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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Emperor Oli

    How much are coins worth?

    Firstly, you'll need to tell us what they are, a description. Then you will need to grade them fairly accurately. Then we can value them. Alternatively, take a shortcut and register, then you will be able to post pictures of them.
  2. Splendid, I'm sure we all echo his words!
  3. I've heard that the Hunting Bill has been defeated in the Lords again, and the Commons are going to use the Parliament Acts to force the Bill through into law. I know what the Parliament Acts are, but I looked at some of the Bills on which they were used, most notably the War Crimes Act of 1991. I've scoured the internet, but I can't find the reason why the Lords deemed it necessary to block the bill - can anyone enlighten me?
  4. Emperor Oli

    For the younger ones...

    Give me a blackboard any day!
  5. I don't think they add any more collectability, and i don't particularly like them. If I were you, I would bin them. i know McCain (the ones who do microwave chips and stuff) id the Millennium £5 in their own packaging, but I han't heard about Weetabix.
  6. Emperor Oli

    For the younger ones...

    You'll find that the majority of writers at the time stole other people's stories and just reworded them, perhaps embellishing them here, cutting bits out there - it was the norm.
  7. Emperor Oli

    For the younger ones...

    Even now, Geoff, as long as one provides justification, one can say the book is utter rubbish!
  8. I think it is actually dated 1953, and was minted to celebrate the Queen's coronation. It's only worth a couple of pounds unless in tip-top uncirculated condition, where it's about £5
  9. Emperor Oli

    For the younger ones...

    I didn't really dislike English until a few weeks ago when we started reading Hardy's Far From The Madding Crowd. It has to be the most boring book ever written. Shakespeare I like, I enjoyed it. We also have to read a book "from another culture". We read Things Fall Apart by a nigerian writer called Chinua Achebe. It is a badly-written, veiled attack on colonialism, and that's the reason I dislike it. So to sum up (!) English is my most hated subject. Saying that, however, I dislike Chemistry, and wish the syllabus included more about disease and toxicology in biology!
  10. Emperor Oli


    Your son is quite lucky! Did he use a metal detector or were they just lying around? Unfortunately, they are all worth £2, unless in perfect condition (no scratches, full lustre), in which case you can double that number.
  11. I was browsing early milled listings and came across these. Are these dies used to strike either the real or forgery coins?
  12. Emperor Oli


    Ten doesn't sound that much, but they're crammed with info. I'd recommend buying a copy - you might as well, they don't have any intention of publishing another soon.
  13. Emperor Oli


    Lemme see.... It has ten pages - these are big A4 pages.
  14. Emperor Oli


  15. Emperor Oli


    The info I am planning to be written by myself, but for the years in which maundy money was minted, I need a reference source!
  16. Emperor Oli


    I haven't done any yet, as the Maundy sets in Coincraft on go back as far as George IV. Prior to this, prices are only listed for single coins. I am waiting until I buy Spinks so I can do it.
  17. Emperor Oli

    Low tide Penny

    To quote directly from Collectors' Coins 2005: "'Low Tide' variety...may be determined thus: if the horizon meets Britannia at the point, below the knee, where right and left legs cross; NORMAL tide is indicated. If, however, the horizon meets Britannia at a much lower point - nearer the hem of her drape - then a LOW TIDE variety has been detected. Comparison with a normal tide other date Edward VII coin makes it much easier to tell" The first image is low tide, with the last being the normal level.
  18. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    Since when did Victoria have such a big nose?
  19. I think it's a Conder token, but I'm not sure. Chris (Webmaster, proprietor, all-round nice guy) will be able to tell you more...
  20. Emperor Oli

    London Coin Fair

    I think I would be ill on the day of the fair....
  21. Emperor Oli


    I thought about that but it's a bit underhand hence the reason why I didn't suggest it.
  22. Emperor Oli


    Nope, impossible.
  23. Emperor Oli

    London Coin Fair

    I saw a tin farthing on a site in shoddy condition for a ridiculous price, but they obviously float some people's boats.