (DE) that Gouby had included and then omitted that was between obverses 2(D) and 3(E) it was like a transition die, it shared similarities with both obverses. The fishtail looks oddly cut too, not quite central but not as far left as usual on 2 and 3. Maybe just the pic. Lovely Penny btw.