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Everything posted by RobJ

  1. I think that is perhaps a case of you knowing what you like and liking what you know Red. I was born just after Decimalization but I feel the same way about the small 5p, 10p and 50p Issues. Horrible little things that they are. lol I would much rather have the larger versions any day.
  2. I think that the way that the way that my Collection is starting to develop I will collect in both types. For example, with Decimal I have a set of the first Decimal Issues from 1968 (Plus a 1969 50p) a set from 1982 when the wording changed from 'New' to the value. Then I have the sets issued in 1982, 1985 and 1998 where the Obverse image changed. I do think that shows and offers a good representation of Decimal coinage, however, it simply does not interest me personally to collect each and every set issued for each and every year. Then I am also collecting £2 and 50p Commemorative Issues both ftom change and in BU along side them. I have been thinking long and hard and I'm intending to do similar with Pre Decimal Coinage as well, without the countless minor variations. Elizabeth II for me would be a set of the First Issue in 1953 and then the Second Issue in 1954. And one of each of the Crowns that were issued. For George VI, a 1937 set, a 1947 set of Cupro Nickel coins and then a set of 1949 When 'IND IMP' was removed. Plus the Crowns. George V is more complex as there were four Issues in his Reign, but I think that I will go for a set of 1911, 1920 Debased Silver, 1926 ME and a set of 1927/28. Again Plus the Crowns. Edward Vii is quite straight forward for me as there would only be 1902 set plus the Crown. Victoria, like George VI is quite complex with the various issues so I think that I will concentrate on the earlier Monarchs first but still purchase the coins that I would like as and when I encounter them. On the other hand I'm starting to build a nice Date Run Farthing Collection, and I think that I will follow suit with Pennies and maybe even Half Pennies, as I am really starting to like Copper Coins. I think that for me personally they would be from Edward VII to Elizabeth II, as if I'm honest, Victorian Copper simply does not excite me, except for the Young Head, which is by far my favourite design of any Monarch and one day I would really like a Young Head Farthing Date Run Collection. With Elizabeth II and George VI I only really would like to collect UNC examples and for George V and Edward VII, I am aiming at EF examples. There are of course some exceptions of the harder dates and coins ( EG, 1949 Threepence, 1926 ME Penny and Half Crown, Wreath Crown, etc, etc.) so they would be in whichever Grade that I could not only afford but also justify as well. I do know that I have a lot of work cut out for me and I'm under no illusion at all that it will take a long time and indeed money to build such a collection, but as it stands, that is the Collection that I would like to build. I am in no rush and I intend to enjoy each and every moment and each and every coin as if it were the first. After that, who knows! lol
  3. Thanks for explaining and clearing that up for me Peckris. I can see the attraction to both types of collection. With Type Collecting you really can have the cream of the crop, however it will cost you dearly depending on what it is you decide to collect. With Date Collecting you will have a nice neat organised set of coins covering a period of History. However, I personally do think that you really need to like the coin type or types that you collect as unless you really like, for example, George VI Florins where the design is the same, to me I think that it could all be a bit 'Samey.' But as the saying goes ' One mans meat is another mans poision.' So as long as you enjoy what you choose to collect, in whichever way you decide to collect them, then that is all that matters.
  4. I agree. The designs are very shallow indeed! Some of the Designs are really quite good I think. I rather like the Archery Design. As for the majority of the rest of them, I could take them or leave them personally. Although I do think that the designs suffer being on the new smaller and lighter 50p coins and they may have been more fitting and better looking on the larger sized 50p coins.
  5. RobJ

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    Scotland and Wales
  6. RobJ

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    I finally managed to purchase a set of 2002 Commonwealth Games £2 Commemorative coins today. They really do not show up that well on the scans but apart from a few bag marks they are all UNC with nice clear fields. England and Northern Ireland
  7. I was wondering what personal preference that people have when it comes to their coins. So as the title suggests please feel free to add your own opinions and preferences. With Copper, I prefer a nice dark even tone, traces of luster which highlight the coin , I think, can make it look most atractive. With Silver. I find that when it has the blue tones it can look really beautiful, but I do also like a nice 'Clean' tone with lustre as well.
  8. Hi Terry. The Royal Mint recently started to circulate the new 2012 Olympic Games Commemorative Issue 50p Coins. A total of 29 different designs in total will be released. The first ones have been in circulation since October/November and they all have the date 2011. If it is a 'Standard' Issue 50p that you are referring to, then as far as I am aware they should only be available in the recently released 2011 BU and Proof Sets. I hope that helps you.
  9. Thanks for that £400. That is what I thought, but I thought that it would be better to be on the safe side and to check. lol
  10. An elementary question if I may? What is the difference between a Type Collector as opposed to a Date Collector? Or am I being silly and the clue in the name? ie. A type Collector collects only one of each type of denomination per Monarch/Reign regardless of date?
  11. Congratulations on completing your Farthing run Dave, that is no mean feat! I think that is a difficult situation for any collector to find themselves in... Do you consider the different varieties? Do you look at your collection and consider any Coins that need to be upgraded and start on that never ending quest? Do you give yourself a pat on the back at a job well done of completing your Farthing run and focus on another part of your collection? Do you phone a friend? Choices, Choices! lol First of all though, I would really savour the moment of as you say 'Slipping the final farthing into place' and take great pleasure in doing so!
  12. I wholeheartedly agree with you Peckris. Although my collection is still in its infancy I get great pleasure from looking at my Coins. There really is no point in collecting at all if they are to just sit there and gather dust and not be enjoyed.
  13. You have raised some interesting and valid points there Dave. I think what it comes down to really is personal taste and preference. There are other issues of course, financial issues as you correctly pointed out being one of them. For me personally I still like to check my change to see if I can obtain a new variety of £2 coin or 50p piece. I personally get satisfaction when I manage to obtain a variety that I previously did not have, and to me it is not only a very fun but also a cost effective way to collect Coins. Where as other Coin Collectors would balk at the idea of collecting any modern Decimal Issue be it from change or not. I think that a collector of Coins, or anything else for that matter, must be able to keep their interest alive, if not then why bother collecting at all if there is no personal satisfaction gained from it? For some people it's Roman for others it's Victorian 'Copper' for some it's Farthings and for others it's Half Crowns. Some people like to collect each and every variety, where as others simply do not bother at all. I think that as long as someone has a passion for Coins, in no matter which area that they choose to specialise in, that they have fun and receive pleasure and satisfaction from it then that is what matters.
  14. That is very sound advice indeed £400. I must admit that I do agree with you. With a lot of things in life, and to me Coin Collecting is no different, you will have someone who 'Knows Better' and will 'Steer You In The Right Direction.' Where as what they do in reality is steer you in THEIR direction for whatever reason. I have found personally that it is much better to create your own paths in life and to follow them in which ever way that you see fit. Take advice on the way, listen to it, heed the warnings and advice of those who have travelled those paths and who speak from hard earnt experience, as to me, only a fool will allow sound advice to fall on deaf ears. This is why I am trying to ask as many questions and seek as much advice and information as I can from those with many years experience in Coin Collecting. That way I can hopefully learn and have my own enjoyable journey along the way.
  15. I think that one of the hardest things that I have found to understand in my short time in Coin Collecting is variations within coins. There seem to be quite a few 'Systems' of identification and labeling and no two seem to be quite the same. I have had to start to learn a new 'Secret Code' just to be able to start to understand what I am supposed to be looking at and even then depending on whch 'System' one uses there are discrepancies between them which leads to even more confusion. I will admit however, that although I may not get particularly over excited over one coin which has a 'Dot' or one with a letter that 'Points to Tooth' where another does not, and in all probability I would not end up collecting each and every variation of said coins. I do still find the subject quite fascinating, and the seemingly endless amount of variations, although severely headache inducing, are most interesting. Also, as Colin pointed out, the variations themselves show a 'History' within itself of the process of Coin Manafacture which itself is a most fascinating subject. To use a rather crude analogy, a friend of mine whilst learning Sleight of Hand Card Magic learnt 10 different variations on how to perform a 'Double Lift.' He obtained as many books and Magic Journals as he possibly could and totally absorbed himself in the subject. I on the other hand learnt how to perform one, but that is not to say that I didn't find the other variations interesting, it's just that it personally wasn't my 'Cup of Tea.'
  16. Thanks for the information Dave. That is just what I was looking for. Probably true, and being in possession of each of the business types, I would say that these are the kind of variety that cure my insomnia! The differences are minute and consist of nothing more than letters pointing to teeth or gaps and not much else. I'm sorry if it's anybody's 'thing' but if all varieties were like this I'd collect bottle tops. Agreed1, I have all three types in decent grade, but differences are minor and very uninteresting. The 99+ variations of ship halfpennies leave me cold too, not really enthused by anything post george V I must admit that I share your sentiments about the 1937 Penny Variations Peckris, Red and David. They personally hold no particular interest for me either. The only reason that I initally posed the question was that I was looking to purchase a set of George V Coronation Coins and when I was browsing the internet I did notice that a couple of web sites noted different Freeman numbers for the Penny. If I am completely honest, I had no idea that there were any Die Variations at all for the 1937 Penny, and it was only when I did a search that I came across the information about different letters pointing to different Border Teeth or Border Spaces. It was more out of curiosity than anything else that I asked in the first place.
  17. Thank you very much AardHawk. That information is most helpful.
  18. Thanks for those images Azda. That is one stunning Penny that you have there!
  19. RobJ

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    Thanks 1949. It has been a long time coming but I am glad that I have managed to obtain one. As I said I was tempted, and if it had been the four coins in the Royal Mint folder I think I very may well have bitten the bullet and purchased them, as I don't know when I would see a set again. As it was though they were all individual coins, they were definitely BU and very nice they were too!
  20. RobJ

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    I have finally managed to obtain a 1995 UN Commemorative £2 coin. It is in UNC condition, and although not strictly speaking from my change, it is still a most welcome addition to my £2 coin collection. I was offered a set of all four 2002 Commonwealth Games Commemoratives in BU the other day. The dealer was asking for £30 for them. If I'm honest I was tempted as it may be some time before I see them again. However, I personally think that £30 is more that I'm willing to pay for what is in reality £8 face value.
  21. I don't mind the design of the 1960 Crown. Although I think that it is a little austere and regimented. I do agree with you Peter that the 1937 Crown is a very attractive design.
  22. I conceed that there is that minor detail to consider. lol That does seem to be quite a high number that they managed to obtain! That is interesting. Thanks for that information Peckris. I will have to keep my eyes peeled for nice examples of both coins.
  23. I had heard that the 1960 Crown was a quite hard coin to obtain, but after a recent visit to a Coin Shop where they were selling them for £2 each, I'm not that convinced any more. lol