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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Scarborough Coin 1645

    You might want to take a look at the ashmore castle and S punches here!http://www.tokensociety.org.uk/topics/counterfeits.shtml
  2. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Half a sixpence, is better than 'arf a penny... 161173535356 It needs a bit of a clean, apparently, and don't bother making a BIN offer, thank-you! You may consider offering a BIN however!
  3. Coinery

    Scarborough Coin 1645

    Hi Angela, does your grandad have any provenance or records to go with this coin? Also, some better pictures would be good! Does it have any ghosting of the design on the reverse?
  4. Coinery

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    When you say correspondence, do you mean with Peter Davies himself?
  5. Coinery

    Toned Coins

    Nice coin, that, BW! Not surprised to hear it's a favourite!
  6. Great coin...fantastic edge (so hard on these 2d's)...nearly cried when I saw that obverse barnacle though!
  7. Great coin...fantastic edge (so hard on these 2d's)...nearly cried when I saw that obverse barnacle though!
  8. In view of all this PC techy jargon, I've finally decided I'm sticking with paper too!
  9. Here's 10ft of it, I've been sign-writing it this week...just the shadow to go on the top line! Grrr! File size and mobile phones!
  10. Here's 10ft of it, I've been sign-writing it this week...just the shadow to go on the top line!
  11. No, Stuart G, as per the form please! it's the mother-in-law's address!
  12. Just ordered, thanks Chris! What was the address form about, I've never had that before when paying with Paypal?
  13. Wow, that's a lot of years a secret! I'm really surprised to find out how many members have actually taken this whole thing on!Good luck with that particular piece of research, I hope it all comes up roses!
  14. Definitely keen. I've got some Talisker and some Arran single malt, too. Peter will bring the cigars, I'm sure. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"
  15. If people don't share their family data, does that stop the 'web' of information from growing? Does it work like that? 1560 AC, THAT WOULD be a very exciting date for me to hit! That's pretty damn good! I know you said you wouldn't share it, but do you typically find a horror story or two when you go back that far?
  16. Hope you didn't catch the other chaps travel plans before the deletion, I'm kinda fancying that one for myself? However, if you did, make sure you bring the mince pies with you, I'll bring the Talisker! Might even get Clive, Richard, and Rob to join us now the whiskey's out!
  17. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Mint Victoria Penny! The description's great! 321271594330
  18. Geordie, Thanks for the lead, that is a great site! Are we thinking MyHeritage is better than My Ancestry? Trouble is, I don't know what I want from a site?
  19. Many thanks for the tips, it's something I'd like to get involved with when time allows!
  20. Coinery


    I can't seem to avoid denomination sets myself! I like the idea of collecting say all the 1901 coins (gold inc.) and then maybe look at something else...at least it can feel as though the collection is complete, in as much as I would not be looking for any further 1901 coins! Of course Liz, and anything Liz, I'm not fussy, though I very nearly got caught up in a date run with the 3d's once, when I realised I had a few of the harder ones! I am secretly itching to go for a big full-variety date set of Lizzie's, but money holds me back presently...but soon! Having said all that, I'll probably always be too skint to make a big run because I want some Liz gold and a nice Crown or two...oh, and a couple of Halfcrowns too!
  21. Coinery


    That's great value!Edit: provided it's not guilding above the lis? I reckon he'd achieve that and more, even on eBay at a .99p start! 231082908262
  22. Coinery


    Staggering C1 that!Is the Liz coin a former guilded coin I wonder? When looking at the bottom right quarter of the shield?
  23. Coinery


    How does the price compare to the £290 delivered coin that went on eBay the other week?http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/8375-common-e1-6d-but-top-grade/#entry94906 When you look at the roses, you can see the extent of the varieties, not to mention the reverse differences, yet both 1561! Dave'll be digging his new book out and studying all this very soon!
  24. I hope you'll be wearing that to work?
  25. Sorry, Gary, didn't mean to sound a spoilsport!I'm off to the mother-in-laws WITH everything I own, as that's not very much!