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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Emperor Oli

    Ended up with Free Newspaper.

    I've heard good things about their 2000 catalogue though. That's on the top of my list when they release a new edition!
  2. Ok we need some good descriptions, sizes and pictures if you could get them. There's a good bit on this site about grading with pictures to go with the descriptions. If you give us those things, we will certainly be able to value the british ones and anyone with a copy of Krause, the foreign ones. Grading
  3. Emperor Oli

    Do you think it is worth it?

    I don't mind buying without pictures from a reputable site - Cooke and Chris here go into quite a lot of detail with their pictureless coins and I'm not displeased when I receive them!
  4. They are usually the past GCSE papers in our school anyway, instead of tests compiled by teachers as yours are...
  5. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    No, there's enough ambiguity there to keep the Guests thinking
  6. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    PM, it's a secret! shhhhh
  7. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    They're listed in Collectors Coins but I don't have a copy.....
  8. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Beading on both sides isn't one of the varieties I know of but then again there are six and I only know four.
  9. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    I was just saying that it seemed a huge range, not only 170 coins, but also the countless varieties.
  10. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    The only variety in QEII is the 1953 type. The obverse is beaded and the reverse is toothed - this is true for ALL QEII farthings. Other than that, I don't really understand your question......What is the date of the first one you mention?
  11. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    That's a biiiiiig time range, Master JMD!
  12. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    You don't need to count the teeth - that is not how you tell which type it is.
  13. Emperor Oli

    Ended up with Free Newspaper.

    Thanks for clearing that up. So is it a subscription or what?
  14. Emperor Oli

    Read this first if new here.

    Abso-bloody-lutely fantastic, Chris! I've just been compiling a shopping list for predecimal.com and the Collectors Coins was right at the top. I'm just waiting for some nice BU farthings to come along! As Kuhli said, Ebay would be a good place to monitor prices but where else? I know auctions, but not many of us get the chance to visit them. I would certainly aid you researching etc but I'll be doing loads of coursework so I may not have as much time spare as the rest (don't flame me - I know you have jobs and school too! ) Congratulations, Chris - this is a real achievment. By-the-by, do you know what the "readership" (if you could call it that) of the Rotographic products is?
  15. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    No, go for another area, then we will have a balanced range of knowledge on the site. I don't know about any other types between the dates listed as I only do farthings there!
  16. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Nay, I said the subject, the subject of the beading and toothing, closed, not the topic which is MJMD asking "Was this a good buy?"
  17. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    It says "Wren" like that's helpful anyway subject closed: Beaded on Obverse, Toothed on Reverse!
  18. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Nay they are wrong. Unless they mean tooth when they say bead?! No, that's stupid - they probably mean a beaded obverse.....
  19. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    I've just pulled out my trays of late farthings and they are toothed on the reverse however both Spink and other sites class it as beading Something is awry here!
  20. Emperor Oli

    modern maundy sets...

    One wouldn't find one on Ebay at this time anyhow as the Maundy ceremoney (geddit) was only a few weeks ago (8th April?). The people who received the sets (Liverpool this year) probably won't part with them for a while. Go for a nice older one OR some of the Millenium sets crop up on Ebay once in a while with the 2000 Maundy set included. I'd go for one of those if I wanted modern maundy.
  21. ...made a "new" topic purely to increase his post count
  22. Emperor Oli

    modern maundy sets...

    Try Ebay or any coin dealers. You might as well spend your money on your specialist area instead though.
  23. Emperor Oli


    I'd hardly call it advertising with the link at the top of the page!
  24. Emperor Oli

    Do you think it is worth it?

    My coins from Mr Cooke were just dropped through the door I think although they were extremely well packaged.
  25. Emperor Oli


    Hmm now I don't wish to alarm you but these could be dangerous. I know that during the 70s and possibly the 80s, they issued PVC albums which turned some coins green and got an irremovable slime on them. You can buy safe albums now, there may even be some on this site. A middle-of-the-road option is the trays Chris sells here. And the piece de resistance really is a hand crafted cabinet which many of us have. Chris' Shop