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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Elizabeth I Sixpence

    This is always worth a read when you can't get to hard-copy books, though! http://www.britnumsoc.org/publications/Digital%20BNJ/pdfs/1988_BNJ_58_9.pdf
  2. Coinery

    Elizabeth I Sixpence

    Just a bit of one, though the reverse may have been paired up with other obverses? I'm away from my books until tomorrow!
  3. Coinery

    Elizabeth I Sixpence

    Someone definitely mislaid/mistook or broke the V punch! This is one of the earliest of the beaded Lis reverses, it would be interesting to see whether it was a one off die, or whether others were made? That's where a die-study would be an amazing thing to have access to!
  4. Coinery

    Elizabeth I Sixpence

    I'd love to one day extend the work by BCW to include legend errors and, as I've mentioned before, perhaps even a die-study! You just can't have a job at the same time, unfortunately! Wouldn't that be a great way to while away a life?
  5. Coinery

    Charles II Crown

    Never tried the envelope trick before! What are the rough timescales and typical colouration?
  6. Take Dave's 1902 Proof Florin for example! 1911 Ah, yes!
  7. Coinery

    Elizabeth I Sixpence

    Hi Dave, I'd say that was just a striking error, you can see a level of rotation at the 9 O'clock leaf, and the inner beads in the same quarter!
  8. Take Dave's 1902 Proof Florin for example!
  9. Coinery

    Charles I Tower shillings

    Excellent idea Stuart!Keep it on embers, Declan! 'Keep it secret, keep it safe'!And re an old proposal I didn't get to deal with at the time, on account of brain-scramble, I also thought that was a great idea! Sorry I didn't have the courtesy to deal with it before it was lost beneath a million other issues of living! Having met you I somehow knew you might forgive me, and knew you'd definitely understand!
  10. Harrumph. I've been back several hours, you know... A welcome revival Frankenstein! Sorry, Declan, had a surprise visit, and never got a chance to dig the box out! looks like you have your answer now anyway! Well done!
  11. There's certainly a chance, on a cursory glance! Will dig out peck! Edit: by that I mean there's a blob in the right place!
  12. Coinery

    Charles I Tower shillings

    The forum's great, a fine place to sit our coins for comments and learning! I can't think of anyone else in my village who I could meet with and have an intelligent chat about coins, thereby upping my coin game? :roll-eyes There's Declan, of course! It's about time (around 6 months) that we started a coin club in the area? Once a month in a local pub, Declan?
  13. Coinery

    Charles I Tower shillings

    I have better. But that one has the second reverse with the Aberystwyth plumes, so I'd like an upgrade of the first in due course... . Phhhtttt! So fussy...not like the new found Azda at all!
  14. Coinery

    coin dealers

    C'mon, PWA, no-one judges anyone on here for grammar (except in fond banter), it's a general understanding in a modern society that intelligence doesn't ride side by side with exams and a degree! As far as I'm concerned, if a man can make enough money in life that he has the luxury of buying quality coins, he is beyond grammatical reproach as far as I'm concerned! I can't afford the EII set at the moment, PWA!
  15. Coinery

    coin dealers

    Not sure? It might be worth double-checking your posts before posting, maybe??? There are a number which are difficult to follow, and sometimes (unintentionally, I'm sure) misleading, on account of punctuation, maybe???? I could be a million miles away, so apologies...just throwing ideas at it?
  16. Coinery

    Happy Birthday

    Aye, many happy returns! Re Gollum, I got the impression he burnt himself out a bit? I did wonder if something was going tits up when he started posting pictures of his wife? He was certainly afire for a while, that's for certain! I'm struggling to think of his username before he became Gollum? Can't think!
  17. Coinery

    coin dealers

    It was a good thread, PWA...threads like it always tend to winkle out something interesting! Have a good weekend! Happy hunting! Stuart
  18. Coinery

    coin dealers

    I'm still a little confused but, anyway, yes, I had coins rejected from my first ever batch sent to CGS. An old W4 copper with 'active' verd was one of them. It was an experiment but, generally (mostly), I'd say their calls were fair, I have to say in their defence. Anyway, we're all here to collect and learn, as you say...it's a great forum...onward ever onward!
  19. Coinery

    coin dealers

    To be honest, I'm totally baffled?? I cannot for the life of me see how Colin Cooke and return coins from CGS have become intertwined here anyway?
  20. Coinery

    coin dealers

    I think there is some confusion here? What I was meaning was this...you said 3 coins were sent back to a seller, after being rejected by CGS? If they weren't fakes (which you've now said they weren't), I was thinking that they might otherwise be rejected on issues that perhaps should've been spotted by an advanced collector, particularly one who's sending off coins in expectation of achieving a CGS78 or greater?
  21. Coinery

    coin dealers

    You buying fakes, then, PWA? 3 seems like more than bad luck! Who's at fault, buyer or vendor?And I genuinely mean that non-accusationally!
  22. Coinery

    Charles I shilling Mintmark please?

    It's also a sixpence, not a shilling!
  23. Coinery

    Charles I shilling Mintmark please?

    Looks orrible/genuine to me! Difficult to call the deposit, especially in light of the swirled obverse left field...very odd? Glue is generally one-sided, so not sure what to think? I'd buy this one at a price, thinking I had to live with the colour...a bonus it it comes away with acetone!
  24. my GC site has sat unattended for a 12 month, on account of my recent boat project, so has majorly slipped in the Google ranks! However, the unbarred A's coin I have has done eBay AND the site (at high ranking) with no interest? I really think the W3 and W&M coppers have lost their rarity value on account of recent vagueness re attribution and die blocks! I had a die-Blocked silver, last year, that was Die-linked to the Spink's no-stop, and shown to be so, but it still exists in the Spinks catalogue as a variety, despite their email of change?????
  25. What's an unbarred A worth today? Mine's a slightly lesser grade, I'd be interested?