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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. James II was reputed to have never bathed in his life. Stinky man.
  2. Emperor Oli


    Chris, I noticed you are the sole moderator of this forum. Now my questions: A) Does anything ever need to be moderated by you. I think we all seem a nice bunch Will you be appointing any more moderators?
  3. Emperor Oli


    What Euro debate?!
  4. Tower Bridge would have been far better than the coma-inducing garbage they are forcing upon us
  5. It's a spiffing picture. The full ones shows the defeat of the Armada I believe..
  6. I think I'm right in saying that there are officially minted commemorative coins and loads of unofficial ones. Someone here might know more about it; do you have a photograph? At a longshot, it may be in a book dealing specifically with commemorative coins.
  7. Does anyone own any genuine edward VIII coinage?
  8. Emperor Oli


    Chris, I have a signature but when I post, it doesn't show up on the screen however if I highlight the area where it should be, I can see it. Is this just happening to me or are other users experiencing this?
  9. Emperor Oli


    We're on 995 posts, I wonder who will post the 1000th?
  10. Emperor Oli


    WOW WOW It looks soooo much better, Chris! And I can now see my sig - fantastic! Thanks very very very much
  11. Emperor Oli

    e-bay sellers

    He's got a "0" feedback rating so that tells you a lot! I remember a few months ago I say another £1 up for sale - supposedly from the set of Eastenders and held by one of the "actors". The last time I looked the bidding was at...........£40!
  12. Slightly off-topic but I was in a shop the other day and after I'd payed for my things, I noticed a £1 on the till, not in it. I asked why it was there and the assistant informed me that it was from Gibraltar. So my question; Are foreign £1 (from colonies) legal tender here in England. I'd say yes but I don't really know...
  13. Emperor Oli

    Coin Devaluing

    This forum used as a billboard...whatever next.
  14. Emperor Oli

    Coin Devaluing

    A jewellers' eyeglass is always a good tool to carry when purchasing coins.
  15. Emperor Oli

    What got you into coin collecting

    Yes! We are not all uneducated yobs as the media-at-large would have us portrayed!
  16. Emperor Oli

    Forum News 11th January 2004

    Kudos to Chris for the much-needed renovation of this fantastic forum!
  17. Emperor Oli

    Opinions on the European Currency?

    Wow we posted at exactly the same time...freaky. Anyway I don't think the Queen would approve the busts as it is widely known the Windsors despise Blair and his policies
  18. Emperor Oli

    Opinions on the European Currency?

    I would have thought Tower Bridge an admirable choice as everybody would recognise it.
  19. Emperor Oli

    e-bay sellers

    A "head" collection: Talk about dumbing down! I can't believe he expects £50 without a picture, let alone for an 1892 penny! These people have absolutely NO IDEA!
  20. Emperor Oli

    Opinions on the European Currency?

    Are those "Prototype U.K Euro" coin sets flying around Ebay actually official? It says on one of the sites: Are they lying?
  21. Emperor Oli

    What got you into coin collecting

    I'm 14, am I the youngest?
  22. Innuendo in a coin forum, well I never.
  23. Emperor Oli

    So who's watching Nip/Tuck?

    I was thinking of it in the accusative. silly me.