thanks to Peckris for the idea of enlarging the area where the "8" is. never thought of that. it will have to wait till wednesday and then i will have a go at it. as for the ghosting i am aware of the ghosting effect on George V pennies, the reason i mentioned the ghosting was to suggest that the coin was not faked. for if it was a token or replica then the ghosting would almost certainly not be present. as for acid causing what appears to be an "8", then yes it is a good possibility but if acid is reponsible it must be a one in a trillion chance when you consider how perpendicular to the date that it stands, how close to the edge of the coin that it is situated, how perfectly balanced the numeral is loop for loop, and, most importantly, why situated where it is? why is it situated next to the date? why not on the obverse side, if it is mere chance, say for example right smack dab in the middle of the kings head. if it is mere chance, its one hell of a big one! thanks anyway for the interest...much obliged.