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Emperor Oli

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Emperor Oli

  1. Have you seen the new Sky One American drama/comedy called 'Nip/Tuck' about a cosmetic surgery hospital. I think it looks fabulous and was wondering if anyone else who has Sky is going to watch it...........
  2. I'll have you know that Sylvester requested it via email!
  3. Yar! It's mine and i'll kill anyone who even thinks about plundering it. Yo ho ho. hehe. No, I'll send it you if you want it but I'll need your email address...
  4. Emperor Oli

    So who's watching Nip/Tuck?

    Is it called "Freunden" auf deutsch?
  5. Chris, Sylvester, you may want to avert your eyes before you see this. The Churchill crown has made a comeback on Westminster Collections.........IN COLOUR!
  6. Emperor Oli

    So who's watching Nip/Tuck?

    Do dubbed shows sound silly in German?
  7. Emperor Oli

    So who's watching Nip/Tuck?

    Here is the advert they are using in America. I prefer the English one but I can't find it on the Web.
  8. Emperor Oli

    Query about the Forum

  9. Chris, could you explain these things for me: 1) The Member rankings. When I look on "Overall Top 10 posters", I am fourth behind Eliza however I am level 3 and she is level 2. Why? 2) The symbols on the left of the forum Thanks
  10. Emperor Oli

    Query about the Forum

    It was but my login button had disappeared but it's obviously back now. Hmm thar be mysterious things afoot.....
  11. Emperor Oli


    Err, value of what?
  12. Emperor Oli

    Query about the Forum

    Ach! Viele Leute sprechen Deutsche hier. Das ist fantastisch. Thanks for clearing that up Chris, its been annoying me for quite some time!
  13. Emperor Oli

    Query about the Forum

    Thanks for the clarification and I've attached a picture with the symbols artistically highlighted
  14. Emperor Oli

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Wow I'd love to get my hands on those! Anyone have any mintage figures? I also messed up the quote jiggers in my last post
  15. Which do you mean? Half-sovereigns? Sovereigns? Also I think if you just ask your questions here you would get a good answer as there are a lot of learned people here
  16. Emperor Oli

    Coin Manage 2003

    That's good but I think if the publisher could put British grades in it would be super Charlatans!
  17. Emperor Oli

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    1746!? It doesn't even that in Spink! Do you know how many were made and do you have a picture perhaps?Thanks p.s it may list it but i don't remember seeing it
  18. Emperor Oli

    Attitude to new currency

    Yes, we are too set in our ways!
  19. I'm not talking specifically about the coins, just what people think of them (to avoid the severe backlash as this is a non-coin area!). So, my question is, and Chris would probably be best to answer this, what is the attitude in Europe to the Euro? Do they prefer it to the old currecy (Deutschmark, Lira, Franc etc) or do they want their old ones back? I'm just pondering this as I hate the Euro and Europe for that matter..........
  20. Emperor Oli

    Attitude to new currency

    Yes, it's my opinion; a forum is there to express one's opinions. I am not qualified, well are you? What do you class as qualified? And you know what me and Eliza mean when we say Europe stinks Of course it's right
  21. Emperor Oli

    Attitude to new currency

    Who cares?! That is impressive Let's hope so - the Euro does stink and so does Europe
  22. Emperor Oli


    According to Spink 2004, that set is valued at £1300. I don't know the best way to sell it though - Ebay? Coin dealer? Chris!?
  23. Emperor Oli

    Attitude to new currency

    Im not adopting it. I've had this point of view throughout; I'm sharing it
  24. Emperor Oli

    Attitude to new currency

    But it's the same point
  25. Emperor Oli

    Attitude to new currency

    Does it matter? It perfectly sums up the points in an elegant way