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  1. Coinery


    Ironic that a post titled ‘quiet’ has become the busiest post on the forum right now! 🤷‍♂️
  2. Nice one, Paddy, well done with that lot! 👏👏
  3. Coinery


    Rather than an exposure to cash, it was the affordable access to a tangible history for me, that’s how I came to coins. I agree though, it is disappointingly quiet on here nowadays.
  4. Coinery

    What is it?

    Great stuff…any identifiable hammered coin at £5 is always going to be a win. This one is very identifiable, it’s a Threehalfpence. The Greek Cross is only known on this denomination with dates 1578/5 and 1579, so not that difficult to say which yours is, it’s clearly the overdate, showing a definite 5 in the mix. This is BCW CR-1C:a, S2574 - a nice piece to have at £5 definitely. Edit: If you have some scales it will likely weigh a smidge over 0.5g (maybe as much as 0.6g) with the missing piece and wear taken into account.
  5. Coinery

    What is it?

    £5 😲 That’s phenomenally good…can we see?
  6. Coinery

    2023 ten pence

    What IS the privy mark?
  7. Blimey, Pete…considering the number of eyes that fall upon the eBay pennies, you certainly manage to winkle out your fair share of the gems!
  8. It’s of course 1678 and not 73 - I think the Maundy money was first of the press, so generally the better pieces but, in practice, I believe there to be little/no difference as far as collectors of Maundy are concerned - they still of course aim for the very best pieces. I was looking at some completed items on eBay, a lot of them were holed.
  9. Coinery

    My Halfpenny varieties site

    Well please can someone get in there and screenshot everything for a file at least? I don’t collect halfpennies myself but can appreciate the tragedy should it fall foul.
  10. Coinery

    Latest 1573 Acorn 6d acquisition

    @Rob saw this and thought of you!
  11. Coinery

    Any clues?

    You’re having a good root around the forum…as educational as any book on coins for sure!
  12. Coinery

    Edward I pennies continue upward!

    A respectable example it’s true, but a significant ‘grade’ below the OP coin, though £400+ was an eye-watering sum.
  13. Coinery

    Edward I pennies continue upward!

    I was thinking to replace this one, but clearly not this time around!
  14. Coinery

    Edward I pennies continue upward!

    How much for its heritage, a coin from the Knaresborough Priory hoard of 1805?