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Everything posted by AJWcoins

  1. Well I got a response here it is: There is just the CGS logo on the slabbed coin - moskyman I asked for the UIN or a picture of the CGS label
  2. Notice he hasn't actually shown us the CGS label ... Anyway, the coin has been 'basted' - what else do you expect? Yeah I certainly noticed the lack of the label have emailed asking for the UIN not that I'm actually interested in buying it just suprised to see a plated coin in a slab although not as suprised now I know they slab without grading.
  3. It'll surely be this, I didn't realise they slab coins without grading thought the point was they wouldn't slab a a coin which was cleaned or altered in any way. Totally agree with you there Rob, a coin capsule or a envelope would suffice I'm sure it would be a least a tenner for them to slab it without grading(pointless!).
  4. I've been back on and there's quite a few gold plated coins that are slabbed for example here's a 1820 Crown http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1820-EF-GOLDPLATED-GEORGE-IV-HALFCROWN-CGS-UK-SLABBED-/270772458846?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3f0b4bd55e Hopefully I have a response from the seller soon.
  5. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Nice pictures. I think that you might want different lighting though but the camera seems up to the job.
  6. Hi AJW I have never come across you before I don't think, first time I have seen your site anyway. I was wondering how do you get on with ebid for sales? I used them a few times in 2003 to sell Nazi war medals when ebay started to prohibit Nazi items but I have not thought about them since as ebay shifts everything so fast. Hi Mat Nice to meet you I've sold a couple of things on ebid but it hasn't really been worth it to be honest. Did have a large order which turned out to be fraud but I never fell for it aside from that just orders on cheap items with one order for a sovereign at a bullion related price. Slow sales but I've paid my £50 now so I'm a seller+ member for life so I'm hoping things will pick up there one day well here's to hoping. So do you have a website? Nice to meet you too. I think I will give ebid a miss based on that then! I dont think I had to pay any joining fees back in 2003, I have never really managed to pick up anything special on there as a buyer either. I have been meaning to create a website but I just have not had the time as of late. I am amassing stock at the moment but I will have to get one eventually, I am far far too reliant on ebay as it gets things sold within weeks as opposed to months, its just the killer fees. With the new changes in registered business user fee structures, it has worked out better to revert my accounts pack to personal accounts to exploit the capped £40fv fee. Another great idea I've been holding back my expensive items from ebay for that very reason paying more than £40 in FVF's seems too much for a single item. So is it fairly straight forward going back to a personal acc? How do you go about amassing stock? I generally buy most stock from people who ring up with coins to sell and I also keep an eye out for british coins on foreign ebays etc.
  7. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    No, peck is reffering to my image sizes O I see thanks for clearing that one up azda.
  8. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Thanks for the response this forum is great it's really informative and not just the photos of coins section. Peckris what does 'a nice comfortable size, cough cough' mean are you reffering to me resizing the images? Because yes I took the photos at max res then cropped them and resized by 50%.
  9. Hi AJW I have never come across you before I don’t think, first time I have seen your site anyway. I was wondering how do you get on with ebid for sales? I used them a few times in 2003 to sell Nazi war medals when ebay started to prohibit Nazi items but I have not thought about them since as ebay shifts everything so fast. Hi Mat Nice to meet you I've sold a couple of things on ebid but it hasn't really been worth it to be honest. Did have a large order which turned out to be fraud but I never fell for it aside from that just orders on cheap items with one order for a sovereign at a bullion related price. Slow sales but I've paid my £50 now so I'm a seller+ member for life so I'm hoping things will pick up there one day well here's to hoping. So do you have a website?
  10. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Yeah I'm going to have to look in to lighting admittadly I used what was to hand. Just done some more shoots in daylight(overcast) on the windowsill here's a couple. In a coin capsule: Straight up shoot: Daylight seems best but in the winter its(daylight) at a premium so the right kind of lighting set up is definatly needed.
  11. AJWcoins

    Bitcoin users?

    Great idea who's gonna give it a go?
  12. Well I wouldn't of thought of that hats off to you.
  13. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    I'd say it's worth retaking the shot at your cam's maximum res and posting here, whatever size it comes out. That picture Is ok for identification but there's a lot of softness and artefacts and general noise on it too. Well here's some more done with max res but resized after on my laptop also these were done with bulbs(flourescentant strip light+ daylight energy saving bulb in lamp)
  14. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    That coin shows up the limitations of your camera (the first two are absolutely fine, by the way) - you've shown it far too large in relation to its original size and shown up all the softness and noise of hyping the resolution beyond its natural boundaries. FWIW, the picture (of the half farthing) doesn't need to be so large - we would still see its relevant detail if it was only 4X original. If you want it larger, you need to find a way of going 'close up and macro', assuming your camera can do that. I totally agree with you I am some what limited by my camera but as things stand I can't justify another camera. I shall see what I can do about shrinking the image size down to say roughly 4x perhaps. Thanks for your input.
  15. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    The choice of bulb will depend on your camera's ability to determine an accurate white balance. Some cameras introduce a slight colour cast into the photo, so it's worth a bit of experimentation with different light sources to see what works for you. Thanks for your thoughts Nick shall get experimenting then.
  16. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Here we are with a smaller coin. So far I'm just using daylight but would be good to have a light set up for taking pictures after sunset etc. So any recommendations for bulbs/setups be nice but don't worry to much as there is already a fair bit about this here any way.
  17. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Now for the other side. Well now to think about smaller coins any suggestion's.
  18. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Here's my second attempt I've upped the resolution(MP)and chosen a larger coin which seem to be easier to do than the smaller one's.
  19. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Well it took me a while but I went in to town and picked up a 'Velbon CX mini' tripod for £18.99. Here's my first results I'm thinking I might have to up the resolution(to maintain quality when I crop on the laptop) as I have to take the shoot slightly further away than if done by hand. Any how here's my first picture so I'm guessing they shall only get better as I keep trying different things.
  20. I'd be inclined to agree with Rob with it being post mint but you never know. Still interesting trying to figure it out best of luck.
  21. AJWcoins


    Well shame about the loss of the data that's a real pain. I must admit I just have a plain old nokia phone and I have the ipod touch. That way I get batter battery life than the two combined for example the iphone and also calls don't stop my music .
  22. AJWcoins


    Still use my 5mx! Whats the 5mx a older prio model? opps meant to type psion
  23. AJWcoins


    Still use my 5mx! Whats the 5mx a older prio model?
  24. AJWcoins

    Photos of coins

    Well thanks for all the replys I just checked on the off chance what a fantasic response. So until I pop in to town and get a tripod there isnt a lot I can do as handshake becomes an issue if I move further from the coin and use the zoom. Doing this would allow me to take the picture from a more face on angle as insuring the right amount of light won't be an issue as the camera would be further away but using the zoom as the tripod would keep it steady. Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say there and thanks again to everyone the feedback is really appreciated. Also is there a section on this site about chargebacks/fraud etc as I have a rather suspiscious order atm and am a little unsure how to proceed (sorry off subject here)