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Everything posted by RobJ

  1. I think that with anything new there is a learning curve, often a steep one to begin with, but hopefully I am starting to get there. I am trying to look at as many coins as I can, in as many different denomonations and in as many different grades that I can. That way I can hopefully start to attain the knowledge that I will need to have when considering my coin purchases. I think that at some point in our lives we will all be burnt in one way or another, but hopefully by learning what I can and if I continue asking the questions that I need answering, the blow will not be as severe as it may have been.
  2. Yes, of course! Sorry Scott, I see what you mean now. lol
  3. I purchased an 1860 Farthing today on my travels and I noticed that it had the inscription of BRITT: RFG: F:D: instead of BRITT: REG: F:D: I noticed that on Colin's Farthing website for the 1860 Farthing, it had listed the OBV E variety where the top bar of the E in REG: was missing. The Farthing that I have purchased looks to me to be very similar except that it is the bottom bar of the E in REG: that is missing making it appear to read RFG: I was wondering this was a known variation of the OBV E type or if it is a new variety? Sadly I do not have access to my scanner this evening but I will endevour to try and upload some images tomorrow. Any help or information is as always greatly appreciated. :}
  4. RobJ

    Slow site

    If you do upgrade to the ZX81 Kronos, and if you afford it, then I would highly recommend the 16k Ram Pack. Manic Miner runs like a treat now with zero lag!
  5. Sorry Scott, I think that it must be my eyesight again. lol Where am I looking for the odd lettering?
  6. I have often heard people comment that one of the worst things that this country did was to go Decimal and that it debased the value of the Pound as they felt that the exchange from L/S/D to Decimal wasn't equal or fair. I'm sure many of our European neighbours felt the same way with the introduction of the Euro. I do think that for a lot of people it was change, or the fear of change, that was the issue. It is often easy for us to blame the things that we fear or do not understand for all the ills in the world, whether they are to blame or not. Sorry, I'll get of my Sociological soapbox and back the subject of coins now. lol
  7. My apologies. The link that I reffered to with the people speaking about putting their trust in the Shopkeepers to give them correct change is here Sorry for any confusion.
  8. That is an excellent anecdote Red. I can still remember when growing up my Mother working things out in Decimal and then converting them into 'Old Money' to work out the price of things. She was often disgusted at the prices and often told the shopkeeper that it used to cost 1s/6d or however much it used to cost. lol I think that it must have been very hard for some people to get used to the change to Decimal, especially as you say, the older generation. I'm sure that many people lost out due to unscrupulous people knowingly giving them back the wrong change knowing that they didn't understand the new Decimal system. Which is very sad really. There is an interesting Video Clip in this link with people speaking about how they put their trust in the Shopkeepers to give them the correct change. You have to admire the old dear who simply refused any Decimal coins, bless her. lol
  9. That is a really nice Farthing that you have there Bob. I'm not sure if it is the design itself or the simplicity of the coin or even both, but I find them most attractive coins. I think that I will have to keep an eye open on my coin buying expeditions and see what I can find.
  10. I very much doubt that you would be able to purchase a Pint or a Kebab these days for £3, let alone both! lol I remember as a youngster getting on the bus to Town and it cost 10p, the last time that I did the same journey it was £2.20! lol
  11. I really like the Half Crown. I've often thought that it would have been a good idea to have kept the size and shape and made it the 50p coin as they did with the Shilling and Florin for the 5p and 10p. I was quite dumbfounded when I first saw a Cartwheel Twopence. lol They really are magnificent 'Chunks' of metal! They certainly don't make them like that anymore!
  12. Sadly I was born after Decimalization so I have only ever really known modern coins and I didn't have the chance to experience 'Old Money' except for the odd Sixpence, Shilling or Florin that popped up on occasion. I bet that it was quite exciting finding your first 'New Money' in your change David. I think that I would have went on the bus that day aswell. lol
  13. I wonder how much metal was recovered and how much, if any, was used in the making if it's newer smaller 'Little Brother?' lol Seriously though, next year will see the 40th Anniversary of Decimalization in the UK. It strikes me that if you were to show the average person these days who have no knowledge of L/S/d system Pre Decimal coins, that they would be as baffled as the people who lived in the late 60's and early 70's were when they first saw the new Decimal coins.
  14. I see what you are saying about the damage in the Linear circle and teeth. There is also evidence of that on the REV. I'm thinking that it is due to natural wear and general circulation . I'm not sure when it was 'Pulled' from circulation but I do think that it was quite well used before that point.
  15. I see. That would explain it. May I enquire as to why the die would have been filled? I think.that it is a nice example. And well worth the 50p that I paid for it. lol I must admit Colin, I am starting to find that I'm really starting to take a shine to Farthings. I do like HalfPennys and Pennys as well. Farthings are much overlooked perhaps, but I personally think that that they are fascinating coins. I recently saw my first 'Young Head' Farthing and I must admit that I was quite taken aback by the detail of the design on a 'Small' coin. In time you may have a fellow Farthing geek here too. lol
  16. I have been taking a closer look at the A in Victoria that I mentioned not being barred. Perhaps it is my eyesight - Or more likely my admitted lack of knowledge on the subject, lol - But it looks to me that the A is actually an upside down V. Or am I being stupid and the style of lettering being used would make an unbarred A look like an upside down V?
  17. There is another interesting story here concerning the introduction of the 10p and 5p into circulation in 1968. The video clip is certainly worth a watch.
  18. The 50p first went into circulation in 1969. Although if I'm honest Chingford I do not know if they were first made in 1968 or in 1969. I always thought that it was 1969. There is an interesting story here concerning the introduction of the 50p. In particular I liked the part about the 'Anti-Heptagonists' lol
  19. As far as I am aware, The Blue Decimal Folders were released in 1968 and they contained a 10p, a 5p (Both dated 1968) a 2p, a 1p and a 1/2p (All three 'Copper' coins were dated 1971.) The 10p and the 5p ran alongside the Florin and Shilling and were interchangeable and of equal value. However, the 'Copper' didn't become legal tender until 'D Day' in 1971.
  20. I'm not sure if I'm honest with you Peckris. It is certainly a possibility that it may have occured in circulation. I did notice that the A in Victoria is not barred. I don't know if that is due to a die error or perhaps wear from circulation.
  21. As far as I know Scott the Royal Mint started to circulate the new 2012 Olympic Commemorative 50p issues in the past month or two for us all to collect from our change. As for the 2011 date, I think.- Although I'm not exactly sure on this - That they are all dated 2011.
  22. Thank you Peckris and Colin for your insight and information. I have noticed that as well as damage to the E in REG: that I originally mentioned, there is damage to the G in REG: and also to the F in F:D: I have had a little play with my scanner and its settings this morning and I have enclosed some images for you Colin. The first is the whole OBV scanned at 600 dpi and the second is a close up of lettering that I have referred to scanned at 2400 dpi. Hopefully they will be able to assist you further into you research and help with your records.
  23. Thanks Marc. I managed to obtain another 2010 20p and another 2010 5p yesterday. Still no sign of the 10p for me yet though!
  24. I managed to obtain one of these from my change today. It is the first of any of the 2012 Olympic Commemorative 50p's that I have seen. Only 28 to go now! lol