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Everything posted by coinman

  1. Hi guys im new to this forum and this is my first topic/post. Right i got a shed load of old coins and i dunno what to do with them, any help in I'D-ing and valuation of them would be much appriciated, i will start off by uploading my first batch. any info will help! 16 photos of 8 coins front and back number 1 at top(just so i know which one you are referring to) here is the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/65148566@N06/
  2. no-way, so they cut coins in halfs and quarters instead of making halves and quarter denominations, how lazy! lol as always thanks for the info.
  3. ok thanks i have registered will ask for advice on my none coin items
  4. yes my farther was a keen detectorist and done it all his life so u can imagine the pile of finds i have been left with, i used to go with him when i was younger put lost interest, but after looking through all these finds i kind of got the bug back and will be taking one of his machines for a spin soon to see if i can discover some things for my self. this is good info btw guys its helping alot, remember to comment on the coins you no in flickr so i can make sence of all this info cuz at the moment im confusing my self as to which ones you keep referring to lol. thanks again.
  5. i have catagorized them best i could, in 3 cats. roman hammered old british coins
  6. you guys know a lot more than me so anything you can tell me is a bonus, what i got of you lot so far is amazing thanks a lot. I got group 4-5-6 up if anyone has a spare minute to look. http://www.flickr.com/photos/65148566@N06/sets/ sorry for being a pain but you guys no what your talking about lol. and if its not to much to ask, if you know what it is can you comment on the picture in the group so i can relate to it better. thanks so much.
  7. some pics are missing so just go here for group 2 and 3 http://www.flickr.com/photos/65148566@N06/
  8. ok cool here is group 2 and group 3 group 2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/65148566@N06/sets/72157627181612568/ group 3 http://www.flickr.com/photos/65148566@N06/sets/72157627181616968/ last 2 pics on group3 are close ups of the gold coin , some letters. i think the majority of my coins are roman by the looks of them.
  9. this is really good work fellas, i got so many coins to try and work out whats worth selling and what isnt, this is all helping. shame about the gold one not being gold, im still trying to look for the coat of arms but coming up with nothing. i will have more coins for you to look at if you dont mind? a wide range!
  10. wow quick response man thanks ok the sizes are as follows 2 is 18-19 mm (got a few of these) ! 6 is 25 mm across( same size as george shilling but weights less) 7 is 21 mm across its a farthing because the woman on the back has her leg on show and on the half penny she does not, (google is good when you got some point of reference lol) you say number 3 is a token, its got a date 1793 on it at bottom and some sort of message but cant make out really, although i can make out the words "spanish" and "sail", dunno if that helps identify 8 the gold coin, yeah it is worn cant make out much but i can see the letter v so maybe thats referring to a king the 5th i dunno. this is good info btw thanks alot.