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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Marc

    184* crowns

    See, this is why I come here - always learning! I've now relabled both my 1844 and 1845. Thanks for the info.
  2. Bazaar coin is probably the appropriate phrase. It's most likely a gimmick. If you put £2 coins into liquid nitrogen the middle falls out due to the different expansion coefficients of the two metals. Reinsert the centre piece the wrong way round whilst still cold and you get what you see. How many would you like? LOL I thought it might be some kind of gimmic. Still, it sold for nearly 40 pounds.
  3. Sorry to hear that Chris but somethings have to come before coins. Just let me know when your firing on all cylinders again and good luck with the move and may all your commitments be small ones. Kronos, CCGB 2011 available for preorder now on Amazon.co.uk CCGB 2011 marc
  4. Got mail for the first time this week! 2 coins, supplies and "Check Your Change". Great book Chris! Mine came with a 1978 BUC 2p! Always like getting beautiful coins for free! Besides its' value, it's also nice to have a 2p coin in this state to use as a comparison when grading. Unfortunately, here in Scotland I don't see many English notes. Any suggested resources for Scottish notes? Again, great book Chris - thanks! Marc
  5. Should have waited before posting the last. Just saw a 99p bid on a 2010 1p coin on ebay. ebay
  6. Oops,my bad. Someone had an unc moderen penny for £100 saying, "be part of history by paying the most for a penny"
  7. Hi Marc, Welcome to the forum. If you refer to an item on say ebay please post a link to the item so we can all see it and give an opinion. Gary Ooops, my bad. Too early in the morn. Here's the link - ebay The initial min bid was £10,000. Now its .99p
  8. Are these types of coins really and error and are they worth more than face value?
  9. I didnt think it was a scam and figured it was the situation u described. I'm just glad to see it and may sell some of mine!
  10. I've been gently trying to get one of my 3 kids interested in my hobby. I'd like to pass my collection on to them with the knowledge they would add to it. So today I asked to see my 15 year olds cup off loose change he keeps for sweets at the shop. I found 3 2010 5ps, 1 2010 1p. Big deal he says. I try to explain but don't want to push. Then I showed him another coin I found in his change - a VF 1952 half penny! I showed him and my daughter what they go for on ebay in the hopes it might spur some interest. My 14 year old daughter asked if it was old. I said well, 1952 was when I was born. Gee, she said, it is old! (groan) I guess who ever gave the coin misstook it for a 2p coin.