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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Ebay Global shite programme

    This all really stinks! I think eBay have finally got too big for their boots! People will revolt when the options arrive (not that it will come as a single organisation)! As with governments, people rarely forget being screwed up the arse! It's ridiculous to have secondary posting, how can that ever be cheaper in the long run? This is a classic case of soaking up the costs until the competition goes bust! We all know from the piss-taking restructure of the PO to capitalise on the eBay model that parcel postage is the mainstay of the Royal Mail. How they have played into the hands of eBay (watch your PO shares, unless the government steps in) because, if eBay pull this off, the PO are out of here, screwed by emails, and then eBay's world domination postal strategy! Very sad, as the prices will climb!
  2. Coinery

    Interesting Read

    When are you getting your 1933 penny washer, scott? If such a thing exists, I would back Scott as the man to fish it out! However, William Hill would only offer small odds against Scott...So, maybe he should find it, give it to me, we all place a bet on me as an outsider, share the pot, and go buy coins! Edit: very spooky, MR! Double edit: that's a shame, the new posting time is updated with the edit, when we actually posted in the same minute! Pah!
  3. Could be a few minutes before Rob gets back, he's just popped out to buy 2kgs of coffee and order a pizza for midnight!
  4. Coinery

    CGS Grading again

    On a similar note of seriousness, and I'm not being flippant, just select a couple of coins and send them off, it'll be peanuts in the grand scheme of things! The experience will answer most of your questions...it will solve experience, your own perception of quality, AND the CGS criteria! It's a small price to pay! The upside is you can then bark (maybe) on the forum, as slabbing is highly emotive, as you have probably guessed!
  5. Coinery

    Interesting Read

    We love you, Scott, the forum would genuinely be a lesser place without you!You have everything!
  6. Coinery

    Interesting Read

    What, Stolen by Rob? In every sense, YES!
  7. Very well spotted, Sir! That's now the third example I've seen!
  8. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Nice bust, though, a shame about the raggy edge!
  9. Nb: I'd be extremely happy to have a shilling like that to look at on a regular basis!
  10. Hear, Hear, Rob! Also, Paulus, you might want to ask yourself the question "what am I doing with a pile of coins i don't like looking at", when "I could've had half the number of coins I do like looking at"?
  11. Ironically, it does get cheaper for a period, as you go further back in time, say H3-Ed1! So what about the smaller denominations, say pennies or halfgroats? You can get a lot of top-grade pennies/HGs for under a £100! My avatar bust is taken from a Halfgroat, that's pretty enough at under a £100 I reckon!
  12. Wow, you're busy out there??? some of the people you are asking questions of have long since vanished! Just thought I'd mention it in case you get frustrated by any lack of response!
  13. Interesting find with that old pattern! Just got to find that magic tin with some gold in it, now! I'm still looking!
  14. That's better than a £1 scrap, CT...good result!
  15. There really is some awesome photography on this thread! Lovely coins!
  16. Yes, I've had rusty-die W3 coins too!
  17. I was always taken by how sharp the ET in Beth was!
  18. Coinery

    more FAKES

    Not certain, but it looks to have been plugged at 8pm on the reverse, which would favour its authenticity..Not always! http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/7161-interesting-elizabeth-i-fake-shilling/?fromsearch=1
  19. It's crap. There must be crossed wires somewhere as the idea beggars belief.They (the TPGC's) already have a pretty weighty catalogue of misdemeanours to contend with; to add flawed dies to the list is way, way, beyond the final nail in the coffin...totally bonkers, in fact! As far as I can make out, you really do have to go with crossed wires, it doesn't stand up any other way!
  20. Not just me in knots about it, then!
  21. I noticed that also Copper. That is probably the reason for the rejection. Still, a very nice example. Flan corrosion and die corrosion are altogether different beasts entirely, as we all know!Now I'm done, I promise!
  22. You're most welcome, Dan! There's plenty more chopped pork where that came from!
  23. At what point would a cracked die fail the CGS criteria for slabbing? I don't know why I tie myself into a tense knot over these things? OK, I'm better now and moving on!
  24. Wow, I honestly don't understand that at all! I don't see what the state of the die itself has to do with a CGS success or not? Thanks for the update, though, PWA!
  25. Coinery

    1739 Halfpenny. Single exergue line.

    Unlikely to be filled across its entire length, and certainly not the result of a worn die.