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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Emperor Oli

    Layout and design

    Speaking from an aesthetic point of view, I think the cover is nasty. Something with a little character - perhaps along the lines of Coin Yearbook would be nice. We have this program at school called Corel Draw (you've probably heard of it) and it can do amazing stuff however I've heard Adobe Photoshop is better. I was gonna buy it but then i found it was £50!
  2. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    What the hell are we? A gentleman's club as that name suggests!? Most certainly not!
  3. Emperor Oli


    That's their problem then isn't it, not mine hehe
  4. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    And give it a cool name like "The Clubhouse"
  5. Emperor Oli


    Hmm was it stupid? No - I was telling MJMD that was he was doing was spamming Was it pointless? See above Was it annoying? Not to me it wasn't
  6. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    I couldn't care less about decimal personally.
  7. You call that fine? I'd call it fair personally
  8. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    No idea. It stopped working before so I took it to pieces and reassembled it and now it scans in crappy quality. I'll just buy a new one instead methinks
  9. Emperor Oli


    Ooh and what's that you just posted Master JMD? That's spam too! Is it stupid? Yes! Is it pointless? Yes! Is it annoying? Yes! Well whaddaya know!
  10. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    I know the picture is terrible, I said so in the description
  11. Well the Roman is the type of number I think used in the date. Instead of a "1" as would normally be used, a "I" would be used instead. I'd hazard a guess and say the short date has the numbers bunched together more than norm, and the large date has them spread out more. The prices do differ quite a lot: 1820 Sovereign (All in Fine) Roman I - £300 Small O - £250 1820 Proof FDC - £6000 Normal - £200 Short date - £250 Large date - £275
  12. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    See for yourself! A shilling and a farthing
  13. Emperor Oli

    Ended up with Free Newspaper.

    Yes, like Spink's methinks!
  14. Emperor Oli


    Looks slick already, Chris, although the title is a bit fuzzy. Still, an excellent site for only a few hours work! Good luck (not that you'll need it!)
  15. It is a good place to buy but there are some fraudsters on there. I've been had once into buying some farthings which were definitely not what the pictures were! (941st post
  16. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    He said a basic version by the end of the day
  17. I'm guessing that mean Separate Sciences which is what we call them here instead of the Double Award. Each science twice a week for an hour!
  18. They're wayyyy to easy now. Anyone with half a brain can get a C - I think the boundary is about 20%!
  19. He was absent so he will have got levels 0, 0 and erm 0! I was in New York city for the Year 6 sats so I got 0 0 0 too. My school dropped about 50 places in the league tables! And MJMD, not all schools set in first year - ours only starts in third year (or year 9)
  20. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    Yes, I'm going to stagger a few more soon just follow the link in my sig. I'll relist them in about 5mins...
  21. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    Yes but I did get about £6 with all fees taken out for an GF 1889 florin which I was happy with!
  22. Emperor Oli

    Ended up with Free Newspaper.

    Yes, that's one of the reasons I would buy it. Plus I think it's A4 size so it should have some nice big pictures in it too. For all their faults, Coincraft does produce a cracking book.
  23. Emperor Oli

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    I've had some coins on Ebay in the past week and two didn't sell so I'm going to relist them but I got this email from a man: The Shilling is in VF and the Farthing is AVF with a spot of verdi gris and he wanted £5 for them both PLUS I HAD TO INCLUDE THE POSTAGE! Pff some people!
  24. Be that as it may however those are only the book prices. On Ebay you could probably expect to pay 80% of those IMHO.