okay......i would probably never buy a 5p or mule 20p from ebay, because im not a decimal collector, although ive now got some decimal coins (i blame you lot )........but i collect 6d's, florins, double florins and half crowns. and i bet most of them have been bought. My collection would be nothing without the sellers, so, good there are people who sell!. im also not a collector of error coins to any great degree, i have a few examples, but im guessing that if you were a collector of such coins, you may well be grateful that someone has an example that you desire for sale, enabling you to buy the piece. good luck to you Chris for selling your coin, if i found such an item in my change, i would keep it, you choose not to, thats your choice and your collection has benefited from your gain. Someone said here not the purest collecting, he didnt collect, he sold. hence my previous post. i wonder how many of the coins i have in my collection have been sold to me at a profit.....most i would imagine.....if not, there wouldnt be too many coin dealers!.How do we know that 100 years ago someone acquired a coin from change and today were happy to trade that coin!. This is completely different to the scamming that goes on. ebay is full of ads for 20ps with no date on the reverse, just a rip off. well done chris, i hope you enjoy youre new (old) 6d, i bet your buyer is equally delighted with his coin, i doubt he would have parted with £255 otherwise.