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Everything posted by ski

  1. Absolutely right Rob, and all points of view make for an interesting read, long may that continue. im off now to check my change......
  2. okay......i would probably never buy a 5p or mule 20p from ebay, because im not a decimal collector, although ive now got some decimal coins (i blame you lot )........but i collect 6d's, florins, double florins and half crowns. and i bet most of them have been bought. My collection would be nothing without the sellers, so, good there are people who sell!. im also not a collector of error coins to any great degree, i have a few examples, but im guessing that if you were a collector of such coins, you may well be grateful that someone has an example that you desire for sale, enabling you to buy the piece. good luck to you Chris for selling your coin, if i found such an item in my change, i would keep it, you choose not to, thats your choice and your collection has benefited from your gain. Someone said here not the purest collecting, he didnt collect, he sold. hence my previous post. i wonder how many of the coins i have in my collection have been sold to me at a profit.....most i would imagine.....if not, there wouldnt be too many coin dealers!.How do we know that 100 years ago someone acquired a coin from change and today were happy to trade that coin!. This is completely different to the scamming that goes on. ebay is full of ads for 20ps with no date on the reverse, just a rip off. well done chris, i hope you enjoy youre new (old) 6d, i bet your buyer is equally delighted with his coin, i doubt he would have parted with £255 otherwise.
  3. i would love to add some to my new decimal collection........im not a seller by far yes that would be coin selling then
  4. ski

    seen on ebay

    best post ive read so far this year lol
  5. ski

    happy birthday

  6. ski

    seen on ebay

    these seem very affordable......almost a bargain http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ROYAL-MINT-ERROR-20-PENCE-COINS-SELL-QUANTITY-2-/150443395836?pt=UK_Coins_BritishDecimal_RL&hash=item2307200afc
  7. WHAAAAAATTTTTT..............£142............£255. please god, ive been a good boy today......could you please let me have some nice 5p's in my change tomorrow
  8. well ive popped em into those paper coin envelopes, purely so as my grandchildren (if my sons ever get round to it) can ask, why did the silly old fool put two away, they may even look and try and find the differences.
  9. saw your thread and then saw this, thought it may be of interest.....ski

  10. that is helpful as it means mine is a standard coin......perhaps its normal to close the v then, thanks for your reply....ski.
  11. yea i guess so, interesting to pick out different examples from my change, but maybe also a definate slip in standards of minting.
  12. just checked esc and mine is die #38 which guides me to a normal coin.
  13. heres what i would have thought to have been a normal 2010 20p
  14. ski

    seen on ebay

    Famous example! Sadly, all too rare. Armistice of Steyer ended the fighting in the revolutionary wars on the...... wait for it....WAIT FOR IT......................December 25th 1800. you know were real lucky to not only be able to look back on history, maybe even learn from its mistakes, but as coin collectors....even hold a little piece of that history in our hands. The magic of coin collecting.
  15. ski

    seen on ebay

    its true,and well documented anyhow, whatever you do over christmas, enjoy..........merry xmas
  16. ski

    seen on ebay

    just a small skermish called the american small skermish for independance!!!!!
  17. ski

    seen on ebay

    """"""And i agree with you Red, although it being Christmas, do wars stop during xmas? No!!!! """"" maybe reread your post
  18. ski

    seen on ebay

    yes a war did stop at christmas, December 25th 1914. german soldiers started to sing "Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht" (silent night to you and me). recognizing the tune, english soldiers joined in, presents of tobacco and chocolate and handshakes were exchanged and several games of soccer were enjoyed ( i expect the brits lost on penalties). Hostilities resumed at 8-30 am on the 26th. Evidence has been found and observations made that the truce was observed every christmas of ww1.
  19. Merry Christmas all......i will enjoy a real drink on youre behalf a little later..........cheers.
  20. ski

    Sideline collection ~ £2 coins

    went out for dinner last night with the family.....got a darwin in my change, ive checked out the thousands for sale on ebay and mine looks bunc and apparantly apart from those on ebay, very very rare never really looked at coins in my change before...........you lot have a great deal to answer to merry christmas all
  21. ski

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    ive seen another 1926me on ebay......starting price £1000 im amazed!!!!!.
  22. ski

    RBS card for purchases

    and of course a millenia is about a millisecond to a computer set up to generate passwords
  23. ski

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    ive never seen a 26me let alone tried to photograph one, however i would add that i personally think the image was quite good in that it captured the lack of detail in the obverse very well. Whether that lack of detail is down to wear or a weak strike, i will leave to those who know more about that penny, but i dont think it was down to a poor image. anyone wanna send me their 1926me to photograph?
  24. okay dave....thanx........payment sent via paypal............Steve