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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Emperor Oli


    Point taken
  2. That's a different edge inscription though
  3. Emperor Oli


    [sarcasm] Mmm with billions of people in the World, I'm sure some psycho is going to spend the time and money to track us down. [/sarcasm] You have a typo in your sig btw MJMD, it's etc for etcetera, not ect for umm ectcetera?!
  4. Emperor Oli

    Forum rules that we've broken

    So one can transmit messages of a treasonous nature through PM? Wow how modern we are!
  5. Emperor Oli


    Mmm with billions of people in the World, I'm sure some psycho is going to spend the time and money to track us down.
  6. Emperor Oli

    1953 coins

    FDC = Fleur de coin. It's the best one can get - never been touched by human hands I think, but I could be wrong.
  7. Emperor Oli

    1953 coins

    Somebody probably broke up a set. Some tosser on Ebay was breaking up an 1826 or 1887 proof set the other week - scandalous.
  8. Emperor Oli

    modern coins

    Ah looking at the stats that would figure
  9. Emperor Oli

    How was the Radio show?

    Could you scan the article?
  10. Emperor Oli

    Forum rules that we've broken

    They're unofficial anyway so nobody would care if you broke a few, it's just spamming and post-whoring I can't stand.
  11. Emperor Oli

    modern coins

    How ironic! Not only is it not a rare issue, it has one of the largest mintage figures in recent years!
  12. Emperor Oli

    How was the Radio show?

    It was ok but I drove it slowly as I wasn't paying for repairs! I've also "taken the wheel" in car parks and swerved round the concrete pillars which is fun, if you ever get the chance to do it.
  13. Emperor Oli

    modern coins

    There is nothing to admit, as I meant it to be a rumour. I thought basic logic would have seen to that but obviously not.
  14. Emperor Oli

    modern coins

    Yes but you said rumour, which that was
  15. Emperor Oli

    How was the Radio show?

    I've driven a Porsche Boxter once but not a Ferrari. Twas on a private estate...
  16. Emperor Oli

    modern coins

    Cough 1982 Twopence cough cough
  17. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    Maybe his family have a long history with old Kaiser Bill and named him in honour, like that mad Iraqi woman who named her child George Bush. She said if she had another, it would be called Tony Blair
  18. Emperor Oli


    Ditto, perhaps the profiles could be altered to allow for an actual portrait as well as an avatar.
  19. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    You are mistaken, it's the German cognate of William, not Oriental.
  20. Emperor Oli

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    I thought so. If I was you, I would have said it was sarcasm to embarass me, but both works!
  21. Emperor Oli

    1970 proof set...

    On the modern ones, there are little peg things I think which fit in holes. These can be prised off if you find a rut in the side but I don't know if the older ones are like that. Did you just buy it for the bronze? It would have been cleverer to buy the coins individually as nobody will want a broken up 1970 proof set.
  22. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    Hmm I doubt that pointing out a whole gender change is nitpicking. Plus many companies class 15-yrs olds as adults. And I find that walking behind small people is annoying, so if you are small and I was walking behind you I would find you annoying.
  23. Emperor Oli

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    err what?
  24. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    I don't know, I couldn't think of a female equivalent of William so I translated in into German (Wilhelm) and changed the gender to..........Wilhelmina! I wish I had cool fangs like Dracula (I'm getting some veneers soon so it's kinda like it!)