Hello, I'm new here. I have been collecting hammered shillings on and off since I was a small boy and have got back into it in the last few years. Being based in Australia these days, online bidding is pretty much the only way to go and the majority of purchases in the last few years have been through eBay. I have also dealt with quite a few auction houses, including Spink, London Coins and DNW. I recently placed bids with Warwick and Warwick for their June auction and I just wanted to ask what people's thoughts are on the way they do business? I have found it to be irritating in the extreme for the following reasons: 1) No confirmation that bids have been received by them. Not so bad in itself I suppose. 2) No reply when asked if bids have been received. 3) As soon as the auction is complete, the catalogue is removed so I do not know what I have bid on. Again, in fairness, perhaps the burden of responsibility falls on me to make note of the lot numbers and item descriptions, but for 'user-friendliness' of their website, I feel this goes without saying. 4) Therefore nothing to cross reference price realisations against. 5) Three emails sent before they furnish me with a response, stating only the lot numbers I won, 9 days after the auction. No mention of item descriptions despite my pleas for descriptions rather than lot numbers (see pts 3-4) . So I still do not know what I have won so cannot celebrate! With any other auction house I would expect to have paid and had notice of dispatch now, while they gain a little interest on my payment before sending on the vendor's cut... Still I await an invoice and clarification on what it is they expect me to pay for. If they would just leave a PDF of the lot numbers and item descriptions on the website for even a few days after the realisations go up, I could piece it together myself easily. So simple. Without it I am reliant on them for information and it is like pulling teeth. Am I being unreasonable here or is this a common complaint with this auction house? I have bid with them before, enticed by their low estimates, only to see winning bids many times more than these estimates. Even when unsuccessful I have had to send email after email to obtain information. This is the first time I have won anything and I am almost certain it will be the last. Sorry to open my account with a big gripe (I'm not normally a whinger - leave that to the Poms ), but I am just totally bewildered by the casual way they operate and I can't believe I am the only one to have found it to be this way?