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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Emperor Oli

    Ebay blacklist

    Yes, like a Numismatic Neighbourhood Watch. I was really aiming it at the sellers because if I sold to a dodgy dealer, but got my money, I wouln't care less. It's mainly buyer protection I think.
  2. Emperor Oli

    Edit ability times

    Can I just ask, why can't everybody edit their posts anytime they want? I mean I'm extremely happy about the 2hrs thing but why not have an infinite time?
  3. Emperor Oli

    Beware of these ebay sales pitches

    (To quote Prince Philip) Gadzooks! How long did that take? About three months? Are you happy with it?
  4. Emperor Oli

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    Cunning! There may be some which an experienced guy like Geoff may pick up though.
  5. Emperor Oli

    Thank you

    Happy Birthday, Scott! p.s I havent had a chance to PM you because I've been at the Royal Armouries all day.
  6. Emperor Oli

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    Has anyone else spotted anymore nitpicks? These are mine: 1) First page "OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS OF NON GOLD COINAGE." This has a full-stop at the end whilst other things on the page don't - whether you want to remove the stop (I recommend) or put stops on all the rest is up to you. Some people would spell Hanover as Hannover. This is how I spell it but many people spell it differently. I would remove the commas in the paragraph that starts "Photographs of coins...." It makes sense without them and I feel that they fragment it somewhat. Consider changing the order of names credited in terms of what they have contributed (quality-wise) to the project. 2)Second page Starts as "Farthings Fractions" but then in the first paragraph, it changes to "Fractional farthings". I'd title it as in the paragraph, "Fractional Farthings". 3)Ninth page George VI in italics 4)Tenth page Aaarrghhh the rings, THE RINGS!! I thought these were being removed? 5)Fourteenth page Not sure what the line between the pictures of the 1921 Ha'penny is for.. The 1808 penny at the bottom - if only one is known, then surely the one sold at Coincraft in 96 is the same one, so no need for the "(same one??)" 8)Seventeenth page The titles for each monarch/portrait change eg. "VICTORIA Young Head, Date below head, Copper 34mm" not in italics as are the rest from this point. "Date" in Victoria Young Head title is capitalised, none of the others are. 7)Eighteenth page At the start of the page, "Bun Head" isn't in speech marks i.e 'Bun Head' as the rest are.
  7. Emperor Oli

    Coin Giveaway!

    I'm game! Yes please Aethelred!
  8. Emperor Oli

    Beware of these ebay sales pitches

    I must admit i've used the "Scans don't do it justice" before because my scanner is crap and they scans didn't do it justice! JMD remarked on the exceedingly poor quality of a copper farthing I was selling so he can testify!
  9. Coins are not covered on normal household contents insurance so you would have to insure them separately. The fees are atronomical, or so I've heard, therefore prevention would be the best form of protection. Putting the coins somewhere out of view (under the stairs, lockable desk drawers etc) but still in a good environment should be ok.
  10. Emperor Oli

    Oli and I...

    Authoritarian (3 up) Right (6 across). As for the Irish Question, it should remain part of the UK. The Northern Irelanders want it and the UK wants it to remain.
  11. Emperor Oli

    Oli and I...

    Yes I am from Lancashire, Sylvester. My family owned a cotton mill in Blackburn (Durbah Mill) a while back. I'm glad we have been able to work this out! P.S - If you are wondering where you lie in the political spectrum, visit http://www.politicalcompass.org/ to find out!
  12. Emperor Oli

    Fur or no fur?

    Ahh hunting, this is where I come in useful! Hunting is the most effective way to kill foxes, there is no doubt about it. The alternatives: Poisoning prolongs the death of the fox and makes it weak and susceptible to attack. Snaring is ghastly and even I am against this. Shooting is probably on a par with hunting, but not shooting with a shotgun - only a rifle will do. Plus shooting has to be carried out in daytime, otherwise the bullet may only cause a flesh wound and/or do serious damage, but not kill it outright. The main problem with hunting is that the fox is not always killed instantly. Nine times out of ten, the dogs will break the fox's neck, causing immediate death but sometimes, this does not happen. In this case, the fox's organs are ruptured etc and it is a very bloody end indeed. The hounds are trained to go for the neck and this is what usually happens; it is only the younger dogs who do not break it. If you want further reading, the Burns report is an excellent flick. It's about 200 pages and can be tedious but it gives up-to-date (2000) stats on all kinds of hunting in the UK with the effects of a ban.
  13. Emperor Oli

    Fur or no fur?

    No way foxes are Public Enemy No.1! A friend of mine is a farmer and a whole field of his sheep was wiped out overnight by a ravenous fox. Not very nice at all. I'm not a big dog person but I really depise those ratty excuses-for-dogs. You know the really small ones old ladies carry around in their handbags?
  14. Emperor Oli

    Fur or no fur?

    Everyone to their own HPJ! If you don't like the idea of animals being killed, then I'm fine with that. I've been brought up going to hunts and shoots and with people wearing some fur items as the norm so it is quite hard for me to see the other viewpoint, although I can do it in a somewhat impaired fashion. Btw, you called them harmless. I wouldn't call mink or foxes harmless - they are vicious vermin.
  15. Geoff is wrong! And it's been debunked by one of my favourite sites too!
  16. Emperor Oli


    Usually I don't agree with equal rights but this has no downside, at least not one I can see. That which is seen, and that which is not seen by Frederic Bastiat - a great piece of work
  17. Chris, I don't know whether it is just my PC being an ass, but I can't edit my posts. Many other people can't either and because they have to double, or even triple post, it uses up more of your precious ( ) bandwidth! It makes sense to reinstate the ability to edit, so please, DO IT!
  18. Emperor Oli

    break open your piggy banks

    Dragonbrit has the best coins! Ever since I started going on ebay for coins, he's been there with the best ones!
  19. Emperor Oli

    Whats your favourite king and queen?

    Mmmm yes, decades in mourning I chose Lizzie because she was just a good Queen. She repulsed the Armada, stopped numerous insurrections and planted the seeds of the Empire. This would have been excellent if a man had done it but for a woman to do it at a time of male dominance is amazing.
  20. Emperor Oli

    Whats your favourite king and queen?

    King and Queen to me implies a duo team, like that of King William & Queen Mary I was interpreting it as "Who is your favourite King and who is your favourite Queen"
  21. Emperor Oli

    is this real?

    Isn't that a bit of an oxymoron in the description (like Microsoft Works): I HAVE ENLARGED THE SCAN TO SHOW DETAIL, SO I DONT KNOW HOW CLEAR THE SCAN WILL APPEAR.
  22. Emperor Oli

    hmm, GBU or FDC?

    Quite impossible. No coin reaching general circulation has a hope of having FDC attirbute to it. FDC means that it has never touched another coin i.e absolutely no scratches whatsoever. Use an 18x glass and you'll spot some.
  23. Emperor Oli


    No, equal rights for everyone! (It's not often I say that but in the case of editing, I am)
  24. Emperor Oli

    Going to Euro...

    But it's exactly the same as all the other countries of the World - it's not just our system.
  25. Emperor Oli

    What do you collect?

    Muahahaha I'll never tell