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Everything posted by ski

  1. thats interesting, ive just done a quick search on amazon and they offer a number of coin books for the kindle. the american market seems to be better catered for, but there are some world coin books too.
  2. i think we all share youre pain peckris
  3. be happy to get some pics here soon.....until then heres the auction pics. ski
  4. but i did get myself a double florin proof!!!!!!
  5. im hoping to get my hands on a couple of thrupny bits later this evening i did however treat myself to a double florin proof.
  6. many thanx for the explanations, also for the pics of the shilling.
  7. please excuse my ignorance but ive not heard the term clashed dies before, what is this and how does it come about and affect the coin? ski
  8. sadly i didnt get it but thanks for birthday wishes.......ski
  9. no its not my coin......i can only dream. i believe london coins may have sold one in september 2009 for £9000, i saw another this year listed in an auction with an estimate of £20,000. it didnt sell.
  10. when phil the greek went to the japanes embassy, its reported he said "theres a bit of a nip in the air" it may have been a thoughtless comment a bad joke or he may have been taking the piss, i wouldnt mind betting hes as good at taking the piss as any other individual. as someone who enjoys the banter and a bit of pee taking, i expect to get some back too. its a good job others here are less sensative to a bit of banter. otherwise azda would be hunting us down and ripping our heads off with his bare hands for taking the mick out of jockland and jockinese. somehow i feel mr phil would be less offended than flash, and his witty reply maybe even funnier than we may expect.
  11. cgs would probably grade it #1 in population report, finest weve ever seen. if you like it buy it!!.
  12. ski

    Better yet, ipad or android tablet

    i would agree with you colin....but £168 per annum is a lot compared to many other referances.
  13. ski

    Better yet, ipad or android tablet

    i recently had an email from one of the usa slabbing/grading houses offering me an app for my iphone for access to their database. cant remember exactly now but it was something like £12 or £14 per month!!!!.
  14. ski


    share prices can go down as well as up did youre wife really buy that? my memory is still good enough to remember her hayday ah sheeeeet
  15. i dont know how i managed that, one of those mystery's of life, however it was probably a peabrain to cumberland finger error for sure karzi cos theres a pic of one in the link to salvaging silver. is karzi a london term? interesting, i live in west london and not heard it soo much, but then i cant explain why i used the term either..........back to the peabrain
  16. ski


    trust me your wife and daughters are doing you a favour.......stick to the ale
  17. even more frustrating Dave, is at auction and you've the cash for a coin....but somebody else has more
  18. whooo sorry guys......has this happened before?.........sort it out.....sheeeeeeeeeet if only i knew how