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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    1567 REGNA LION 6d

    It’s a good feeling, I feel the same when someone drops some runner beans or beetroot around
  2. Coinery

    1567 REGNA LION 6d

    Nice Any pictures handy? I’m guessing it must be rev LN-a2 I revisited the BCW reverse die chronology. Mine has Lis 29, which suggests the later die unless, of course, they switched back to Lis 26 after Lis 29 broke, which happened in less than a month, so quite feasible? The 1567 PM Lion rev dies were apparently only in use during May and June that year, so the margins of which came first are extremely fine to say the least. Really interesting couple of paragraphs beneath the Lion die-pairing section in BCW, which discusses it. Also in that section they propose only around 4-10 of the ‘true’ REGNA (rather than rotation anomalies) would remain in existence, so maybe not that common?
  3. Coinery

    1567 REGNA LION 6d

    Thank you, and absolutely right, never look a gift horse in the mouth. I really must get a decent camera again…my phone is amazing with some images, but absolutely shocking for capturing surfaces and colours in coins.
  4. Woah, this all seems a little out of character. Really bothers me when people are being unkind to each other!
  5. Coinery

    Various Hammered for ID/confirmation

    Here are some known counterfeits if that helps? Yours is clearly a different die from the ones shown, if that kick-starts the post for you?
  6. Coinery

    Storage of proof coins

    Just for the record, here…when I stated airtight in my earlier post, I wasn’t actually referring to slabbing. Rather any means to keep them in their current state because, presumably, you wouldn’t want to turn them into something else from bad storage? Not every coin tones attractively, so I guess you run that risk unless you find a way to keep them as is! For me I’d be looking at coin flips or capsules.
  7. Coinery

    Storage of proof coins

    Don’t take my word for it, though, I’ve only ever had a few proofs in my life, ever! Let’s see what everyone else says, they’ll definitely know more than I do The fields are ultra vulnerable to oxidisation but, when you come to think about it, there are a huge number of Maundy coins and proof sets that are really beautiful in their toned states! I still think I’d want to keep them ‘fresh,’ if you have a choice that is?
  8. Coinery

    Storage of proof coins

    I can’t imagine for a second that a cabinet would do? I’d be thinking you’d want these airtight? I would!
  9. I’ve just had my first look over your website…that’s a phenomenal body of work. Comprehensive doesn’t quite capture the immensity of it! Well done that man!
  10. Thank you, appreciate that
  11. Thank you, I really appreciate your insights. With this being a 6+G do you happen to have the Freeman number to hand? I never dreamt I’d be buying such coins ever again, so have long since parted with the book.
  12. Bought one of these today, just so someone might talk to me. A common date, but an OK grade I’d say
  13. https://www.facebook.com/reel/156719923697668?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V
  14. Coinery

    Coins for Art

    Bloody good, though, and still working ‘blind’ on the other details
  15. Coinery

    How long to tone? Tips?

    I’ve always placed my favourite coins into coin flips and stored them in wallets, but this clearly stops any further toning. In the past I’ve tried every little trick in the book, eggs, liver of sulphur, etc., but I’ve found that nothing really works that well. At best a uniform and ‘transparent’ grey! SO how long to tone a cabinet coin, anything that speeds the process along? What’s your experience/examples? I’m guessing a good clean with acetone to remove any grease that may be protecting the surfaces from the atmosphere would help? The below coin is my example of something I know would look so much better with a nice tone! It’s a really large, solid flan, with good surfaces, it should take a tone well…but will I live to see it?
  16. Coinery

    How long to tone? Tips?

    Well, eight weeks so far has given me this! I’m really pleased with them and will carry on a little while, yet! Much better than my phone pictures show…I SO wish I had my old camera set-up!
  17. Everyone should have a nice example of one of these. Such lovely coins!
  18. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Oh, Lord…how baroque
  19. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Thank you still very obvious, though, in the finders images, that the proposed ‘bell’ PM is actually the ‘A’ of SPINA