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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Yes, as Declan has mentioned, this is the way with most identified collectables. To offer another example, a large number of Elizabeth I coins, numbering around 3000, were studied for research purposes and for the compilation of a book (BCW). In the book they provide numbers for each type of coin studied. So, moving on, we've all read on here about the 1599 anchor sixpence being a rare mark and date, yet BCW studied 16 of them in their research collection, which is better represented than say a 1573 Eglantine, or any of the Scallops, plus many, many, more. The key thing is, known rarities tend to get identified by collectors and non collectors alike, and are subsequently kept back over the years, giving the illusion that they are more common than they really are! The mintage for the Anchor with 3 dates (try and find the other two!) is around 200,000, the Eglantine 6.5 million (over 5 dates)! Quite a difference. Good post though John, and welcome aboard!
  2. Coinery

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    The amazing thing about this post is the number of regular posters highlighted who are still here, nearing a decade on! Says sumfing!
  3. Coinery

    What Am I Collecting?

  4. Coinery

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    All you old, old, buggers! Good job there's been a few spring chickens happening along the way!
  5. Coinery

    Very Special 10Yr Anniversary

    Top Rockin', TG! Good work!
  6. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It's copied and pasted from this. Good spot, what a cheeky bugger!
  7. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Interesting low-feedback seller...especially given most of his date-facts are correct for the threefarthing! The overdate is however commonly found with the Pheon!I queried it and got "I don't really have any knowledge of coins I was just asked to put it on my account"hmm. That Ref Code looks familiar, thinking about it, maybe the whole description is a copy and paste? Would make sense!
  8. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Interesting low-feedback seller...especially given most of his date-facts are correct for the threefarthing! The overdate is however commonly found with the Pheon!
  9. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not really a worst offering, but gone beyond my buy/resell parameters at £74! Shame about the reverse damage, but we have all seen much, MUCH, worse, go for a lot more! 321349257487 Has been in the £20 region until today...was hoping it would go unspotted!
  10. Coinery

    E 1 Martlet Shilling.

    I'll give you £250!
  11. Coinery

    Introduction And Confession

    Hi Simon, and welcome aboard! It is indeed a great forum, I have myself acquired a fine education amongst the pages on here! I spent near on a year browsing this site before I even managed to keep up with the daily posts...it's pretty big! What numismatically 'floats your boat'?
  12. Coinery

    E 1 Martlet Shilling.

    Hi JPK, you have asked the million dollar question here, and there's no simple way to answer it, as the coin in question exhibits just about every vagarity that makes it nigh impossible to pin down! I'm firmly sitting on the fence re the grading of hammered coins, as I genuinely don't believe such a science exists for the type, despite the media of the TPGC's and others! Or at least if it does, it cannot be linked to value, on account of the other far more important aspect of eye-appeal, and currently unquantified rarity of variety (this shilling is the most common of them all, incidentally)! It may be loosely described as an NVF coin, but has other aspects of negatives and positives that alter its value! To play safe and stay with the TPG terminology, it has NVF details! As I said, it's just about the hardest of questions to answer, without a dissertation response, or an ability to define instinct! Are you thinking of buying it? Edit: it's probably VFish truth be told, but not VFish money, given it's the commonest of all the Liz shillings! Double edit: £350-£400
  13. Hah, yes, this is what happens when you hang the stern on top of the lock gates and let all the water out! Basic stuff, even one-time holiday makers understand, and are educated in, this one basic principle! It looks like a hire boat?????
  14. Coinery

    Rolled Up Hammered

    Surely it have to be a charlie shilling very good! I knew TG was up to something we weren't all privy to!
  15. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    Yes, much better than my images! I've sent Chris my own screen-shots/photos of the pages, which I'm accessing only via an iPhone...it's an odd one, though doesn't really interfere with my using the book! I'm in trouble with this decimal coinage thing...I've around 10 pieces already!
  16. Coinery

    Rolled Up Hammered

    I could just about relive my youth, thinking on how much cooler it would've been snorting through a rolled-up E1 shilling!
  17. Coinery

    Rolled Up Hammered

    Personally, I don't believe they were contemporarily rolled to hide, it would be as easy to discretely hide a flat coin which, in all honesty, would be much easier to spend when needed! In my opinion, there are not enough, obviously heated and rolled, examples to suggest it was a quirk of the period! I've haven't seen a single other example!
  18. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    Ok, got screenshots, will email them over!
  19. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    I can count the pixels across a 2p as 21pixels if that helps? Will google screenshot and find a way!
  20. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    Not sure I can perform a screen shot on the iPhone? The images are very grainy, with the sort of edges you'd expect from low res...if I double-tap the image, it enlarges (also in low res)!Could be my phone, Chris, or my wireless download maybe? I'll see if there's a way to capture the resolution view?
  21. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    OK I'm all kindled up, and works well! Not sure about the images, though, they only show as very low res, pixelated pics on my iPhone?? Great info., however, really like it! Call the e-pub a donation to the pre-dec fund, Chris! All the best!
  22. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    I also have this on my ipad and works a treat. Better with the kindle app StewieThink you could all be right!
  23. Coinery

    Two Old Coins (Possibly Fakes?))

    They're cast pewter copies! No doubt about it!
  24. Coinery

    Collectors Coins, Decimal Issues - Ebook

    Does kindle read e-pub? I don't want to now buy the kindle version as well? I've downloaded a couple of free e-pub readers, but none appear to be able to file search my phone for the download?