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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Emperor Oli

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    Wow, that is rare! Is it your most cherished coin?
  2. Emperor Oli


    Yes, Chris, always bow to peer pressure!
  3. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    Hold you tongue, rogue, if you'd cared to pay attention, you would have seen I was in fact referring to 11yr old GIRLS, not boys - or is there something you're not telling us Wilhelmina?
  4. Emperor Oli

    Pocket pieces...

    I have an old Irish penny mounted in marble that goes with me where I go!
  5. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    Then when you get small 11-yr old slow inefficient stupid girls with Morgan bags it just pushes me over the edge!
  6. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Kicked his ass out of there!
  7. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    No not really. Things that have annoyed me today: Small people Children Slow people Inefficiency Stupid people The "Morgan" bag brigade (stupid girls who have morgan bags and talk about crap)
  8. Emperor Oli

    getting green stuff off old pennies.

    He said he had been collecting for a "few years" so I didn't class him as beginner level, even though this is the beginner's area.
  9. Emperor Oli

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Why, though?
  10. Emperor Oli

    getting green stuff off old pennies.

    Ah if he's keeping them in a box, my bet's that they're crappy anyway.
  11. Emperor Oli

    How was the Radio show?

    We've never seen a picture of Chris...this gives me an idea!
  12. Emperor Oli

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    No I just meant giving away money to worthy causes I was just wondering why they were prohibited, after all, it is their money.
  13. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Well the legend's correct and the effigy looks kosher so i'd say it's not a forgery. Not that I can talk, I've never seen a manx farthing before!
  14. Emperor Oli

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Are you lot anti-charity?
  15. Emperor Oli

    Question about German coins.

    People who want to display the swastika have to apply to the Reichstag for permission. People who do this are historical re-enactors etc.
  16. Heyho chums.I've just got back from debating at ummmmm about 22:00 and what a day it was, I can tell you! We registered at 9:30 ish and the first debate was announced sometime after and it was "This House would legalise all drugs". We debated that one in the President's office which was strewen with bottles of whisky and Pimms. We were opposing that and came first in it (against Eton and Bromsgrove hehe). Then the next one was "This house would remove parents' rights to remove their child from sex education". We debated that on the landing (!) outside the President's office. We were opposing that too but we came 4th . Anyhoo, after that, the next was "This House would introduce racial quotas for police recruitment" and were proposing. That was debated in the TV room. We stormed through that and came first (beating St. Pauls and Westminster) but, alas, we didn't have enough points to advance to the semis, however, we are ranked in the top-ten debating teams in the country! Unfortunately I didn't get to see the Morris Room which was handpainted by William Morris but never mind!
  17. Emperor Oli

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Thanks for clearing thatg up, Chris. Btw, you still have that auto-message enabled from when you were away.....
  18. I was going to put that about how rarity means more but I didn't think people would understand - you've encapsulated it perfectly! People say "Oooh I have a 1967 Halfpenny, it must be worth a fortune cause it's 40yrs old!" Old doesn't mean valuable!
  19. Emperor Oli

    New 2 Pence

    If one had a really nice coins though, I think slabbing would be ok but I don't know many of the pros and cons (not an invitation to submit them!)
  20. Emperor Oli

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Don't delete them, just archive them so they can be retrieved without taking up space on the site
  21. Emperor Oli

    New 2 Pence

    Well you have to pay someone to grade it (I'd want two grades - both american and english for accuracy), the materials to slab it, the slabbing itself etc. I think it's about £15 but I could be wrong
  22. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Duh not just for one coin, you can attach scans of your many other supposedly "lustrous" coins plus it's useful for scanning documents etc.
  23. It doesn't matter about age, it matters about rarity. This is an unrecorded, possibly unique coin. as such it is worth the money set by the seller
  24. Emperor Oli

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Tis a bit O.T.T, will!
  25. Emperor Oli

    Was this a good buy?

    Comandeer a friend's or buy one; they are fairly cheap and useful