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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. No, Geoff, to quote G W Bush you "misunderestimate me", it was a typo it meant to say "Philip I think" as opposed to "PhilipI think"
  2. Yes, this dead wood sounds intriguing - tell us more! I voted 100- whatever the upper bound was
  3. It has worked but the pic's a bit dodgy. Well it's Spanish, King PhilipI think. We'd need someone with a copy of Krause to tell you more
  4. From whati can see (and that's very little), it is in terrible condition. In my view, it isn't worth a nickel
  5. Ok what you have is either a Cartwheel Twopence or penny (we'd need measurements to know for sure). If you can register, then you will be able to attach pictures. FYI, the "woman" is Britannia and she's holding a ten- or eleven-leaf wreath. Oh and it's meant to be circular
  6. Emperor Oli

    Ten Shilling banknote

    I believe Churchill returned Britain to the gold standard which resulted in the General Strike of 1926
  7. I doubt it would be gold, as the denomination seems quite low although I could be wrong
  8. Emperor Oli

    Your dream coin?

    How true, I've only just noticed!
  9. Oooh I had one of those a few days ago. Spinks values it at £5 which is £1 more than the others. Rarer, but certainly not rare imho
  10. As I said, its only for my £200+ coins of which I have about five so it isn't really the bulk of my collection. And if I want to handle them, I can just go into town and do it
  11. About every two months I know some insurance companies charge astronomical rates for them to be insured. Some want every coin worth over £50 individually listed and professionally valued. Some would argue however that prevention is better than insurance; solid safe bolted to a floor/wall, burglar alarms, motion sensors, CCTV etc. I don't know how much it is for banks as my grandfather pays
  12. Well, a fine and/or a jail sentence is quite a nightmare compared to ten minutes reading!
  13. I "visit" them periodically to check how they are doing (if marks etc. are appearing). Other than that, I have photos in my catalogue so have no need to see them
  14. I read it once to familiarise myself and memorise it for future reference - never again!
  15. My grandfather has a safety deposit box at the Bank and I put a few of my more valuable (£200+) coins in it
  16. There's a long-winded section on that in every Coin Yearbook
  17. Really? I would have thought they would be the most abundant
  18. I never buy them lower than BU but I always aim for full or nearly full lustre
  19. Bang on, Sylvester (not to mention the most expensive)! That's why I started in reverse from 1956 back to Edward VII
  20. I'm on 20th century farthings at the minute - attempting to buy them in BU is quite a hard task!
  21. I believe they use the machines for cleaning parts of pocketwatches too
  22. I've just got eight Farthings through and I'm in the middle of cataloguing them but I am faced by a dilemma - the majority of them are BU full lustre and I don't know what to value them at. Spinks only goes up to UNC and doesn't mention BU let alone full lustre. Can anybody help me out? The coins are listed below if you're interested 1934 BU†1940 BU†1941 BU* * = Full lustre 1947 BU* †= Almost full lustre 1952 BU* 1954 BU* 1955 BU* 1956 BU*
  23. Emperor Oli

    Premium for full lustre?

    Hmmm based on this knowledge I think a bit of revising is required for my collection!
  24. Emperor Oli

    Premium for full lustre?

    That's a good idea! Odd abbreviation btw