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About chrislamb

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  1. Yep, you can see the right half of a crown there
  2. I think you're right there, it looks to me like a crown mint mark what do you think?
  3. Hi, I found this coin a few weeks ago metal detecting. I'm pretty sure it's an Edward III Groat and obviously a Bristol mint but the date I think it would be is 1356 from the examples in Spink's coin book. Also I would like to know if this has any value. Thanks in advance. Chris And the reverse:
  4. Thanks Geordie do people really collect quaters??!! I wouldn't have thought they would be either interesting or valuable enough for someone to collect??!!
  5. chrislamb


    some type of token?
  6. Hi all, I found this at a metal detecting rally yesterday, but the closest I have come to id'ing it is a King John Irish penny, but that has a triangle of the reverse. Any ideas ?? Thanks Chris the obverse: The reverse:
  7. chrislamb

    french coin

    http://www.napoleonicmedals.org/coins/franl5-2.htm it looks like it was minted on the 24 october 1796, in Paris
  8. chrislamb

    french coin

    didn't realise that under un decime it was L'an 5 I thought it was L'ans; never realised that there was so much info on the coin!!!
  9. chrislamb

    Henry viii penny?

    the key mint mark is 1530-44, star is 1514-26 Bishop tunstall was bishop of Durham 1530 mark CD was anytime after 1530.
  10. chrislamb

    Henry viii penny?

    Thanks for all that, I will be giving it to my local Finds Liason Officer who will do a report on it. I will report back here once I get it back. Cheers Chris
  11. chrislamb

    Roman? Gold? coin

    Don't think it's roman, could you post both sides of the coin (& larger!!) & perhaps put it in the English coins part.
  12. chrislamb

    Henry viii penny?

    In Spink it says the star mint mark is 1514-26, but also the CD beside the shield makes it the one you said but the dat it gives is 1530-, how can the mint mark date be different from the date given to shields with CD either side?
  13. chrislamb

    french coin

    The coin is quite large at 3cm in diameter.
  14. chrislamb

    french coin

    Attached are images of a coin I found a while back, and would like you opinions on it.. Thanks Chris